I started Bac in May and again had great success. Me being me thought I knew better than most and titrated up to fast (even thought I had my drink under control at around 100mg) But I kept pushing for that illusive switch. This was a big mistake. I pushed to 250mg. The past summer had been hell on earth with me being a paranoid mess and depressed as one could be. Even when I got back down to 80mg I was a mes and couldn't leave the house.I soon titrated back down with the help of Diazepam and and doing ok now.
I can tolerate meds like no ones business and this really had me perplexed.
I've been thinking about TSM again but the last month or two I've been having some health problems. I think its something to do with my bowels (IBS) I've been getting really bad diarrhea and terrible stomach cramps leading up to this along with other problems. I'm only 37 and in reasonably health. I think my drinking days are numbered.
I just don't know if I could keep facing the booze (even though I probably will motor through it) I have really come to hate beer with a passion. I honestly don't enjoy it anymore. I'm not a sociably drinker. I'd sit in front of the internet and and proceed to get drunk then swing round and drop into bed. Then the next day its rinse and repeat as the anxiety is unbearably. If I've Diazepam that gives me a few days break.
If I do start on the Bac again its baby steps all the way I'm talking 10mg every week whither I fell like more or not. I've went the hero dose method and it wasn't for me.
Sorry for the rant. Hope your all well
