wehey, as expected I didn't drink yesterday and thankfully the nal didn't make me feel quite as poo as it has in the past.. just a bit sicky but that's ok as it stopped me from stuffing my face with crap. I finally managed to make sense out of my room and got rid of all the evidence that had been piling up. the state of my room is usually a sign of the state of my head so all the crap is now in the bin. im feeling safe from booze today but as I well know all it takes is a little trigger and im off. if I get the first little feeling that I will drink I will take nal STRAIGHT AWAY, no dithering just take the bloody pill.
bkyoga hope your xmas preps are all in order, im still trying to motivate myself to get my flipping baubles on the tree, but first I have to get the tree. I have a little one outside that I bring in every year and im sure it would love a break from the crappy windy weather we have here at the moment. and if I don't have a tree where will santa but all my presents.