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    RIP LoOp

    Isolde!! Isolde!! And everyone else!!!!! Renee said to me "I don't even know what he would have wanted me to do, now." An entire scenario jumped into my mind's eye, immediately. I bit my tongue for a short time, then said, "If someone closer to him doesn't have a better idea, I think he would want to be cremated. He would want to go with his family to your new land and home; and he would want to go to Burning Man. And if that is a possibility, I will make sure it happens." She laughed through her tears and said, "You're right!"

    SO - as far as I know, there remains a very good possibility that there will be a Burning Man Memorial for R. Evan Picard, the singular and most distinctive Lo0p THERE this summer. Mark your calendars - and if anyone wants to herd some cats that direction, now is not too soon to add your energy to organizing an escapade.

    I have an Airstream Trailer of sizeable dimensions that can be a base for many.
    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


      RIP LoOp

      RedThread12;1603658 wrote: Isolde!! Isolde!! And everyone else!!!!! Renee said to me "I don't even know what he would have wanted me to do, now." An entire scenario jumped into my mind's eye, immediately. I bit my tongue for a short time, then said, "If someone closer to him doesn't have a better idea, I think he would want to be cremated. He would want to go with his family to your new land and home; and he would want to go to Burning Man. And if that is a possibility, I will make sure it happens." She laughed through her tears and said, "You're right!"

      SO - as far as I know, there remains a very good possibility that there will be a Burning Man Memorial for R. Evan Picard, the singular and most distinctive Lo0p THERE this summer. Mark your calendars - and if anyone wants to herd some cats that direction, now is not too soon to add your energy to organizing an escapade.

      I have an Airstream Trailer of sizeable dimensions that can be a base for many.
      I LOVE this!! :h
      After reliving the memories of my Burning Man experience with Evan, I was thinking to myself, "At some point, I want to go again". So count me IN! I can't think of a better reason to go again than to honor Evan. And I would love to see his family again, his mom is amazing and was so warm and welcoming to me every time that I was there.
      And it would be so awesome to get some of the MWO people together whose lives he impacted so much.

      If this is really going to happen, I have to stress that tickets go FAST! I don't know what system they're using now, but it was a lottery the last time I bought a ticket (in 2012, though I ended up selling it). I believe they start selling them in January. I'll start gathering some info. It's better to buy a ticket early, even if you're not sure you can go, as you can always sell them.

      Beth, a trailer is definitely the way to go!

      You're going to have to explain the cat herding comment to me..

      - the other Beth
      Better Living Through Chemistry

      Switched at 180mgs of Baclofen on 1/31/11, and again on 10/8/11 at 200mgs.

      Could've been a swan on a glassy lake, could've been a gull in a clipper's wake. Could've been a ladybug on a windchime, but she was born a dragonfly.


        RIP LoOp

        Isolde, am so glad to see you here again. The pics of you and Evan at Burning Man were stunning. The two of you, fighting and beating the same disease old out of shape men like me were fighting was very cool. I loved following y'all's visit there. Hope to meet you and many other MWOers there next year. I will try to find info on tickets, but please keep us posted about any info you find.
        "If I don't go crazy, honey, I'm going to lose my mind." Son House


          RIP LoOp

          Another good person has left us.

          Rest in peace, Lo0p.
          Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


            RIP LoOp

            I am shocked and sorry to hear about Loop, my thoughts go to his family for who I am so very sorry this has happened to .


              RIP LoOp

              Lo0p;1601541 wrote: i am sorry for confusing everyone. this is lo0ps mom. i am using his computer not realizing anyone would know i was lerking as lo0p would call it. its comforting to see all the wonderful comments thank you all for being a support system for him. i am sorry to tell you it is true . I can tell you it was not due to alcohol. H e did still like to dabble in things a bit and would take benzos to help him sleep. It will be a few months for the lab work to come back but are saying more than likly it's an overdose. my suggestion to you is to please continue his mission in helping people find the help they need. if you are a high dose bac user please becareful using other substances. i am sure it was not on purpose he was still young and invincible.

              missing my beautiful boy

              Hi Renee,
              Its James. Seems like yesterda the four of us were eating chinese. Cristy was absolutely shocked as I was to hear this news. She really wanted to call you but we didnt know how.
              Mixing high dose baclofen with high dose benzos is well, this is just tragic and all we could think of was how you were taking the news Renee.
              Im in London as you probably know or else Id be on I-5 right now to help.
              Evan took the torch from me with the liquid baclofen and I was very very proud of what he accomplished in that time. He always said he was living our dream.
              Thats whats so hard to bear. Is that its over. I hope you might be able to find someone to use the lab and equipment supplies to keep his dream alive in memorial to him.
              Even a special Label. LoOp's Liquid Bac
              Ahh, message me if you need any help or questions and you know you have my sincerest condolensces. Look at how many people loved Evan


                RIP LoOp

                I haven't been online over the holidays and just thought I'd check in. Oh no! I am sick. I took a plane to Vegas a few days ago and had a moment where I envisioned my liquid bac exploding and I would call Loop and see if we could meet somewhere so I wouldn't go into withdrawl. It didn't explode, so I didn't call. And didn't go online.

                I am stunned and sad. Loop got me bac almost a year ago -- rushed to me like others have mentioned. He kept up with me and hooked me up with others on the board. He was a lovely, lovely human.

                My heart goes out to his family and his close friends here.


                  RIP LoOp

                  'Splain me this, Beths - or anyone else: What's the deal with Beths and Evan? I have met a few in my life, but never had another Beth in my life in any significant way. *This is a rhetorical question. No Beth needs to identify herself, or her role in Evan's life. But I can't help but notice. And think, "Hmmmmm . . . that's interesting." Which is the comment that Isaac Asimov thinks is much more likely to precede any significant discovery than "Eureka!"

                  Part of my community tribe goes to Burning Man every year. In fact, the Airstream is available because it was contributed for a traveling art/education program that teaches kids and adults to use plasma torches to make household items and ART!!! Evan's mother and the woman who heads this project are the only 2 women I know that regularly cut metal with fire. The same agency that serves as fiscal sponsor for this project is the fiscal sponsor for R. Evan Picard's Phoenix Research tax-exempt organization.

                  The director of the art project called because someone wanted to donate this Airstream as a tax-deductible contribution, and it generated this idea and the work that has followed. But I couldn't resist telling her that I knew why she really wanted it - Burning Man!! I've been invited, encouraged, begged to go for a long time. My response has usually been, "I LIVE Burning Man all the time;" or "I can get hot, sweaty, dusty and stoned right here." But yes, I will do Burning Man with Evan. (And I have a long-standing crush on Alex Grey. I will find him there.)

                  When you know dates and have information about tickets, please post. In fact, it might be nice to put up a thread devoted to that information, so it doesn't get AS lost.

                  Herding cats? It means, well . . . herding cats. Cats don't herd very well. So "organizing" drunks is surely akin to herding cats. They like to do things their own way, yes? Somewhat like someone we know and love. Renee mentioned that Evan's options for a ticket to come here were the 19th or the 31st. He departed on the 19th. I said, "He could be stubborn like that, sometimes." She replied, "Saying Evan is stubborn is like saying "soft porn." Aaahhh . . .what a woman. Aside from the fact that she is Lo0p's mother. :h

                  I know of one song that has been written for Evan. Soon, I think, we'll start seeing a lot of creativity and juice on the forum he could not not do. Even after the doctors, the nurses, his mother and I all told him to rest. I should have saved my breath to coax my frying pan to wash and dry itself and jump back onto its hook above the stove. :H:He could be stubborn, like that. :H

                  I mention that, because Burning Man is a place that everyone can not only bring their fulll-on creativity, it will be amplified. Or inspired. Or somehow exponentially increased. I'm thinking he might like to have some of himself, or at least something of his, burn with the Burning Man. And if anyone has any idea about how to get in touch with the teams that parachute in, let me know. Or see if you can talk to them about releasing the ashes of a burner, through and through, as they float down.:wings:

                  Beth, Beth and some others who were quite close to Evan in the time we had no idea was the end of him as he had been, have talked about, will very soon put up a thread on baclofen for alcoholism "Lo0p's Net." People from such entirely different realms find themselves in this amazing array of connections due to his utter, single-focused commitment to do everything he could to help dying drunks. It will be a place to post - and hold - the impossible except they happened events that set our net alight. I think that my story - the "what happened" that changed out relationship from mutual respect from a great distance on a worldwide forum to where it is today, will be matched by a lot more magic in a lot of lives.

                  I so totally "get" the Xmas lights story. Wait until you read about some of the stuff that has been happening to get his customers cared for - and how synchronicity is beyond pulverized. So great to see you again!!!
                  "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                    RIP LoOp

                    Evan was ever helpful and insightful, always on the net at the ready with an encouraging word - always - so always that I thought he might actually be in the net. Uploaded his being so to speak, and I would not be surprised if he were the first figure out how to go post-human like that.

                    He was all human and heart though too, so passionate about Amiesen's work, baclofen, and saving those still out there wandering.

                    This is news to me. I haven't been visiting the forums since Thanksgiving, just the baclofenforalcoholism one occasionally. Shocking and saddening.

                    My heart goes out to Renee and family. I know from telephone conversations that he did hold all of his family so dear and stayed close. The move away was a big deal. A devastating loss for the family. A devastating loss for the community.

                    Please reach out for support all if you are used to leaning on him gather together and don't isolate. I'm a little concerned about that as he was such and important cog, not just as support, but as a life line for many.

                    May he rest in peace and enjoy Burning Man one last time with all who attend. Much warmth and love to those who survive him and to all of those whose lives he has touched. We are all connected through this bold soul.


                      RIP LoOp

                      Not been on MWO for a while, was absolutely stunned to see a thread entitled 'RIP Loop'

                      A devastating loss to his family and this community. So sad.
                      Honour Thyself


                        RIP LoOp

                        Oh man. My first thought when I read the Burning Man idea was, I have to go. No question. I have to be there. Never mind that I also knew immediately that the idea terrified me. I don't have a problem with dust or heat or crowds. Shit. I spent the last 15 years of my life before bac covered in filth and hanging out with weirdos, probably most of them not as benevolent as the "burners".
                        But I do suffer from a bizarre paranoia that I could not begin to explain here except to tell you to read "The Image: Knowledge and Life in Society" by Kenneth Boulding and also "Behavior in Public Places" by Irving Goffman. Crowds do not scare me. A large number of people unified to experience one thing as a whole weirds me out. Malls, subways, I'm fine. A concert or, god help me, a play...I'm freaked.
                        Yeah, so, Burning Man? Not my thing. But I thought Evan would appreciate that aspect, me pushing myself to do something that scared me. And of course I want to be there to say goodbye to him. What a brilliant idea, Beth!
                        But now I don't know if I can afford it. Despite my age, I'm still not an adult in many respects, my financial situation being one of the most notable.
                        Tbat said, I would like to be kept abreast of ticket availability and stuff. I do intend on trying my damndest to get out there. Maybe a separate thread is a good idea.

                        Much love and big hugs to all.
                        "Yet someday this will have an end
                        All choices made or choice resigned,
                        And in your face the literal eye
                        Trace little of your history,
                        Nor ever piece the tale entire
                        Of villages that had to burn
                        And playgrounds of the will destroyed
                        Before you could be safe from time
                        And gather in your brow and air
                        The stillness of antiquity."

                        From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


                          RIP LoOp

                          Evan and Beths

                          :lRed, I laughed out loud when I read your " Cats don't herd very well. So "organizing" drunks is surely akin to herding cats. " So appropos. And Windy, your feelings about crowds in subways being fine but concerts are horrifying, I relate to! I need a place to hide and BM seems like the anti-cave dweller concert, to me. I love the idea of Evan inspiring all of us drunk cats to finally meet up, it's something I'd like to be brave and strong enough to do. But I'll honor from afar. The lack of privacy, the dust, the concert that never ends, and the beating down sun and heat - this skin cancer queen will need to live it through you all. And funny, I never knew 'tickets' were needed for BM. Shows how much I know.

                          Just checked my stock of liquid baclofen. I have some from Bill's last batch, it has strange floaters like giant snowflakes, and they have lots of sides. Bill, Evan said this was a 'trial batch' with a new shorter process, that he decided not to use. The next batches that came were direct from Evan, which I was leary of, since he's not a scientist. But they were good, great, just like your original stuff Bill, no side effects and maybe even better. No sides. I'm super sensitive to sides. All the liquid bac I have left is that strange snowflake batch, which I've been avoiding. It's better than the pills though. I hope someone picks up the lab, maybe all the Beths will converge and make it our career someday together. Get out of the corporate world in FLA and CA and move to the cold part of the country and get all chemistry on our asses. String some Christmas lights for Evan to use to say 'howdy' with when he visits.

                          Ah Renee, I'm so sorry for your loss. I love how you talk about Evan, you're such a loving and accepting mom. Your kids have been blessed to have you as their own mom.


                            RIP LoOp

                            tiptronic_ct;1601482 wrote: RIP Evan.

                            Group *mwo* Candles - Light A Candle

                            Heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.
                            Thank you, Tip. I did light a candle. It was a very serene virtual experience. The wall memorial is quite peaceful. Thanks for creating it.


                              RIP LoOp

                              Dearest Windy City Lady: Evan resisted like mad any suggestion that he exhibited OCD. Even after we got to the point when I said, "Listen, I'm not telling you not to worry about that, but you really need to put up a white board, and we can decide when it's time to worry about that. Because now is way too early."

                              I came up with OAF - Obsessively Anxious Futurizer.

                              So tape some paper on a wall, or find a whiteboard. As we KNOW, everything will be different sooner than we think. So it is definitely not time to worry, yet. First, let's find out how/ if we can get tickets. If the universe wants it to happen, we will know. Keep the vision. Lots of time left to worry!!! :
                              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                                RIP LoOp

                                I've added a candle today.
                                I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                                Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                                AF date 22/07/13

