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BK's Naltrexone journey....

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    BK's Naltrexone journey....


    BK's Naltrexone journey....

    yeeeaaaah, bkyogagurl. great idea to journal your progress and thoughts. you're not getting away from my watchful eye though. great to read a bit of 'back story'. We tend to come here somewhere in the middle of our struggles and not really know what has happened previously. I've never heard of 'horse therapy', sounds bizzare, but if it helped you 'wehey'. I have enough trouble trying to control one Labrador so not sure I would do so well with a huge horse.
    you say you feel like crying, well why not lock yourself in the bathroom and have a bloody good blubber... get it all out. I am useless without my sleep. I sometimes take 'sominex' which is an antihistamine based sleep helper. It usually does the job for me if I take it a couple of hours before going to bed. Sleep problems are common in early sobriety but I would much rather have a shorter sober sleep than a lengthy alcohol unconscious sleep. Just re read your post and it seems to be the early morning waking. Cant help with that but im sure others will have the same issues.
    looking forward to cheering you along your merry sober way
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


      BK's Naltrexone journey....



        BK's Naltrexone journey....

        Hi BK, I have been on trazodone for years. How long have you been taking it? If you're just starting, get ready for some weird dreams. I'm inclined to think the deep sleep is good. For example, from years of drinking, I used to grind my teeth badly, something traz has lessened. The cons are it is difficult to get out of bed some mornings and I'm useless for about an hour after I get up.

        I'm prescribed 100mg, but I quarter my tablets since I'm also on baclofen. Some nights, the bac works just fine by itself, other nights I start out with a quarter tablet and if that doesn't do the trick, I take a second.
        In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


          BK's Naltrexone journey....

          [COLOR=Magenta] I don't plan to abandon our thread so I will be there posting away too. I just wanted a place to kind of record my daily thoughts[/COLOR

          no worries bkyoga. to be honest I never really expected that thread to become 'a thread' if you know what I mean, its just kind of evolved...... mostly into a waffling place for me.
          I have said (many times, im getting boring) before that there is a lot more to 'not drinking' than simply 'not drinking' and getting thoughts and feelings out can be a way of putting things into some sort of order. I often find I cant even work out my thoughts until I write them down (don't think that made sense). I tend to get very circular in my thinking.... as in... I feel 'this', because I think 'this', which in turn makes me feel 'this'... and round it circles it goes. hopefully you will have more success than I do.
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            BK's Naltrexone journey....



              BK's Naltrexone journey....

              Good luck with the TSM bkyogagurl. I had a fair bit of success last year with it and am getting ready to give it another go. I'm just waiting for my system to get clear of benzos as I think they were part of my downfall last time out.

              I've been thinking aboiut Trazadone for sleep for quite a while. I've read a few studies on certain low dose ADs (Trazadone Mitrazapine etc) that the less you take the better effect it had as a sleep aid. I think I read something the same about Seraquel although not an AD. I've read a few stories of some people taking a crumb of a 15mg Mitrazapine pill and it knocking them out. Something to do with the antihistamine effects low doses have.

              I remember taking Mitrazapine a few years back after a weekend of debauchery and I was out for over 24 hours.


                BK's Naltrexone journey....

                Hi BK! so glad you've begun to journal your progress. I had success with naltrexone too but drank over it. I wasn't ready I guess. You sound READY this time so good for you.
                My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                  BK's Naltrexone journey....

                  BK, my friend! I'm so glad you started a progress thread! I've found mine an INVALUABLE tool to learning how to live life, and manage stress, emotional stuff, etc. Just getting it down "on paper" seems to really help organize my thoughts, though as you've probably noticed my posts tend to become giant missives, haha....

                  Furthermore, I've often made it a practice to just go back a couple pages and read my own thread from a few days previous to current. This often helps me to wrap my head around where I was at and where I'm at now. I've often used it to help me get through what felt like giant emotional crises. And then of course, when people chime in with their own encouragement and stories, it's very powerful.

                  I'm so glad you're doing 31 days sober. You can do it, girl! You're more than halfway there

                  As for emotions coming up today... I found that right around the 2.5 to 3 week mark that my emotions went really wild. Mandiekinz posted that she found this is very common for new sobriety and you can almost count on it like clockwork. I was glad she said so, because it did seem to be true, and also she said that it'd subside soon and by week 4 I'd be feeling great, which was also true. So maybe your experience will be similar.

                  That's not to say that hard times, sad times, depressed/anxious days won't come, of course they do, and often times they're a total surprise, it's like "wow, there goes my day". Though sometimes the day can be turned around by focusing on positive thoughts and gratitude... Happiness and joy sometimes find us on their own, but often they can be consciously chosen.

                  Also, yes sleep issues are often challenging for early sobriety, but they too will balance out nicely. You'll soon be getting a sweet 7 to 9 hours! Just gotta keep on with abstinence for a while and it'll come! I assume you've already tried melatonin for sleep, if so did it not work well for you?

                  Anyway, keep up the great work. You've got great support and friends here, and TSM is a great tool (have you read the Sinclair Method book? If not, it's very worth reading, even if just for the main chapters) I'm so glad you're here


                    BK's Naltrexone journey....

                    Yeah, BK! So glad to see you started a thread! Now I can come check in on you. I'm on day 17 with you, also and trying to get 31 days as well. I know you can do it. I run at least 3 miles every day and it really helps me on those days where I feel an urge coming on. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
                    Skull--thanks for the tip from Mandi about the restlessness around week 2 and 3--I'm at that point and really feeling anxious. I'll push through, though.


                      BK's Naltrexone journey....

                      I run at least 3 miles every day and it really helps me on those days where I feel an urge coming on.

                      it's amazing how many people here use running/exercise as a coping tool... not what you would expect from your average alki but it seems quite common here, even got some marathon runners and the likes. I guess there is a bit of the buzz chasing endorphins we get from al that we also get from exercise (yes im an endorphin junkie)
                      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                      Keep passing the open windows


                        BK's Naltrexone journey....



                          BK's Naltrexone journey....

                          I could scream right now... I just wrote a huge post about my day and lost the fecker....:dang:


                            BK's Naltrexone journey....



                              BK's Naltrexone journey....

                              aarrrgggh... must be something in the airwaves, same thing happened to me (fortunately only a short post, mostly waffle) and the whole bloody computer went off and tits up.hmmpphhh!

                              try again... bky, sounds like you did a SUPER SWERVE of the booze. if you're anything like me, which I suspect you are, you can be an emotion driven alki. with all this af time, some emotions could be surfacing which are normally squashed by al, now you are having to feel them and acknowledge them. If I have a weird day with feelings I will hole up under my duvet, remote control in one hand and nice food in the other.... but I guess you cant do that with all your family stuff.
                              I like the way you are thinking of 're-thinking' your butt crack wake ups. a lot of people seem to take this time for things like yoga, meditation.... or as you are thinking maybe just coming here and reading. I have the opposite problem, surfacing before noon is becoming a rarity since I stopped working. Whatever you are doing, keep on doing it, it is working in keeping you af
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows

