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Naltrexone is working for me

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    Naltrexone is working for me

    Hello all:

    I have visited these boards on occasion over the past few years and finally have decided to get some real help for my binge/blackout drinking every other night. For several years I have drank about 1.5 - 2 bottles of wine about 3 times per week.

    Well my doctor put me on Pristiq anti-depressant and gave me a referral to a psychiatrist. I didn't think I was depressed - just tired from being hung-over all the time. I took the Pristiq every other day because I was still drinking and I didn't want to have a seizure... Ha!

    I noticed the Pristiq gave me a boost of energy, but didn't change my desire to drink.

    Finally I saw the psychatrist last week. He put me on Naltrexone and told me to take the Pristiq every day. I was nervous to take the Nal at first. He started me on half a pill. Wow! The first day I could hardly stay awake, but I had no desire to drink. I had a drink anyway to see what would happen... It took me about 3 hours to finish it. I didn't like it because I didn't feel that nice buzz.

    It's been almost a week and I've only had 3 drinks. I miss the wine buzzed feeling, but I have no desire to drink. I am more patient and I am a much nicer person to be around. Perhaps that is the Pristiq kicking in now.

    The only downside I have noticed is that I wake up several times during the night. I hope that passes soon, but being sleep deprived is way better than being hung-over, embarrassed, and ashamed of myself.

    I wish I would have been given the Naltrexone/Pristiq option 5 years ago. It really works for me... Seems almost too easy.

    Just wanted to pass this along. Good luck!

    Naltrexone is working for me

    Brilliant work!:goodjob: I am so pleased for you, I presume you know to wait 1 hour between taking Nal and drinking?

    The sleep thing I'd put down to the lack of alcohol, and you should get used to it in a few weeks.

    I've always woken several times in the night apart from when I was blackout drunk, so might be normal for you.

    Really pleased someone else has benefitted from Nal, please do be aware drinking can return to old levels before you achieve resolution so do not give up on it at any time.
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13

