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Baclofen and post exersize high

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    Baclofen and post exersize high

    I notice when i work out now I don't get the same post exersize high after a big workout. It seems that this slowly went away more and more the higher i went up in baclofen, now on 295 mg, i find it has reduced my motivation to workout since there isnt that nice endorphin hit at the end.

    Has anyone experienced the same thing?
    01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

    Baclofen prescribing guide

    Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links

    Baclofen and post exersize high

    Yes. I have and I switched lower at 80 mgs. I don't get the endorphin rush either. I trail walked 6 or more miles last Saturday and nothing. I'm not depressed or down and I find that baclofen levels out my emotions too.


      Baclofen and post exersize high


      Hi Neo -this particular area of baclofen has hit me hard. I had mentioned before on a thread and Evan had quickly replied that the exercise should in no way interfere with the post-high I had experienced pre-baclofen. He went on to further state that the rush he was getting was much greater than before baclofen. I attempted exercise several more times after our conversation and it just was not there for me.

      I am (was) an avid racquetball player. Not a great player, just really enjoy the game. I don't get bored and I use to feel like better than ever after playing. (Always had to drink game time to calm the nerves -what a joke-but true). But one thing always happened, I felt re-energized and good after playing. Not anymore other than feeling like I got up off my arse and did something.

      I think I have read where there may possible muscle mass loss as the result of taking baclofen. Not sure if this has anything to do with it or not.

      Exercise is extremely critical to my sense of well being and I guess I am just going to have to get over the loss of endorphin rush after exercising. I have gained 15lbs since starting baclofen and am starting to get pissed off at myself. And it is NOT baclofen's fault; it is mine for using baclofen as an excuse not to exercise.

      Thanks for the thread.


        Baclofen and post exersize high

        This endorphin rush is what leads us down the dirty path to any addiction. When I was in my 20's I was addicted to running. I'd run 5 miles almost every day and more on weekends. I loved the buzz. Then my body wore out and I turned to alcohol.

        Fast forward to 10 years ago when I became "addicted" to Bikram yoga. I tried to do it every day. The endorphin buzz was awesome. Then the buzz wore off. I drank more to satisfy my loss.

        I'm back to yoga, but am happy with the thought of good health, and hopefully won't miss the endorphins. I do miss them.:upset:

        Evan was lifting huge amounts of weight, and coupling it with the nutritional program of Arnold the man. No wonder he sat after workouts waiting for the rush to subside. Evan, I will miss your muscle pics::l

        Maybe don't focus on the mental aspect of exercise? It's still there, but quieter.



          Baclofen and post exersize high

          Samandkatharine;1609179 wrote: This endorphin rush is what leads us down the dirty path to any addiction.

          Maybe don't focus on the mental aspect of exercise? It's still there, but quieter.

          I have also lost the high from exercise. I noticed it more at first but after more than a year down the Baclofen path I am ok with it.

          I still feel much better when I exercise. I have more energy in the day and sleep better at night. When I am doing good and eating right (including lots of protein) I have good muscle tone.

          For me, there is definitely a smoothing of emotions with Bac. In my case, I was very concerned about depression when I was 4-5 months in. I ended up on an AD and have been astonished at how well the combination of the AD and Bac works for me. I feel really good and I can deal much better with stress... so long as I don't drink


            Baclofen and post exersize high

            MaryGoRound;1609218 wrote: I have also lost the high from exercise. I noticed it more at first but after more than a year down the Baclofen path I am ok with it.

            I still feel much better when I exercise. I have more energy in the day and sleep better at night. When I am doing good and eating right (including lots of protein) I have good muscle tone.

            For me, there is definitely a smoothing of emotions with Bac. In my case, I was very concerned about depression when I was 4-5 months in. I ended up on an AD and have been astonished at how well the combination of the AD and Bac works for me. I feel really good and I can deal much better with stress... so long as I don't drink
            Can I ask which AD you are on? I've been on a few but they either have more SE than bac or they don't work. My friend swears by St. John's Wort but I don't want to mix things up w/o knowing if the two "get along".

            Bac seems to nix the anxiety, which is what my main issues were.



              Baclofen and post exersize high

              MaryGoRound;1609218 wrote: I have also lost the high from exercise. I noticed it more at first but after more than a year down the Baclofen path I am ok with it.

              I still feel much better when I exercise. I have more energy in the day and sleep better at night. When I am doing good and eating right (including lots of protein) I have good muscle tone.

              For me, there is definitely a smoothing of emotions with Bac. In my case, I was very concerned about depression when I was 4-5 months in. I ended up on an AD and have been astonished at how well the combination of the AD and Bac works for me. I feel really good and I can deal much better with stress... so long as I don't drink
              this seems to be my experience as well, my emotions seem flatter and i question whether im depressed. I am already on an AD but when i tried increasing the dose the cravings came back.

              As to exersize, i do feel better when i do it, i just miss that high afterwards, it was a nice reward for a hard workout
              01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

              Baclofen prescribing guide

              Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                Baclofen and post exersize high

                I have not tried this...but if I had hit my switch and were titrating bac down, I would try at the same time to titrate up the exercise, inversely, if you will. I would try to see how little bac I could take and how much exercise I could get...and still remain wholly indifferent. And then I would see if the exercise was more satisfying...just thinking...
                With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                  Baclofen and post exersize high

                  Hell, if my jeans fit I'm happy:H


                    Baclofen and post exersize high

                    Samandkatharine;1609224 wrote: Can I ask which AD you are on?

                    I am on Cymbalota. I have been on a few others before. It was always to combat anxiety and help with sleep. Most really did not work or the SEs were not worth it.

                    A few months into Bac I started to have a problem with depression - one that did not lift after a day or two. I got on Cymbalta and there was a noticeable change within a week and I was much better by two weeks. It also had a noticeable effect on my general anxiety. I felt like I was finally getting something I needed. Cymbalota is a SNRI which is different then the more common SSRI. It works for me but everyone is different so I am not recommending it as a cure.

                    Back to exercise. I love it because it forces me to breathe! Seriously...I forget the breathe deeply and regularly. I like cardio because I have to breath or I will collapse and I love yoga because the instructors always remind you of the importance of breath


                      Baclofen and post exersize high

                      Thank you for sharing. I tried Cymbalta and it constipated me..TMI but that function is very important to me. My husband swears by it. He's taken Cymbalta for 5 years.

                      Yoga has been the only exercise I've stuck with...going on 11 years.



                        Baclofen and post exersize high

                        My experience is similar to Mary's, with my AD, though the one I take is Effexor- it's both an AD and anti anxiety and works very well for me. It, along with bac, I credit for saving my life, in fact. I do feel a little flatter than I used to (not the giant ups and downs) and that is a trade off I'm willing to take.

