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    I have been reading this forum for years, looking for that magic drug/pill cure to alcoholism, I've tried Nal and did the whole MWO supplement program. Nothing worked. I had a weird year last year, I started Chantix earlier in the year while starting dating. I was not only able to moderate my smoking so it appeared I was a casual smoker but also a social drinker. That's right I could easily have one glass of wine and stop.

    But I was never consistent with the Chantix, I would take it for two weeks, quit for a week but it somehow stayed in my system for the next week so I could still be moderate, then it would be all out I would have an all out drinking day or two then go back on the Chantix, never doing the full course. I enjoyed being moderate but every once in awhile I would still get a fix of that.

    I started drinking when I quit smoking years ago. I found myself thinking about food constantly after I quit smoking and was so fixated on finding a replacement obsession. One night during the work week a friend came over with a bottle of wine and we drank it. Hmmmm. Interesting I thought and after that I just replaced the smoking with drinking. Until I met a guy.........that smoked...... and yup picked that back up again.

    Chantix/Champix side effects suck, they do. First of all smoking tastes gross! There is almost this dead feeling in your head, like a big black spot of emptiness in the middle of your brain. I never had the sleeping problems like others, as a matter of fact I would usually be asleep so early because I wasn't drinking or smoking and I really believe that my body needs more sleep due to the years of neglect and abuse. The nausea is awful, have to take on full stomach for sure.

    I felt ill on the full dosage so I mostly just took the starter dose of .5mg. But I was a moderate drinker and a moderate smoker, never quite quitting either. This last November my boyfriend and I decided to go away to Mexico and I was so worried about how I would look in my bathing suite I quit the Chantix so I could really buckle up on the food curbing smoking and lose those last few pounds.

    I smoked like crazy and drank shitloads. I said stupid stuff when I was drunk, I reacted differently than he was used to. He didn't know I was on Chantix before, all he saw was that I was getting up first thing in morning and sucking back three smokes just to get going, that I was drinking way more booze and that I would get out of control hammered. I said the stupidest things, mean things etc.

    So even though the Chantix sucks in so many ways, I have to say that I had one of my better years last year. I felt so good those nights where I would pour a glass of wine, take a sip and then realize later that I had not even drank anymore.

    Is taking .5mg a day and being a moderate smoker/drinker the answer? I don't know. I have to quit the smoking so I am back on the Chantix as of yesterday. It worked already, I drank way less last night. Just half a bottle, but no hangover on half a bottle. When you first start it only is in your system for a short time, ie by morning it has worn off and your smokes taste good again, but after you take your dose they taste gross again.

    By the end of this week of taking it I will not want to smoke anymore. That is when the battle will start with my brain. What to do with my hands? Where do I drink my morning coffee? Not on the deck with a smoke! It's all the little routines that make it hard. And I have watched people quit smoking and gain weight. I will just have to start running a couple times of week because I know exercise truly is the way to keep off the pounds if you like eating like I do.

    But the perk of not being an all out complete raging alcoholic as a side effect? Hmmm.

    I have read so much from people on here battling the side effects of Baclofen and how hard it was. Probably very similar to the side effects of Chantix. I've started again and I am going to stay on until I quit smoking. I'm going to battle the full dose and battle the side effects. I'll get a serious break from the chronic drinking so I can't imagine this pill could be any worse to my body than what I am already doing. That's my story just throwing this out there. I'll post an update of how it goes.


    thanks for your in depth story, hope it all goes well and look forward to your update
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows



      Thanks for posting, Alex-- good to hear about Chantix and how it affects you. Sounds like you've had a tough time but I find that for me, pain is a great motivator and I'm glad to hear you're starting your way to healthy living again Best of luck, keep posting!

