I'm Cytoskeletor and I have been using baclofen off and on for about a year. I, like many others, have found myself baclofenless due to the unfortunate events surrounding Dr L.
Please let me know if this inquiry is against forum rules. I would like to know how to make my own baclofen liquid from powder. I understand that it is dangerous to handle the stuff, but I do have a bit of background in lab work. By that I mean I can follow a protocol and do the math to mix the correct amounts. I am also well aware of lab safety standards. It would also be helpful to have a trusted source for powdered baclofen. If anyone can help me with this I would appreciate it.
I am not opposed to purchasing pre made liquid. I have looked at goldpharma, but the starting price for liquid is too steep for me right now. I'm also a little confused as to the amounts it comes in. It says one ampule. I take that to mean one dose.
I suppose the alternative is to buy the 100 25 mg tablets for around $50. This is likely the way I will go until I figure out the liquid baclofen thing.
Let me know if you have any thoughts.
Thank you very much,