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negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

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    negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

    Is excessive negative thinking a by product of tritating up?

    I said in another thread, I'm increasing baclofen to try and become indifferent to opiates. It's now day 121 and im on 320mg of baclofen. The past 4 months have been a bit of a roller coaster for me depression/anxiety wise.

    It's quiet at work until the new year so I'm trying to be aggressive in my increases 25mg every 6 days or so to reach the 350mg mark a week before NYE and reevaluate. This will allow the SE to go away before work gets busy again.

    I find that it takes about 5 days for the SE to go away. Normally they are just day time sleepiness but I also wake up early when going up in dose, 4am and I have some serious negative thinking going on. it causes me to use opiates to squash the thoughts. I've started to write them down and i look at them later and I realise how ridiculous they are in hindsight. the point of me going up in bac is to stop using opiates though. yet going up is causing me to use opiates. AGH!

    It's making quitting the codeine really hard because I have these aweful negative thoughts that cycle in my mind. I try to think of something else but the main subject comes back and I find myself thinking about it constantly. The only thing that makes it go away is a bit of codiene which gives me a small amount of respite.

    I have an appointment with an opiate detox center on monday and see what they have to say. I don't know how they will take my baclofen experiment though, they are an addiction centre so perhaps they will have heard of it. I hope so since every doctor just throws an SSRI at me and tells me to go get therapy which never ever works because of the cravings.

    ok im rambling here, i came here with a simple question but i ended up with this. Sorry for the wall of text. Just looking to see if negative thinking is a by product of the baclofen. It seems to be excessive when going up in dose.
    01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

    Baclofen prescribing guide

    Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links

    negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

    Oh Neophyte, that must be miserable! I can recall those days of awful negative thoughts the moment I opened my eyes back when I drank daily. I can't imagine having it now with all the progress you made.

    Perhaps if it happens to be on one certain subject...that subject needs to be talked about? Perhaps it's your mind processing things while you're not numbed out. Dealing with dual addictions, we replace one addiction for the other. An addiction is an addiction. I numbed my thoughts out with more alcohol in the early morning, just as you seem to be doing with the codeine.

    We're here for ya.

    I did not notice those thoughts when titrating up. we started bac around the same time, if I recall correctly. I actually started waking up with extra pep in my step.
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      negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

      This is not good neo. Not good at all! :no:

      Everybody knows you need to think happy thoughts in order to fly. :wings:

      Somebody who isn't an asshole say something now. lease:

      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
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        negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

        Neo -negative thoughts and the cycle use to be my life. The only way I had to slow the thought cycle down was with alcohol. Even after 5 months alcohol free, the negative thoughts kept coming -just not as bad as before quitting alcohol and starting baclofen. My onslaught of negative thoughts would start the very minute I woke (or even before). I do think alcohol played a huge role in changing the way I perceived my reality -always making things seem so bad, when in fact, they were not big issues at all. So, a few months ago, I decided to take 40mg BAC about two hours before my normal wake up hour. And, This WORKED. The negative thought cycle has stopped. I still occasionally wake up with a negative thought but it does not consume my mind the way it would have before. As is the rule, BAC works differently for all of us.


          negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

          thanks everyone

          when i woke up this morning i had some coffee which was a huge mistake and it made the negative thoughts worse, they just kept cycling adn cycling, so i guess it was more of an anxiety thing really. I have gone through a difficult period in my life and sometimes i reflect on it in a negative way. I sent Mandie pm with what happened and as i wrote it down, it all didnt really seem like such a big deal. I just need more time to get over it i suppose. Alcohol made it all worse which is why i am here, if i hadn't had that experience I'd still be drinking 1/2 a bottle of scotch every night. So silver linings.

          I think i might just hold off on my back increases and go back to 295. I wasn't drinking then but infact this past week i had a bad week and decided ot buy some vodka. which didn't agree iwth me and the baclofen. so im sure that contributed to my current state of mind. i write down how i feel often throughout the day. Generally i write when i feel like crap and the notes are absent when im feeling good. It turns out i dont really write many notes when ive got decent sober time under my belt. I dont even know why i drank this last week, i didnt even crave, i just had a bad week and i wanted to fix it the old way and that doesnt work anymore.

          well here is my tritation schedule, i think it might have been a bit fast, today was the third day at 320 and i was so anxious after i wrote that post, i had to lie down, i was dizzy and i started twitching a bit, i felt really weak, i was worried i was going to have a seizure or something. i took 5mg of valium to calm down which took the edge off. i managed to have two naps throughout the day and i feel much better now.

          date day mg
          14/11/2013 105 270
          15/11/2013 106 270
          16/11/2013 107 270
          17/11/2013 108 270
          18/11/2013 109 270
          19/11/2013 110 270
          20/11/2013 111 270
          21/11/2013 112 270
          22/11/2013 113 295
          23/11/2013 114 295
          24/11/2013 115 295
          25/11/2013 116 295
          26/11/2013 117 295
          27/11/2013 118 295
          28/11/2013 119 320
          29/11/2013 120 320
          30/11/2013 120 320

          but yes, i dont think i can blame baclofen for my negative thinking, its just life circumstances. they were made worse by drinking and it brought me to this point in quitting so i should be happy about it in one way. i would be still drinking if it had not been for them.
          01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

          Baclofen prescribing guide

          Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


            negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

            Hey Neo. I have no advice other than to ask- would you ever consider doing the AB protocol that I use in conjunction with bac? For me it's a life saver. Sober time, IMO, is the best anti-anxiety possible, and AB could help keep you on track. Just a thought. What do you think? I know it wouldn't help much with the opiates but it'd help push alcohol out of the picture for a while and you could focus more on the opiates. Just possibilities...

            Also, remember that fast titration in either direction is often a problem with negative thoughts/emotions. Be careful in changing doses.


              negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

              not a bad idea skull

              just wondering what dose you are on? antabuse is cheap and it would only take me a small dose to have any more slip ups again. Do you get any side effects?
              01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

              Baclofen prescribing guide

              Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

                Neo -sorry that you are having such a difficult go. I am just curios. Do the negative thoughts let up after about an hour after waking and taking your Meds? As you indicated, after writing about your negative thoughts, they seem so much trivial than before writing. For me, my thought cycle would always find something negative to ruminate about even if all was perfect. Thanks for your post.


                  negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

                  spiritwolf333;1592697 wrote: Neo -sorry that you are having such a difficult go. I am just curios. Do the negative thoughts let up after about an hour after waking and taking your Meds? As you indicated, after writing about your negative thoughts, they seem so much trivial than before writing. For me, my thought cycle would always find something negative to ruminate about even if all was perfect. Thanks for your post.
                  hey Spirit, thats pretty much exactly what happens many days of the week. maybe i should do what you do and when i wake up at 4am have some bac next to me, take it and go back to sleep.

                  anything else you can suggest?
                  01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                  Baclofen prescribing guide

                  Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                    negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

                    i did screw up last night, i think some decent sobriety time is in order i dont even enjoy it. i had people over and was originally going to just have some wine. everyone was drinking heavily and i wanted to be part of the fun. i wasnt in a great mood so again i resorted to alcohol and it didnt give me a buzz except it hit me so hard since i have lost my tolerance.

                    alcohol is easy to avoid when i go out to other peoples houses since i can just leave if i get bored, so i dont think ill entertain for a while.

                    anyways, i think i just need to stay at the same dose of bac for a while and get some AF time. maybe i was a bit premature in saying i had hit a switch. i dont really crave alcohol or think about it but its like severing that old crutch still needs some work. going up in bac can make me feel pretty miserable as well which can lead me to seek that crutch.

                    i went back down to 270mg yesterday and im feeling more myself today despite the hang over
                    01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                    Baclofen prescribing guide

                    Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                      negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

                      My thoughts were all over the place on bac, and while drinking of course. And my anxiety was quite high too, from I'm sure a combination of things. I would use alcohol to deal with physical symptoms of anxiety much the same way you're describing using opiates for your negative thoughts.

                      Where I'm going to jump in with something to contribute is to just remind us all that bac is really, really, really safe, for the most part It f**ked with my thoughts and mood and anxiety but certainly didn't break anything. Maybe tinker around a bit and find a dose that's more comfortable? Sounds like you're doing that already, and 270 is treating you better, which is great. You can always go back up if you feel you need to, and increasing often isn't as rough the second time after a little break. You might find 320 a lot easier after some time at 270, or whatever you end up doing.


                        negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

                        Thanks LA

                        i kind of got adjusted to 295, so ill just stay there. I think i just pushed it too hard too fast. i wanted to get as high as possible before the end of the year and then settle down at whatever dose i ended up at, preferably around the 350 mark.

                        I've thought about it some more though, I'm not drinking when im at a stable dose. Increasing the dose causes some nasty anxiety and general crappyness that makes me reach for the opiates. So perhaps i just need some more sober time at a stable dose and let it all work. Then do a taper off codiene. if i cant reduce it to 0mg then maybe i better look at going on suboxone or something, though i would really not want to have to go to that.

                        thanks everyone
                        01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                        Baclofen prescribing guide

                        Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                          negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

                          You were on 330mg and then went back down to 270mg in one day? And now your on 295mg stabalising? Neo I may be a beginner at this, but even I know you can't jump dose to dose like that.
                          Why are you doing that?

                          I know, I read your thing about work being slow and what not, but girl take it easy!
                          Just saying.


                            negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

                            hey Indy,

                            on that really bad day i took 270 but i had been stable on 295 so i decided to stick it out on that, ive been on 295 since and ive been much better. i made the mistake of drinking on the weekend which of course did not sit well.

                            ill stay on 295 for the rest of the year and reevaluate, well it will probably end up being 300 since i mix up my own liquid bac, its easier to dose out 300mg per day.

                            i think i just need to stop playing around with things, just be happy with the fact that im mostly AF, i dont crave booze anymore. i can taper off the opiates. ive tapered off before many times. and i think this time it will be much easier since i dont crave drugs like i normally do. i think baclofen is to thank for that.

                            looks like my nye is going to be a boring one with my two cats, no drugs and alcohol, first time ive had a nye where that happened

                            oh and i am a he not a she
                            01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                            Baclofen prescribing guide

                            Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                              negative thoughts when waking when tritating up?

                              Oops apologies for the 'girl' calling man.
                              Nah seriously, see there you go me going into assumption mode....still.

