I'm still experiencing them on my way down. Specifically: a constant pressure in my head, periods where I get dizzy, my hands and legs get tingly, my legs feel rubbery where I might just collapse (but I never do). And my cognitive skills have all but disappeared. I read something and have no retention, I constantly forget why I'm going into a room, forget where I put things, etc, etc.
Now during the day these S.E's come and go and are for the most part manageable but during the evening they more intense and can last like a 1/2 hour. I divide my daily dose into 4 equal parts. Taking a dose in the morning, another early afternoon, another around 6 or 7 at night and the last one before I go to bed. Why these intense S.E's in the evening has me in a quandry!!!!
My goal is to hit 100 mg. and see how I feel and perhaps go to 80mg.
So I'm wondering if anyone out there experienced this.........and how you addressed it? Obviously I would like to titrate down as fast as I can to get rid of these damn S.E's but I know that would not be safe. So what do I do????? I'm on my 3rd day at 180mg. Should I stay there until these S.E's disappear or keep going down??? Guess I'm in a state of frickin flux!!! Hope some experienced BAC users can come to my rescue!!!
