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Any Bac Users having or had Neurological S.E's?

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    Any Bac Users having or had Neurological S.E's?

    I'm currently titrating down from 200mg's and am at 180mg. I followed the "French Method" of titration which is basically 10mg a week for 10 weeks then kicks up to 20mg increases once you hit 100mg for however many weeks until you hit your "switch". In retrospect I titrated way to fast and experieced way too many S.E's!!! Mostly What I believe is neurological in nature.
    I'm still experiencing them on my way down. Specifically: a constant pressure in my head, periods where I get dizzy, my hands and legs get tingly, my legs feel rubbery where I might just collapse (but I never do). And my cognitive skills have all but disappeared. I read something and have no retention, I constantly forget why I'm going into a room, forget where I put things, etc, etc.
    Now during the day these S.E's come and go and are for the most part manageable but during the evening they more intense and can last like a 1/2 hour. I divide my daily dose into 4 equal parts. Taking a dose in the morning, another early afternoon, another around 6 or 7 at night and the last one before I go to bed. Why these intense S.E's in the evening has me in a quandry!!!!
    My goal is to hit 100 mg. and see how I feel and perhaps go to 80mg.
    So I'm wondering if anyone out there experienced this.........and how you addressed it? Obviously I would like to titrate down as fast as I can to get rid of these damn S.E's but I know that would not be safe. So what do I do????? I'm on my 3rd day at 180mg. Should I stay there until these S.E's disappear or keep going down??? Guess I'm in a state of frickin flux!!! Hope some experienced BAC users can come to my rescue!!!

    Any Bac Users having or had Neurological S.E's?

    Hi Warrior,

    I'm not a seasoned Bac user, but all of us have experienced your symptoms. I think your titration may have been too fast. Also, are you still drinking? SEs are worse when you are. I know my memory was out the window when I was titrating up but still drinking. Now it's much better, but I use post-its to help

    Physically your symptoms are typical. Remember, you are taking a muscle relaxant.

    Others will chime in. :welcome:



      Any Bac Users having or had Neurological S.E's?

      Thanks Sam!
      Can't wait to Graduate to Post-it Notes. In my present state I require a large yellow legal Pad. And I go through one twice a day. Office Depot loves me!:thanks:


        Any Bac Users having or had Neurological S.E's?

        Hi rodewarrior,
        for my personal experience and even my knowledge of many other Bac histories... this is completely "normal" for this amount of bac.
        I had the same when i was on 160/180 but after, titrating down, everything will come back to normal, beleive me! ;-)

        Short memory, attention and concentration are often "touched" by HDB and i admit is a bad SE.
        Not everybody suffer from it but happens...
        The only advice i can give you is to sleep (yes sleep! ;-) as much as you can, even an hour more during the day seems to help.

        This tension headache i have/had it too, really annoying, but it pass.
        I'm actually on 70mg/day (titrating down) but this headache sometimes re-appear (not as hard as before) in case of special stress and anxiety.
        Anyway i feel fine.

        And for the rest... cool that you are having good results and continue to go slowly down (with protocol you choose), always keeping attention on feeling.

        Keep us update when you can...
        Baclofen started: January 2013
        Switch (sort of): April 2013 / ~165mg
        November 2014: stable at 45mg: 10AM-15mg, 1PM-15mg, 5PM-15mg
        -> Here my progress thread on MWO <-


          Any Bac Users having or had Neurological S.E&#39;s?

          Thanks EMC,
          It gives me immense comfort that there are others out there that have experienced the same SE's. I admitely have gotten to the point where I get scared shitless sometimes but thank God they seem to pass in about a half hour to an hour. Like the old adage "No pain No Gain"..............
          Thanks much!!!


            Any Bac Users having or had Neurological S.E&#39;s?

            Hi Rode,
            Your experience is a common one, so don't fret, you're in good company. From my experience and from reading, a slow titration is paramount, whether going up or down. In my opinion many people go too fast and run into many problems because of it.

            That said, I've experienced many of the SE's at a relatively high dose (high for me that is). Slight dizziness, slight tingling, and especially the forgetfullness/absentmindedness. Also the occasional headache. They seem to be better at a slightly lower dose so that's where I'm going (I'm going to slowly go down to a maintenance dose of 80 and stay there).

            Are you drinking at all while on bac? Are you abstinent or drinking moderate or heavy? It makes a big difference. I'd highly recommend going slow and steady as in the long run you'll be happier you did. Even though these SE's are annoying, they're not bothersome, and going down too fast can bring more troublesome SE's such as anxiety or depression. Go down slow. Good luck!


              Any Bac Users having or had Neurological S.E&#39;s?

              I had all of these symptoms too. Plus I mowed my lawn on a HOT day and had shocks in my hands and couldn't grip or hold anything. They all pass. My experience titrating down slowly was that the SEs all came back worse then when I went up. They do pass and you should reach a level where you have none.


                Any Bac Users having or had Neurological S.E&#39;s?

                Thanks for the info!!!
                No I haven't had a drink since Sept. '13. Started BAC in Oct, '13. Am currently titrating down slowly. I'm currently at 140 mg for the past 4 days. Had alot of the SE's going down from 200mg but they seemed to have softened considerably once I got to 160 on the 5th day. WOW its been a wild ride. I used the French/English titration protocal and was fine until I went from 100 to 120. Then I had spells where my hands would shake uncontrolably, I was dropping things, didn't know where I was, conpletely dilusional.
                This happened twice. Once for about 4 hours the second a week later for about 8 hours then it subsided. I had a severe sinus infection at the time so attributed it to that. Went to my regular Doctor who sent me to a ENT. Well multiple blood tests and even an MRI on my brain showed absolutely nothing. THEN it dawned on me............Could it be the BAC??? Well I did more reading here and found out that these symptoms where in fact from BAC. By that time I was at 180. Which turned out to be my "switch" so I went to 200 just to be sure. So thats when I posted this thread. Just to find out if I was alone or were others experiencing the same thing. Its extremely comforting to know that there are others!!!! If I had to do it again (and I would!!) I would throw the forementioned titration schedule out the window and do my own thing at 10mg intervals for at least 7 days. THANKS AGAIN!

