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Baclofen and Caffeine

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    Baclofen and Caffeine

    does anyone notice that the effects of caffeine are different on baclofen? I had my usual cup of coffee this morning and felt fine, later i was shouted another double shot coffee by a friend, i drank it because, well it was free

    I am now a jittery mess, my muslces feel like they are ready to twitch out in random spazms, it has been getting better over the past few hours. I have been trying to switch to green tea to try and curb the caffeine intake.

    Just wondering if this is a 'normal' baclofen side effect
    01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

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    Baclofen and Caffeine

    It's a good time to hit the gym Neo!

    I notice that I feel very different when I've had too much caffeine, although I haven't experienced anything like what you have described. I don't get the jittery feeling I used to, which is strange. I will get to a point of mental exhaustion after having too much though. That happened today actually. I ended up putting my head down on my desk and zonking out for a few minutes, then I was good. I still need to limit my intake more. I think that bac being a CNS depressant has something to do with why we feel the effect of caffeine differently now.


      Baclofen and Caffeine

      I don't notice a difference in my reaction to caffeine. I'm a 2 cup during the week and a 3 cup on the weekend kind of gal. I need it to function, period. Maybe switch to a roast that is milder?

      Working out after the morning coffee is the route to go if you can. Not all can or want to work out in the mornings, but the exercise does dissipate the caffeine buzz. Unfortunately coffee also messes with blood sugar so having a steady stream of good carbs and fats will help as well.



        Baclofen and Caffeine

        well i went for a walk, its been about 6 hours since drinking the last coffee and im feeling good again, guess i better watch the caf
        01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

        Baclofen prescribing guide

        Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


          Baclofen and Caffeine

          Palladium;1617312 wrote: That is a side-effect of baclofen, and I don't think it has anything to do with caffeine. Have you altered your dose recently (increase or decrease) or have you switched to a different brand?
          no and no, but yeah, i think youre right, its just the side effect, caffieine seems to make it worse though. I've been on 295 for 64 days. Side effects still are improving all the time slowly, the twitchyness was much worse before. I chalked this off as actually due to not drinking alcohol so i guess its a wait and see. I realize my dose is quite high and i would like to reduce it but i guess its too soon. Ideally i would like to go around the 200-220 mark.
          01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

          Baclofen prescribing guide

          Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


            Baclofen and Caffeine

            Just a thought

            Hi Neo, I drink 8 to 10 diet cokes a day (or use to). Initially, I did not even think that it had anything to do with the caffeine (denial I guess) and thought it had more to do with me liking the carbonation. In the mornings, around 11am, I found myself jittery as hell. I just thought it was nerves related to needing to eat, etc. Caffeine is an intense drug and will let you know when it is time for more -much like alcohol. In fact, I remember drinking alcohol to calm my physical nerves -and blaming the lack of alcohol for the nervousness.

            I in no way think that baclofen exacerbates the effect of caffeine, and in fact, think that it might even provide somewhat of a calming effect. Furthermore, in my opinion, when you remove alcohol from the system, our systems become much more sensitive to other physical inputs -such as caffeine and nicotine.


              Baclofen and Caffeine

              Eh, I knew baclofen was working the second I noticed my usual pot of coffee before 2pm subsided to 1-2 cups.

              I kept forgetting about my coffee. On days that I did remember to drink it while it was still hot, I couldn't push past 2 cups as I'd get a very annoyed/speedy feeling. Sure, my carpet is ugly, but I don't need to be burning holes in it.

              Same goes with alcohol. I can go out and enjoy a couple of drinks, but it'd leave me with this really annoying feeling in my head sometimes even after just one.

              It's like it forces us to find balance in substances. Over-indulgence is not acceptable!

              Perhaps that's what happens when we're messing with all sorts of substances. Bac wants to regulate the GABA, and then we throw in too much caffeine or alcohol, and it can become too much...

              Here's a clip I just found:
              "Without GABA, nerve cells fire too often and too easily. Anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, seizure disorders, and numerous other conditions including addiction, headaches, Parkinson's syndrome, and cognitive impairment are all related to low GABA activity. GABA hinders the transmission of nerve impulses from one neuron to another. It has a calming or quieting influence. A good example to help understand this effect is caffeine. Caffeine inhibits GABA release. The less GABA, the more nerve transmissions occur. Think what too much coffee feels like: that is the sensation of glutamate without enough GABA."

              ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

              To contact me, please msg me here:
              Baclofen for Alcoholism


                Baclofen and Caffeine

                hmmm thats interesting, good discussion. well i decided to cut my coffee dose in two today and im already feeling much better. i can focus and im not jumping out of my skin. i think i need to cut out the coffee entirely and just drink green tea. i just enjoy that chocolatly coffee in the morning so much, it kick starts my day
                01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                Baclofen prescribing guide

                Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                  Baclofen and Caffeine

                  Again ... I think that we all have different chemistry's, I have not seen any difference to how I react to caffeine. In fact I tend to drink more coffee or take caffeine pills to stay alert in the afternoon, since I still have a tough time keeping my eyes open in the late afternoon.


                    Baclofen and Caffeine

                    Anyone wanting to avoid relapse needs to stay completely caffeine free. Caffeine is a know trigger as its a nervous system stimulant.

                    The Alcoholic is use to a depressed nervous system state.

                    After Caffeine there will become cravings to drink un-consciously to balance the central nervous system. (or take extra (Balofen, Alcohol)

                    And as we know it usually just takes us one drink to get us started.

                    Funny how Coffee is served at Many AA meetings = bad bad.


                      Baclofen and Caffeine

                      Does caffeine affect the all important gaba-b receptors? What about endorphin receptors? They are so sadly forgotten for TSM devotees. How about serotonin receptors?

                      Alcohol affects many, many receptors. All you guys blabbing about gaba this, gaba that, really have no freaking idea.

                      "Balance the brain>:

                      "something hippocampus."

                      "brain chemistry."

                      " works!"

                      "gaba b"


                        Re: Baclofen and Caffeine

                        Personally I have no issues, I have around 3-4 cups a day. Though I am one that isn't affected in the stimulant aspects of caffeine, it does not do anything.


                          Re: Baclofen and Caffeine

                          Last edited by guardian; February 6, 2023, 12:08 AM. Reason: .


                            Re: Baclofen and Caffeine

                            Holy what?!

                            I wonder why you posted on this thread, [MENTION=9868]guardian[/MENTION]? But I’m also both horrified and amused by the people from back in the day, and the massive amount of misinformation shared. I’m not talking about caffeine. Whatever. I have no idea. I’m talking about the people who refer to brain chemistry regulation like it’s a simple thing.

                            Neophyte did a good turn on Reddit. Wish s/he was still monitoring that site.


                              Re: Baclofen and Caffeine

                              Originally posted by DanF;[URL="tel:1819867"
                              1819867[/URL]]Personally I have no issues, I have around 3-4 cups a day. Though I am one that isn't affected in the stimulant aspects of caffeine, it does not do anything.
                              oh! Sorry Dan, I didn’t realize you posted and just saw Guardian’s empty post.

                              Welcome! I read your story on the other thread. Should have welcomed you there!

                              You’ll find that there’s a mixed bag of info here, depending on when and who posted.

                              I’ve had mixed reactions with coffee. When I got sober with baclofen the first time, I remember that GOOD coffee became much more important than caffeine at any cost. lol

                              I also remember new sonority’s being such a tough slog that coffee was a life saver, and it didn’t matter if it was a day old and lousy to start with.

                              Not sure any of it has much to do with baclofen, though. I could very well be wrong….

                              glad you’re here and posting. Take care.

