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    I thought I should share my very limited experience of using L Glutamine.
    I came across My Way Out in December. My aim was to be able to drink when I wanted but not crave alcohol on the days when I chose to not drink.
    I had a gastric bypass two years ago. Due to this, I don't drink (or need to drink) a lot before becoming drunk. A four pack of lager or equivalent is about my limit. However, despite a limited amount of units, I would still have horrible hangovers etc.
    I tried L-Glutmaine and in the first week , I went from Monday to Friday with virtually no cravings (something that had haunted me for a long time).
    I carried on drinking at weekends and taking the L-Glutamine but found that the cravings came back.
    I made up my mind to quit for good and did so on Christmas Day. I'm now at that stage where I am trying to convince myself that I can drink at weekends (or should I say the devil on one shoulder is- the angel on the other side is saying - no - you've been there so many times, you're over a week clear now - keep going).

    Maybe it's due to my bypass, but the L Glutmamine seems to affect me quite quickly - difficult to describe - I feel a bit head achey, a little wired, sometime a bit slurry and struggle to find everyday words?.
    I've tried cutting my dosage right down to limit the impact as it's not a good feeling. I think I'm going to try having a much lower dosage more regularly?.
    Does anyone have any similar experiences of L Glutmamine?

    Sorry if this is a rambling post :new:
    I gave myself a wonderful present on Christmas Day 2013 - a future free from the guilt and pain that alcohol causes....


    Hi and welcome!! Don't worry about rambling - that's what we do!! About the L-Glut, I have tried to use it as an anti-craving med but it was not strong enough - and it made me feel sick. And I drank even though I did not feel all that well.

    Others will chime in. JMum
    My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!



      Hi Chop welcome to mwo,i tried l-glutamine too and i had a horrible experience,dizzy,sweaty kinda buzzy feeling,i dunno why?but soooo many people here swear by it,maybe cut the dose and see everyone is different to how they react to stuff,could be the brand too
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!



        Thanks for replies...
        The first time I tried L glut, I thought it was the the answer I had been looking for...unfortunately. it didn't last long.
        I'm now trying a different method, I've mixed a scoop with about half a litre of water and am sipping it to take a slow steady dose. I'll see how that goes.
        I gave myself a wonderful present on Christmas Day 2013 - a future free from the guilt and pain that alcohol causes....



          I too am a gastric bypass patient and have a horrible time with alcohol ever since the surgery
          Had I known then what I know now....
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem



            Hi Mama
            How long since your bypass? Did you have issues with drink previously ( I did but not as serious). I stopped smoking 13 yrs ago and replaced cigs with alcohol I think....
            I gave myself a wonderful present on Christmas Day 2013 - a future free from the guilt and pain that alcohol causes....

