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    RIP LoOp

    We should talk. Call me any time.

    -Evan 209 256 5952

    PS 120 mgs is nothing for some of us.

    Originally Posted by 935matthew
    Thank you, this is his wife. We both use this site under same name.

    He is actually out of it on benzos or Xanax or something now. Also on 120 mg of baclofen. Thanks for the link. He used extreme doses of crack so maybe it means he'll need a lot of baclofen. I'm sad cuz I thought it would work.

    Should he keep taking the baclofen and going up in dose? I know you are not the psychiatrist, but maybe you know something more than I do.

    Thanks, praying and hoping this baclofen will stop all this...

    Hello everyone. I signed in after a month and found this correspondence from Evan. Wish I had spoken to him before he passed. He even sent his contact and was willing to spend time helping all of us suffering. How true what everyone said! My husband is back, after prayer, and back on baclofen going up in dose and waiting for his and my deliverance from this to come. I am so glad Evan lived the end of his life with purpose and free from the bondage of addiction. That is all worth it. I hope he is at rest and at peace. I only am sad he did not get to fight this fight against addiction longer. I'll be thinking of his family.


      RIP LoOp

      I have been traveling in Brazil for the last couple of weeks on vacation and have not been on the forum. However I did get an email regarding Evan's sudden passing.

      Renee – Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I am another person that Evan has helped break the shackles of alcoholism. He was truly one of the most caring and courageous men that I have had the pleasure to talk with.


        RIP LoOp


        I feel strange posting at the moment considering what's currently going on in other threads. Maybe I should go there instead. But, I decided I was going to post on this last night, and so I will still do so. I'd like to say I would for sure go to Burning Man. But that wouldn't be true. Outside of the fact that I'm not sure if I could leave my three kids for five days, I also don't tolerate heat and especially sun well, and I get over sensory overload. I can do concerts. I can do crowds and large events-for a couple of hours, maybe a day or two. If there's one thing I've discovered about myself it's that I can get over stimulated somewhat easily. I'm not sure if it's normal but it is me. Can people come and go to this event? Could you stay at a hotel with AC and a shower (and some quiet time if needed), to return in the am or whenever? I think that's what I would need to be able to do this. I will likely buy a ticket if info gets posted, and see what happens in the universe. Just wondering about the coming and going bit.
        This Princess Saved Herself


          RIP LoOp

          Wow. Just read this today. That guy, Evan, was quite a guy, obviously. I only knew him through the boards and was a customer, but it was obvious he was something special. Intensely intelligent and passionate. A man with a mission. I only live a couple of hours away from where he was going to be moving to and we had talked about meeting up. I was really looking forward to it. Yeah... this is weird for a lot of us, I'm sure. I send a big open-hearted hug to all his family, friends and supporters. He was the real deal. I kind of believe that we are here to learn to be kind to and care for one another and Evan seemed to live that as authentically as anyone can. What a great spirit!

          THANKS EVAN!!!!


            RIP LoOp

            Did the blood work come back?


              RIP LoOp

              No, it has not. It could take a month or two for final results...his family may not want to share the information though, too, keep in mind.
              ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

              To contact me, please msg me here:
              Baclofen for Alcoholism


                I'm sorry if bringing this thread back up causes anyone any sadness but I've not been on MWO for a very long time and only just heard about Evan.

                I don't think it's an overstatement to say he had an enormously positive impact on the recovery of so many of us early baclofen adopters. He was a genuinely beautiful person and someone I was proud to call a friend.

                I'll be seeing you Mate.


                  I haven't been on here for years and couldn't believe my eyes, but thank you for the bump Bacagain.

                  Thanks so much Evan, see you on the other side my brother <3
                  I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                    How very, very bizarre and kind of Lo0p-like, eight days a week. I can only accept that you know as it was intended. But I also want to tell you how much he cared for you. I'm sure you understand that. He verbalized to me that he considers you a great friend who enriched his life.
                    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                      Originally posted by RedThread12 View Post
                      How very, very bizarre and kind of Lo0p-like, eight days a week. I can only accept that you know as it was intended. But I also want to tell you how much he cared for you. I'm sure you understand that. He verbalized to me that he considers you a great friend who enriched his life.
                      I would say 'wow' but nothing surprises me about that indomitable spirit <3

                      We didn't talk much, just as much as needed (and his approach to Bac was a bit different to my own - or perhaps to anyone's!) but we met early days on the TSM forum and I was there the night and the day after he tried to throw himself in front of the car.

                      Few words were spoken but there was mutual understanding and love there, he was, is and always will be my brother (even if we'd argue LOL - but ain't that what true brothers are for? )

                      I'll be seeing him at the Burning Man equivalent on the other side (ffs, the guy's already getting the party started in proper stylee!!!), I know that with absolute certainty.

                      One love Lo0p, always, and so lovely to hear from you Red, it was amazing to read your messages on Lo0p's threads that I've been back over the last few days, I've been meaning to write actually.

                      There just aren't words <3
                      I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies

