All conditions set for a drink to calm my nerves, yet I didn't do it. I thought about the beer, maybe just have one or two but I just couldn't be bothered.
Another test was on NYE itself, i had 3 beers, opened a fourth and I couldn't be bothered to take a sip from it. It tasted rancid and i wasn't enjoying the feeling of alcohol as it began to take hold.
I think having the experience of drinking and not liking it helped me get to the point on Friday of not wanting a drink at all.
It's taken 295mg of baclofen and 155 days, but I think I'm finally there, the long tritation is over. If a year ago you would have told me I could keep 12 beers in the fridge on a Friday when I'm alone at home and bored, I would have thought it impossible.
I have Dr A to thank, this forum and of course Baclofen.