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Here I go

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    Here I go

    [QUOTE=Yourfriend6116;1630187]I think it's here...I think I made it! QUOTE]

    Belated Congratulations!



      Here I go

      Yay for you! It's so nice to hear.


        Here I go

        As ALL of us know, "switching" is not as easy as we make it out to be. Yes, the indifference happens. But it is always a one step forward, two steps back approach. I switched at 80mg, but I have had a glass or two of wine in between then and now. It never tastes good, and the anxiety the day after makes me think twice about doing it again. The freedom is what is so exhilarating! We never had a choice before, but now we do if we can chose to enjoy a glass of really expensive wine! Unfortunately for me, Baclofen makes wine taste like epsom salts.

        Hugs Friend!! Enjoy the indifference.



          Here I go

          I'm SOOOO happy for you, Friend! Fantastic news indeed


            Here I go

            Me too Friend! So happy for you. I reached indifference very early - really at 30mg day but went up to 80mg day where I'll stay for awhile.

            I'm drinking on and off - mostly because I don't have the courage to do what needs to be done in my life.

            But YOU!!!! This makes all of us so glad:goodjob: Baclofen really is God sent!!

            Please keep posting so we can enjoy your success with you :h
            My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


              Here I go

              Thanks for all your positive words, friends! Just wanted to update everyone. I'm still AF and I moved up to 200. I'm not sure why, except fear. Fear of not being at a real switch and relapsing. I don't post a ton on my thread cause I've found I get the biggest benefit from MWO from the archives and past stories. That's what scares me. I don't see many people who have went up on Bac, switched, and then went 100% off bac. Is this possible? I've found a few but they are old posts (from 2010 or so). Do people just move on with their lives (I'm hoping this is the case) and not have time to continue with all this? It makes perfect sense, I just wish I could get in touch with them to confirm this.

              BTW--otter and TerryK both of your posts make me feel very optimistic as both of you have stuck around and always have very helpful, informative information. However; you are both men, and I've run across a handful of posts that question women's success with bac-especially pre-menopausal women. Please tell me I needn't worry and just take the success I've seen and not question how/if. Also, feel free to send me in the direction of any threads I might have missed that can shed some light on this.

              Anyhow, these are my thoughts. Regardless, every night I go to sleep sober is confirmation that baclofen is working for me. Thanks to all for reading/sharing. :thanks:Have a great weekend!


                Here I go


                RedThread12 has been on bac 4 years successfully. She just doesn't post much here. Ne just passed her 3rd year mark. Reach out to them through PM if you want details from them.


                  Here I go

                  HI YF -I have been at 180mg for a while now. I went up to 250 at one time -just to see. Indifference is only that; I had to learn the hard way that the work with the new reality is just beginning. Thanks for the update. Glad you are doing so well.


                    Here I go

                    Spirit-thanks so much. You are correct-this is just the beginning. Indifference is pretty hard to grasp since I've been at the mercy of alcohol for so long. I guess I feel a bit lost. Kronk-thanks for the tips.


                      Here I go

                      Hi Everyone!
                      I just wanted to check into my thread to let people know how well Baclofen has been working for me. I went up to 200, but the sleepiness was so bad so I'm now back at 180 (my switch dose-I think). Baclofen has met my expectations, 100% so far. I was drinking close to 2 bottles of wine every night and could never keep my promises each morning to stop. Well in 80-some days, I've only drank a handful of times and only drank enough to be drunk twice. Each time I got drunk, I felt horrible. I read so many stories about the same thing happening with others. You are done with the craving, it just takes a bit longer to kick the habit of drinking. So far my cravings are zero and I don't drink/plan to drink/or constantly worry about drinking. When I read others' stories like this I couldn't believe it. I couldn't imagine just NOT drinking....and here I am...not drinking!! :danthin::danthin:
                      One caveat, my anxiety that comes from normal day to day stress is still there. I just don't drink it away. I'm learning to deal with everyday life situations that I've never had to deal with without alcohol. I also want to mention what I wrote on another thread. I don't think I'm necessarily indifferent to alcohol. I still want to "escape" when the going gets tough. My way of escaping was getting drunk, in the past. Now I just recognize my feelings of sadness/anxiety/anger etc and feel them and work through them instead of getting drunk-like I used to do. Now I also realize that getting drunk made everything worse--not better. DUH!:hitme:
                      Since I started going back down from 200 I've had really bad night sweats the past couple of nights. Anyone have this? I'm very familiar with the night sweats that come when you abruptly stop drinking, but that's obviously not what's going on here since I'm not drinking.
                      A few other things to note--I love L-Theanine and L-glutamine. They have helped with anxiety and cravings, respectively. I also continue to exercise about 4-5 times a week. It's been very, very, very helpful in so many ways with carving out this new existence without alcohol.
                      Thanks to everyone who has supported me this far and thanks to all those who have shared your story-I've probably read it.


                        Here I go

                        Hi YourFriend, I noticed that your thread, like many around here lately, has been quiet so thought I'd say hi and check in on how your week's been going. You've found such great success and are well on your way! Managing life stress, exercise, etc- all crucial things to real recovery so YAYY for you! Very happy for you!
                        As for the night sweats you mentioned, are these still going on? I get them from time to time but it's just a nuisance that I accept... I got them pre-bac however, I think they're just a stress response from my brain working through stress at night.
                        Anyway, random thoughts. Hope you're well, YF!!


                          Here I go

                          @skull--thanks so much for stopping by and caring. It means more than you know. I've been following your exceptional strides, as well! Good job w the exercising and cigs!
                          The night sweats have stopped. I think it could've been from my dosage decrease down from 200. But like you hinted to-night sweats are a walk in the park compared to peeing the bed-or unexplained bruises/cuts-or hating myself and feeling like shit everyday until 5pm when I "could" drink again. The worst was my 3yo daughter noticing my wine every evening.
                          It's always nice to hear from you. Continue the good fight. You are doing great.


                            Here I go

                            Man, you're so right- SE's with bac are still so much easier than all the shit that comes with drinking alcoholically... it's such a hellish cycle. I relate to all those you mentioned and worse. So glad that shit is behind me... as long as I keep vigilant. I still wonder sometimes when I'm going to "test the waters" with drinking (after 180 days? 200? I don't know. Maybe never). And if so, will it be a full-blown alcoholic relapse? These thoughts can be maddening but whatever, I know I'm sober for the time being and that's good enough.

                            Happy that you're doing well, you keep up the good fight too! And thanks for reading my various ramblings


                              Here I go

                              Hi all-
                              Just wanted to update my progress thread, as I've been out of the MWO loop for a minute. I'm still on the Bac down to 150 from 200. I'm totally in control of my drinking. I've drank a handful of times since switching but have never been drunk and my cravings didn't return. There are many a weekend where I think drinking would be nice but then I get too busy doing stuff that I just forget to drink or the initial thought of drinking just doesn't seem appealing. My baclofen experience has been pretty smooth-I think the fact that I went AF during my titration was/is key (although going AF wasn't easy after so many years of drinking). I started baclofen on Dec. 21, 2013 and quit drinking on Jan 1.

                              The biggest update I have is that I've also quit smoking pot! This is huge for me cause I've been a daily pot smoker for years. I noticed that I was getting super paranoid when I smoked-almost like my brain was re-set and I was like a normie smoking pot for the first time. It was too annoying to deal with-so when I ran out on 4/20 I didn't re-up my supply. I know it's only the end of the 2nd day, but I'm pretty confident that I won't be going back. Now that I've switched with both pot and alcohol (thanks for your help/support Chelsea) I need to decide how and when I want to start decreasing my bac dosing. For some reason, I'm really hung up on getting to 80mg or lower. When I started the bac I was able to quit drinking at only 30mg so I think I can get to a lower dose. Suggestions/tips would be greatly appreciated!

                              Anyhoo, that's all I have for now. Baclofen has helped me to create a new life and I'm finally feeling confident and in control of my life instead of being controlled my drinking and all that comes with it. I'm enjoying life with my kids and husband without worrying constantly about drinking or not drinking. Despite all this great news, I'm still working with anxiety-I'm hoping quitting the pot and continuing with my therapist will help with that. I'm so pleased with how Baclofen has worked for me. I hope my story can help someone because there are so many stories on here that helped me. :thanks::h


                                Here I go

                                I don't think giving up pot is uncommon. I know of one other person who did the same thing after her switch. She couldn't figure out why she felt so crappy, and turns out the weed was it. Gave it up no problem.

                                I wanted so badly to get high and replace alcohol with pot, got a medical card and everything. But it gives me terrible anxiety attacks, so I don't bother with it.

