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Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

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    Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

    First, let me thank everyone on this forum. I've been lurking for a while, and have now decided to step in to share my own Baclofen experience--and possibly receive some guidance from the good folks here who have more experience than I.

    I've been a heavy drinker for almost 30 years. A "functional" drunk, I suppose. I never (well, very rarely) drink during the day, and really don't think it's affected my work, etc. On the other hand, by cocktail hour I certainly look forward to my daily reward. I've always settled in for the evening with cocktails--Jack Daniel's, or Scotch, or 3 or 5 martinis, or, lately, two bottles of red wine (maybe chased with a vodka or two if I'm not completely where I want to be). I'm now 53, though, and realize the drinking every day is taking its toll. Maybe I don't do horrible drunk things--I usually don't make an ass of myself, don't drink and drive (I've slipped once or twice and driven when I shouldn't have). But lately I simply fall asleep (pass out) on the couch. I wake up and my wife is in bed. And another evening has gone to waste. Worse, I've now started falling asleep in social situations. Recently passed out with guests over for dinner ... they just stayed and talked while I snored away in the family room nearby. Terribly embarrassing, for sure. And I know I'm ruining my relationship with my wife. She's put up with my behavior long enough ... she's told me her patience is running out. I'm an alcoholic by any definition. Functional, maybe, but I drink way too much.

    Long story short, I mentioned this to my doctor--a great guy who listened without any judgement. He put me on to Dr. Ameisen's book, which I read immediately. Really hit home. I realize at heart I'm a very shy person, and have always used alcohol both to feel more confident in social situations (though people probably think I'm completely confident--I hide it well). Also, I'm definitely "self-medicating." I suffer from depression, take Lexapro every day (which has helped a lot), but still use booze to feel better, to escape from stresses and the world and everything that bothers me (much of which should probably roll off my back, but it doesn't). Cocktail hour is the way out, my release, my refuge. And now it's time to leave it behind and sober up.

    I started on Bac nearly 1 month ago. I titrated up probably pretty hard; started on 30mg/day and am now up to 120 (20/20/40/40 thru the day). The SEs have been fairly severe. I've been really wiped out, sometimes barely able to get out of bed (some days I've just stayed in bed with the iPad, watching movies or reading this forum). But mostly I've fought through the sleepiness. Worse, I get an intense pressure in my chest, almost feeling like I'm having a heart attack. My doc checked me, said my pulse was fine and blood pressure only slightly elevated. But it's uncomfortable. My breath feels shallow, and sometimes I wake up feeling like I'm not breathing (not helped because I have sleep apnea, though the CPAP machine I use does make me feel a little better--like it's helping me breathe). Lately, I'm also starting to feel a diminished sex drive--and that's NOT good at all. Hate that.

    I've been really tempted to dump the Bac. I've managed to cut back on my drinking--even strung together several nights with no booze--but I think part of it is simply willpower, just refusing to get back to the place where I embarrass myself and my wife by putting myself in a place where I'll fall asleep or make an ass of myself. I've still had a number of nights where I've had drinks. Four or five big glasses of wine, or a half bottle of vodka.

    So I'm waiting for "the switch," but not sure I can get to the level of Bac that will get me there. I don't like this chest tightness. I could put up with it, I suppose, if I knew it was harmless, just a feeling and not a real problem. But I feel like I'm hurting my heart or something else. (Not that alcohol isn't ruining my liver, throat, kidneys, etc., etc.)

    I guess what I'm saying is I need some encouragement to stay the course. That these SEs will go away ... that this will work ... that I'm not a loser for still drinking ... that I'll get to that place Dr. A wrote about where the desire to drink disappears for good.

    My doc has been extremely helpful, and even wrote me a scrip for 120/mg of Bac daily. I'm sure I'll need more, though--and that brings in the whole thing about ordering from River or India or whatever to get the amount I'll need. The whole offshore meds thing makes me depressed, too. I even got my doc to give me some Naltrexone, which I've told myself I'll take in social situations to curb the desire to drink more once I start. I tried it once, and it didn't do much good--took 50mg before a party but still drank five or six glasses of wine. Suppose I didn't feel that drunk, but I still wanted to keep refilling my glass. Didn't get the opiate-off switch I was hoping for.

    Anyway, I think I'm rambling now. That's my deal. For now, I'll keep soldiering on ... will stay at 120 mg for a bit, see if the SEs lessen. But I'll need to go up to kill the cravings, I'm sure.

    Thanks for listening. And thanks for this forum, which has helped a lot. Any input from any of you is welcomed.


    Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

    :welcome: First of all you will get lots and lots of advice from the real experts but as I see no one else has said HI yet let me say it :welcome:

    I just started baclofen a few weeks ago so I know what you are talking about...But holy cow you started at a high dose and went up way too FAST!!

    I'm surprised your doctor has not given you a slower titration schedule. You might begin by lowering your dose VERY SLOWLY until you stop having the breathing difficulties.

    Then just as slowly go back up - but only slowly week by week until you begin to feel more help with your cravings. This is so different for everyone it's hard to predict - but you will reach indifference - just slow down and be patient. :h

    I take 60mg daily divided into 4 doses and I started on December 30. My side effects are quite mild. Good luck and please read as many baclofen posts as you can - you'll get some great tips on titration and side effects.

    P.S. don't worry about drinking while on baclofen - it's not ideal but many have continued to drink and have finally reached their 'switch.' You can take naltrexone as well as baclofen but you must take the nal EVERY time you drink for it to work. Read, Read, Read!!!!
    P.P.S Many of us order on-line. It works fine so don't worry about it if you feel you will have to go higher than your prescription. I order from River.
    My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


      Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?


      Welcome. I'm sorry that you're having the chest/heart SE. You haven't really titrated up that fast. My doc said 10 mgs every 4 days. I wouldn't advise you to go down in dose. Maybe stay the same or slightly go up. Sometimes SEs leave when you go up. The sexual issue has been discussed here and it's not uncommon. Some guys will post for you, I'm sure. My advise: stay a steady course and if the SEs become too much titrate down and try a different course or a different med. Bac worked for me.


        Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

        Hi Accel7-


        The SEs will even out over time but it does take time. At this point in my journey the Bac is important to keep me even. In other words, I want to make sure I take the right dose so I am good.

        I do still believe we have to work with our minds. It is one thing thing to reduce the cravings (and that is a great progress) but it is not the only thing. For me, I need to be OK in my "skin." That is the my real challenge. Bac gives me the space to figure it out.


          Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

          Baby steps.

          The SEs put me off bac. I went up too quick and eventually came off it. I was walking around like I was on acid and became very paranoid to the point were I didn't leave the house. I wasted most off last year going up and down on it. I've no retreats though.

          I might try it again one day but I'm talking like going up 10mg every week at the most and stopping at the first sign of SEs. I used to be very greedy with rec drugs and was quite surprised when I got knocked on my ass.

          Like said above, your titration hasen't been over the top. The 10mg every 4 day thing is just a guide. Dr A in his book makes it seem like a walk-in the park which for some (most probably) it isn't. Some folk need to wait maybe 10 days between moving up.


            Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

            thomas m;1612770 wrote: Baby steps.

            The SEs put me off bac. I went up too quick and eventually came off it. I was walking around like I was on acid and became very paranoid to the point where I didn't leave the house. I wasted most of last year going up and down on it. I've no retreats though.

            I might try it again one day but I'm talking like going up 10mg every week at the most and stopping at the first sign of SEs. I used to be very greedy with rec drugs and was quite surprised when I got knocked on my ass.

            Like said above, your titration hasn't been over the top. The 10 mg every 4 day thing is just a guide. Dr A in his book makes it seem like a walk-in the park which for some (most probably) it isn't. Some folk need to wait maybe 10 days between moving up.
            Dr L told me once that I have to weigh my options (he said it much better than that). One path was waking up at noon hungover only to start the process over again come 5 o'clock. If I managed to hold off for a while I would get anxious and unfriendly to say the least. The other path was to feel a bit off my rocker for the whole day. This would get less and less toward the end of the week until I upped the dose. When I upped the dose I would start back over with the SEs, but I would drink a little less, and that at least, felt quite good.

            It isn't for everyone, but it helps me.


              Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

              Cytoskeletor;1612780 wrote: Dr L told me once that I have to weigh my options (he said it much better than that). One path was waking up at noon hungover only to start the process over again come 5 o'clock. If I managed to hold off for a while I would get anxious and unfriendly to say the least. The other path was to feel a bit off my rocker for the whole day. This would get less and less toward the end of the week until I upped the dose. When I upped the dose I would start back over with the SEs, but I would drink a little less, and that at least, felt quite good.

              It isn't for everyone, but it helps me.
              I get what your saying Cytoskeletor and Dr Levin is right. I'd take feeling "off my rocker " as such if that was what got me through. What I felt was the closest I could describe as being Schizophrenic. It wasn't present.

              HDB definitely isn't for everyone. Some folk go loopy on 40mg taking it for MS. I think you here more about the success stories than the failures which makes people think "why me?" when they have serious issues with the med.

              To the OP. Maybe try and go up 10 every week. Heck even every 10 days. But there are other options out there if you just can't take it.


                Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

                Thank you to all the responders (esp. to Jazi's Mum for the nice first hello).

                Yes, I concur with one of the posters, that Dr. A's book almost makes Bac seem like a walk in the park. He mentioned immediately feeling a sense of calm and relief on his very first dose of 30 mg. I felt nothing at all. He also mentions occasional somnolence, but in reality I've felt more like "regularly hit by a sledgehammer." And I'm NOT a person who normally notices any SEs to meds. I do think, for all Dr. A did with his wonderful book (and I do hold him in very high regard for it), that he oversold Bac a bit, or at least in his case experienced very few SEs. I'm still getting the fatigue, the looniness, the chest pressure, the sensation at night that I'm not breathing. I'm holding at 120mg/day for now ... will probably stay there for a week. And though I did feel a strong urge to drink wine last night (was a bad day for a number of reasons), I didn't have any in the house and just didn't have the energy to go get any. So I didn't drink, and I suppose in that sense the fatigue is a good thing.

                I'm willing to stay the course on this ... Baby Steps as one poster rightly noted. I've gotta stop the booze. Or at the very least get to the point where it's no longer a focal point of my life/evenings.

                Funny, but I realize now just how pervasive drinking had become ... my Christmas gifts included barware, my jokes tend to be drinking-related, my favorite commercials are the Dos Equis guy, I'm always making references to martinis or Jack or whatever. And, damn, "cocktails" is just such a delicious word. None looks as good in neon!

                Hey, I'm starting to rev myself up here. Need to focus. Thanks again for the nice comments and input. I'll keep posting here with -- I hope -- progress reports. And I do look forward to any more suggestions or good counsel from you forum folks. I hope there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Can't quite see it yet.



                  Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

                  Hi Accel7 -I am still trying to figure out the avatar name...sounds pretty cool -regardless. And when I read your thread I was trying to determine if you meant "would you stop baclofen" or would "you stop alcohol"?

                  Now this is my opinion -and of course, it is only an opinion, but if you want to quit drinking, baclofen is one of the greatest tools known. I think for moderation purposes, baclofen may work for awhile and then lose its effectiveness at the same dosage. I was physically and mentally at a point when I quit that alcohol had to go. So, baclofen may have been more of a miracle for than for others.

                  Accel7, if you want to quit drinking, baclofen is a great tool -for many, not all. The side effects will lessen and leave and then all you have to do is deal with you -just a thought.


                    Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

                    Welcome, welcome Accel!!!

                    I see you've already received some wonderful responses!

                    From my experience, I also used to wake up gasping for air. At times it felt like my heart was beating extremely hard. I also had high BP readings at the docs. I'm a thin and active young girl. I noticed that alcohol will greatly intensify the SEs. It took me about 5 days to bounce back to a normal feeling after drinking on bac. It also took me about 5 days to adjust on each dose to start feeling normal. While you're going up and drinking...the mix of SEs and bac adjustments will become quite disturbing and discouraging.

                    I understand that setting aside the booze seems near impossible still. I felt it too, until I gave it a valiant attempt and realized that I had much more control than I realized. Once you give the baclofen a fighting chance, it will lift you up to be able to fight along with it.

                    Leveling out on one dose for awhile could possibly benefit you. Allow yourself to adjust and get comfortable and embark your movement back up. Adjust your titration to your comfort zone. From experiences throughout the forums, there are no set rules for the titration. You know YOU best.

                    Of course there is light at the end...some of us went through some scary hell on bac on our way up. For Neophyte and I, it seemed it got much worse at the end, then suddenly it broke free and we're prancing around(in different corners of the globe) in indifference. And if bac doesn't end up being your thing, there are PLENTY of resources here that might suite you better, as you've noted, and ample support to help push you along in ANY case you choose.

                    The experience is truly different for everyone. But what makes this great, is that you have everyone here to help support you with your experience.

                    Again, welcome and keep posting. (Uh...was that some MWO slogan running along side of AA's "keep coming back" slogan?)

                    ...It works if you work it!

                    ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

                    To contact me, please msg me here:
                    Baclofen for Alcoholism


                      Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

                      Yes, spiritwolf333 ... it occurred to me my thread title might be misleading--and you proved it is. I meant "will I stop baclofen?" For now, the SEs are bad enough that I'm considering it. On the other hand, if that's all they are--just SEs and not anything damaging to my body or mind long-term--then I can put up with them. I'll keep at it and hope they do lessen ... and will wait to feel better before I consider ramping up the dosage. I do want to stop drinking, too. And from everything I've read bac is the way out. So I'm willing to forge on.


                        Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

                        Thanks, Mandiekinz, for sharing your similar experiences. I think you're right: just give each dosage more time and wait out the SEs. And I have been doing all right limiting my drinking for now. Just that the cravings haven't gone away yet. Naturally I'm impatient to fix everything ... then again, I've got 30 years of habit on the other side to knock off!

                        Will keep posting. Thanks.


                          Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

                          Hi again, Accel7 you sure sound so much better today! More confident, more relaxed - keep up the good work, let baclofen do its thing. Oh, and stick around!!
                          My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                            Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

                            After some thinking, I'm curious about your sleep apnea and the baclofen.

                            Personally, I would certainly hold out on the titration for a little while and see if it truly balances out. I know many of us that became snorers on it. I know that my startled gasps of air diminished after I leveled out. However, someone with a medical condition that the medication can something to take caution with. What has the doc had to say about the mix of bac(which can cause sleep apnea) and having sleep apnea?

                            Also about the diminished sex drive...I'm aware that many men and women experience this. There's the hope for cialis/viagra to help you guys out.

                            I did find this link FREE cialis, viagra, and levitra with your order of baclofen:
                            !!!!!I have no idea how legit this pharmacy is, so I would heed caution ordering from there, I just found it thoughtful!!!!

                            Easy does it, my friend.

                            AGAIN WITH THE SLOGANS! Rawr.
                            ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

                            To contact me, please msg me here:
                            Baclofen for Alcoholism


                              Started on Bac ... But Will I Stop?

                              So far, the combo of apnea and Bac has not been a serious issue. Again, my cpap machine helps immensely in ensuring a positive airway flow. It may, indeed, be an avenue worth pursuing for bac users who become bad snorers...
                              As for the sexual SEs... fortunately this for me means dampened libido, not diminished function. No Viagra needed. I'm hopeful once I reach my switch and can eventually titrate down a bit more drive will return. Mostly it's just the general fatigue which is killing interest in anything, sex included.
                              Last nite had a bottle of wine as I was really wound up. Also, been reading that complete and sudden abstinence is not necessarily a good thing, either. Slow amping up of Bac, slow reduction in AL. Let the bod and brain adjust.
                              Feel a little better this morning actually. May go for a drive ...

