hey Indy
In my new found indifference, huge changes happened to me. A few members mentioned that baclofen solves the problems of cravings but all the reasons to why you drank, you're going to reflect on those and confront them. I am doing that now and i find that i can face them without running to the bottle to squash the negativity. as for routines and habits. Old habits will change and grow into new ones. Some may die away and new ones will emerge. Once the baclofen is working, it won't seem so scary sounding though.
It's seems scary because when we quit drinking the past times, you just had to white knuckle the cravings and everything seemed boring, dull. All i watned to do was relax with that 1/2 a bottle of scotch and enter oblivion, I would only remember the good times, the euphoric bliss and spark in my life it gave me after a hard days work. it was so much more tantelising when i couldn't have it, that first drink after abstinence rewarded my cravings, for a while and then you would be right back where you started a few weeks of drinking, same amounts, same negativity, wishing you could quit and planning on doing it some day, thinking the next time will be easier, but it never is.
Baclofen basically just removed that for me. I really just dont care anymore about 1/2 bottle of scotch. I'm starting to find new ways to entertain myself, relearning old things that kept me engaged. Before drinking i had a thirst for knowledge, i would spend hours reading wikipedia on topics of interest. drinking sadly killed all of that. some of the stupid stuff i enjoyed while drunk like looking at low brow pictures of basic humor went away and im glad. I'm starting to pick up new hobbies and rediscover old ones.
that said, because of baclofen none of this is miserable, dull and hard. it's just what it is, its like i get a second chance to relearn everything, make amends on my past mistakes and relearn a new life. It's challenging at times, but you get better at it everyday. In fact i havent felt so positive and engaged in my life in a long time. i'm starting to feel like what normal people probably feel like i think
and it will happen to you to