yes ukb... i was getting a flash back to your time on bac.there was a lot of crap being thrown about. at.least you found your way out
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anyone on nal/tsm
anyone on nal/tsm
bkyogagurl;1593603 wrote: I've heard the side effects are brutal and consider what it is truly meant to treat I can see where it could get hairy, I will have to research that.In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased
anyone on nal/tsm
hmph.. so much for feeling safe from drink Saturday. had a lovely day out today and come home with big drinking thoughts so have done the right thing and taken pill STRAIGHT AWAY and holed up in bed watching.telly. if i am.still gagging in 9O min i will drink but i hope with a bit of teeth grinding it will pass. have found an old tape of chill out with positive words which i will.listen to as well. also i will write a list.of what i want to do tomorrow knowing that if i.drink i will be too messy head to do anythingToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
anyone on nal/tsm
Duck- to follow up on one of your earlier comments about feeling kind of crappy on Nal- keep in mind that this kinda vaguely crappy feeling-- for me it was nausea, moodiness, unease-- is usually a SE that goes away after the first few weeks of doing a Nal protocol consistently. Soon you will feel no difference on Nal.
That should make it easier in theory to stick to taking the pills every time you drink... but of course, you do have to address the mental component of "aww screw it I'll give myself the night off Nal just to enjoy the buzz more". That's the one that undoes so much progress...
anyone on nal/tsm
thanks skulbaby. looking at things sensibly its better to feel a bit crappy tonight for a little while rather binge drink and feel more crappy tomorrow.. not to mention the long term stuff. just ordered more nal as what i thought was a full packet wasn't. think Im riding out the urge tonightToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
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and yes i really need to address the 'screw it and get the buzz' mentality. to be honest don't really.get a buzz anymore just a horrid gnawing craving for more more more...usually with lots of tears. yeah that really sounds like a great fun timeToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
anyone on nal/tsm
Spud~ I can really identify with you. I used to get drunk and cry and carry on.... because I didnt want to face the issues at hand that where bothering me. I understand about the counseling too... My husband said that he thought I got worse when I started going to counseling. It is stirring up all the emotions you are drinking away. Could you share a few or maybe even one thought that you feel is making you want to drink? I used to think... I just want to drink. period. but when I started really asking myself what was bothering me I actually came up with some valid feelings that needed to be addressed. I am slightly worried that Mr. Spud may be part of some of your issues?? I never wanted to admit that my husband was causing me some of my emotional despair.
UKB~ thanks for the info on dosage. I am not obese but I am not willing to take any chances so I plan to stick with 100mg or maybe 150 mg just until I gain more control. I too get that funny taste in my mouth and its hard for me to eat even the day after which isn't good. I think food is very important in recovery. I am not a binge eater but I have almost the opposite.. not anorexia just no appetite. I would have to be careful if I quit drinking altogether because I easily transfer from one addiction to the other. Believe it or not I used to be addicted to running. When my husband started in about how much I ran and how skinny I was it pissed me off so I started drinking. He is really sorry now for being controlling.
Skull~ I did a little reading on your journal page but how are you anyway?? Where are you with your drinking. I know I should go read your page and I probably will but I thought it might be nice to give us an update here.
Spud~ eat a meal too before you drink if you do. I find that if I take a nal and have a decent meal- those are my days I drink the least. Do not drink on an empty stomach. Just my humble opinion of course.
anyone on nal/tsm
i don't know where to start. i gave into the drinking urge. but i am still here and 'with myself' been out to a couple of pubs with Mr spud.. and yes i drank... 3 pints of cider. but i left some and i am he. aware of myself. i have a bottle of wine here and i don't think i will drink it. this is unheardr of behavior for me. i normally drink till pass out. tonight i am sitting here posting..and not climbing the walls for a drink. it really works and i feel so positive about this right now. bkyoga.. yes Mr spud is a bit of an issue. he admits he is an alcoholic but different type to me. he can just drink steadly without the crazy stuff that i feel. and can happily stop without the crazy urge and craving. tonight he has been my barometer if you know what i mean and is totally in agreement that i am very different to how i would normally be in these circumstances. i feel i can go to bed without drinking the world dry .and feel i can take some steps towards being who i want to be... or maybe to who i am .. Wehey to alteringToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
anyone on nal/tsm
Congrats Spud on your night out and remaining in control , great news , did you enjoy the 3 pints of cider you did have ? just wondering are you looking at af long term or just moderate drinking , wishing you the best which ever option you take . J.
anyone on nal/tsm
thanks jokerman . all i can say it is unheard of me to be in planet earth 5 or more hours from drinking. did i enjoy the cider. not sure. i had enough of the drinky feeling to chat without having the drinky.feeling to kill for my next drink. i still have A bottle of wine here and sipping a glass.TOTALLY UNHEARD OF as some long term folk here will know of me. all i can small step successToday is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
anyone on nal/tsm
bkyogagurl;1594079 wrote:
Skull~ I did a little reading on your journal page but how are you anyway?? Where are you with your drinking. I know I should go read your page and I probably will but I thought it might be nice to give us an update here.
anyone on nal/tsm
Awesome SpudSounds like Nal/TSM is going to work well for you! Remember that spikes and valleys in your drinking are normal, so don't get freaked out if your drinking goes back up for a bit here and there, and stay with the protocol- TSM can take months before it's finally effective for long-term. UKBlonde has lots of good info on her thread and also there's a great group for Nal/TSMers at • Index page with lots more members and info.
Keep at it and best of luck!!!
anyone on nal/tsm
quick check in.may not be here much as have a storm disaster. tree blown down on house and pull down phone lines so only got limited internet on phone.
update on drinking.night. it went fairly well. i did end up drinking the wine.. but slowly . and to be honest i think i.could have actually stopped (don't ask why i didn't).
but then DISASTER. at about 4.30 am i started throwing up.. and continued till about 2pm. really bad. was shaking.rapid breathing. couldn't even keep water down. it got so bad that.Mr spud was gonna take me to hospital. although.i have horrid hangover Im very rairly sick and never like that. i.had a similar.event the 1st.or 2nd time i took nal. so i hope it will pass. i suppose the fact that i drank through the.point where i could have stopped could be the.prob. it has made me nervous of taking nal as it was very scary. any suggestions.
oh and skulbaby feel free your stuff here.. i don't think of it as hijacking just sharing.Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
Keep passing the open windows
anyone on nal/tsm
Spud- you ok now? Ya know I went thru a spell where I was puking. That is when I decided something had to seriously change. I had a specific night where I got completely trashed & pulled everywhere & my husband had to help and I was crying & howling. It scared my kids. I was so hungover the next day & my 15 year old kept checking on me every hour. Bad deal. The look on his face was enough for me to realize I needed to start working on something even if I couldn't stop drinking at least I can slow down.
I have been doing really good in my opinion. I put together a drinking calendar to track just my drinking days & how much I am drinking. I have been getting drunk about 6 days a month. Have had some controlled drinking days which is inspiring to me.
My goal is to have less drinking drunk days maybe I could shoot for 4 drunk days this month with controlled drinking for the rest. We have Christmas parties coming up so I will need to pay attention.
But the biggest thing happening for me this month is my 45th birthday.
I get kinda melancholy at the holidays because I don't really have extended family to spend time with & my inlaws drive me crazy, a story for another day. I am trying to plan something to get out of the house so I don't get depressed & drink at home- my favorite thing to do,
Spud personal question- you are my age... Did you start having an GI problems with hormonal changes?
Skull- I haven't had a chance to read to much of you journal yet but I'm thinking of you & wishing you well. Please feel free to post here. The more the merrier right?
anyone on nal/tsm
Nausea is a common side effect of nal, but it generally goes away with consistent use.
Or perhaps it's something else, I don't know.I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.
Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years
AF date 22/07/13