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Here I go

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    Here I go

    Hi all!!
    I've started liquid bac today. Probably one of the last rounds that lo0p sent out. I'm hopeful it can help with my anxiety and getting my drinking in check.
    A little about me....I've been a social drinker since high school however from 2003 on I've been drinking way more than I can control. I've quit 3 times (twice when I was pregnant with each of my children and once when my blood work came back and showed my liver counts were elevated).
    I'm very very hopeful that the bac can help me. I'm also reading Dr. A's book-which is great and so informative. Some of his feelings/cravings/anxiety sound just like myself. I think this forum will help me greatly as you all are so supportive and non judgmental.:thanks:

    Here I go

    You go girl! I'm happy you got your bac. Best, best wishes for your journey.


      Here I go

      Thanks Kronkcarr!! I'll keep you posted.


        Here I go

        Hi All!
        I'm on day 2. Although it's early I have to report that my normal desire for cigs when I'm drinking has decreased. It could be the day...who knows? Just wanted to check in. I'm also a daily pot smoker and that urge has REALLY decreased. Both make me hopefull. I can increase my dose on Thurs, so I'll check in soon. Merry Christmas! I'm really glad I found this group.


          Here I go

          :welcome: roud:roud:roud:roud:



            Here I go

            I actually just put my glass down and didn't refill it!!??? I'm headed to bed now....on my own decision...not from passing out.


              Here I go

              Hahaha!! That's pretty cool, isn't it?!


                Here I go

                Hey friend,
                How's your progress going? Keep us updated!
                Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness.
                George Santayana


                  Here I go

                  hi friend! great to hear you've started and how spirited and exited you sound.

                  i was a pot smoker to, and although the pot went a little later than the alcohol (guess it was too much for me to let go all at once), after getting at ease with non alcoholic life, i found i could well do without pot and got indifferent to that to.

                  - i have to say for me alcohol addiction was a totally different and way more severe, deeply rooted issue than the lust i felt for pot. i didn't need medicine to kick the pot habit, though it's a nice side effect to be indifferent to that to -

                  keep going!!


                    Here I go

                    May I ask what you plan on doing when your supply runs out? I will receive my first, and sadly, last package from Lo0p tomorrow.


                      Here I go

                      Hi Yourfriend, thanks for stopping by my journal today. Sounds like you are having some early good feelings on bac. Boy I really can't wait to get started. Why the heck I waited for holiday time to put in my order I'll never know. But Monday it is. I'll know the first week how it's going to feel and I'll put in another order right away. I'm getting paranoid with all the talk of "running out." Better safe eh?
                      My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                        Here I go

                        Hi All!
                        Pete-Thanks for checking in. It means something that people actually care how the journey is going.
                        Joanna-thanks for your comments, also. I def agree that my REAL issue is alcohol. It's what is running my life. The pot is way less of an issue-probably not much of an issue at all.
                        Cytoskeletor-I just received some pill I ordered before I got in contact with Lo0p. Once I'm on my last bottle from him I'm going to mix them to ease into the pills. I just read a link on how to do that.
                        Hi J's mom! I just got an additional order of pills yesterday, so I have a good supply, but plan to order more as I'm paranoid about running out, also!

                        As far as my journey-not much to report, really. My drinking is still the same at about 5-7 glasses of wine or night or a bottle and a half, almost. Which makes me cringe to type. I'm on day 2 of 20 mg. I'm anxious to increase, but I've read over and over to just take it slow. I didn't get like this in two weeks, right? Anyhow--thanks so much to all of you!


                          Here I go

                          Hi, Friend! Congrats on starting your bac journey

                          Yes, definitely do take it slow and realize that the journey will likely be long. In my experience, it's best to take a "long-view" approach and try not to get discouraged if it takes a while. The slower titration also seems to help with the almost-inevitable SE's while increasing. EDIT- I do know that there are others who find their switch/indifference at a more rapid titration- which is great!- I'm just posting what I feel is best for me, and maybe for some others?

                          As for running out of pills, TerryK has done a great job posting about how to calculate how much bac to have on hand- there's a recent thread on that that's definitely worth reading- I'm ordering my own backup supply soon so that I don't run out.

                          Best of luck and keep posting, and welcome


                            Here I go

                            Hi Friend- thanks for your support. I wanted to see how you were doing.Seems we drinking fairly the same amounts I will be interested to see how you feel about Bac. I think you know I'm using Nal. Sometimes it's hard to be patience..
                            Being pregnant was a savior for me but I think it prolonged my addiction because I would obviously stop drinking during my whole pregnancies so it took a while for my addiction to really appear. I almost wish I could get pregnant again because it's such a distraction. Well wait a minute maybe I'm kidding here.

                            Any way hang tough and remember to never ever stop trying. I had a person here once tell me that if you keep trying one of these trys is going to work.
                            Thank you again for your kindness,


                              Here I go

                              Morning, Yourfriend. Just stopping by to say Happy New Year and hope things go well for you over the next few days. This is surely a tough time of year, not only in the drinking department, but the eating too!

                              I read that you are impatient're at 20mg, how many times a day? Did you find the SEs really jumped when you up-dosed? JMum
                              My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!

