I've given considerable consideration to why this board attracts 'trolls." And in accord with the place I made a conscious choice to stand, what I have gleaned from almost all kerfluffle so far is that it is essential to include all the astounding and widely divergent ways that baclofen works, AND all of the astounding and widely divergent ways we have seen total "flame-outs."
Only time will tell us if Evan's, or BillP's, or others whose names are still here making significant contributions, yet are vulnerable to judgment before its time and accord with the history of baclofentism - have made worthy contributions, or merely flamed out.
Flame. I did not begin with this in mind, but I hear the question: what drunk is here to further flame? Or blame? Or knows whose story is worthy of recording in the annals of baclofentism just as it is? No deletes.
I often begin my classes with a quote from a professor of medical physiology: "In 100 years, half of what I teach you will be proven wrong. I don't know which half that will be."
Peace out, friends.
I hope you all know how much Evan respected you, even while following his own path. And more than respect for many.
BTW, it only recently occurred to me that anyone who had utilized liquid baclofen is a "friend of Bill's." :H

P.S. My father did AA, I did AA. The essence is accurate, IMHO, just didn't work twice for me. Gawd, please post a .pdf of rules for getting out !