a thought about the funeral drinking, a half truth I have used in difficult situations such as this is that im not drinking as im feeling a bit emotional about it all and don't want to drink and get upset. for me it is a sort of truth as people who know me know I often end up a snot slinging (love it), upset tearful drunk. so as its a funeral that would be a good get out of drinking (why the hell do we have to make excuses for refusing to drink the poison).
funnily enough skull I did as you suggested once and got away with it. as it was sparkling af juice I was drinking it pretty quickly, people presumed I was necking the wine and it was commented how 'tipsy' I was...... oh really, that was a real eye opener, heres me thinking I cant socialise sober.
although Im not joining in on the sober January im popping in and keeping an eye on you lot over on the thread and cheering you all the way
