I came across My Way Out in December. My aim was to be able to drink when I wanted but not crave alcohol on the days when I chose to not drink.
I had a gastric bypass two years ago. Due to this, I don't drink (or need to drink) a lot before becoming drunk. A four pack of lager or equivalent is about my limit. However, despite a limited amount of units, I would still have horrible hangovers etc.
I tried L-Glutmaine and in the first week , I went from Monday to Friday with virtually no cravings (something that had haunted me for a long time).
I carried on drinking at weekends and taking the L-Glutamine but found that the cravings came back.
I made up my mind to quit for good and did so on Christmas Day. I'm now at that stage where I am trying to convince myself that I can drink at weekends (or should I say the devil on one shoulder is- the angel on the other side is saying - no - you've been there so many times, you're over a week clear now - keep going).
Maybe it's due to my bypass, but the L Glutmamine seems to affect me quite quickly - difficult to describe - I feel a bit head achey, a little wired, sometime a bit slurry and struggle to find everyday words?.
I've tried cutting my dosage right down to limit the impact as it's not a good feeling. I think I'm going to try having a much lower dosage more regularly?.
Does anyone have any similar experiences of L Glutmamine?
Sorry if this is a rambling post