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Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

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    Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

    Does anyone know how long I would have to wait for NAL to be out of my system to take a 50mg Tramadol for pain relief.....and how long does it take for the 50 mg of Tramadol to be out of your system before taking NAL again to have a drink?

    Viscious circle I know, but I have sciatica, very badly and currently trying to manage on paracetamol and ibuprofen mixed together.

    The very first day I took my 25 mg of NAL I thought I was dying and I must have had some opiod in my system and I was petrified.

    It would be easier not to take NAL on the TSM sytem and just not drink, but I am 2 1/2 months into TSM now and extinction is happening and I don't want to spoil what I've done so far.

    I am awaiting an appointment for a nerve root block so I can continue on my TSM journey.

    Thanks in anticipation for any advice and replies!:new:

    Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

    Please, please get some medical advice on this. I will give a time I think but it's not based on anything more than stuff I've seen posted on the internet.

    If I remember rightly it's 48-72 hours for naltrexone to be completely gone from your system, but I cannot be sure!

    Half life is however 4 hours, this means 50mg dose after 4 hours is equivalent to 25mg in your body, then 12.5mg 4 hours after that, 6.25mg 4 hours after that (so 12 hours after initial peak dose which is after 1 hour(13hrs total)
    I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

    Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

    AF date 22/07/13


      Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

      Just been thinking about this a bit more, then it struck me. Have you used Tramadol before?and were you ok with it?

      I couldn't stand it and it turns out it's an addictive, opiate based drug, works for those who really have to take it, but can cause problems for alcoholics and anyone with addictive tendencies.

      Is there anything else you can do for your sciatica?I had some good results with a biomechanics coach(different approach) for some back-hip-leg pain although mine isn't sciatic.

      Hope you can get something sorted.

      By the way if you already know this about Tramadol, I apologise!
      I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

      Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

      AF date 22/07/13


        Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

        Thank you so much for your response and concern. I am indeed very aware of tramadol and know what it can do, but I can assure you I use it resposibly.

        I'm just going to wait for the nerve root block and bear with the pain. It means I am stuck indoors but hey ho...things could be worse!


          Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

          I've taken an opiate based drug 3 days after Natrexone and have felt the full effects. Theres nothing really to worry about. If anything you just won't feel the full effects of the drug. Trouble begins when you do it the other way around.. Example being.. not waiting for an opiate to leave your body before taking Naltrexone. I've done this before and it wasn't nice at all. (Understatement)

          I'd wait a full week after an opiate to take NAL again. I learnt the hard way. Believe me its not nice. I thought I was gonna die. I was taking dihydrocodeine and from memory I waited a few days before starting back on TSM. I'd no idea that there would still be some still knocking around in my system and I really had no idea as to what was in store.


            Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

            summerglow;1620898 wrote:

            It would be easier not to take NAL on the TSM sytem and just not drink, but I am 2 1/2 months into TSM now and extinction is happening and I don't want to spoil what I've done so far.
            As long as you don't take a drink without NAL you'll not do yourself any harm even with a break. You'll be at the same point as to where you stopped even with a break when you start again.


              Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

              o dear, I didn't realize nal interected badly with painkilling stuff.
              summerglow, I also have awful sciatica and bulging disc pressing on nerve so I fully sympathise with you. I recently had facet joint steroid injections. It was wonderful for a couple of days but has since gone back to how it was. I suspect it was just the anaesthetic still working.
              Anyhow back to nal. The first time I took it (50mg) I was horrendously ill the next day, vomiting, sweating, shaking, thought I was dying, 8 hour of this and I was ready to go to emergency in hospital. since then Ive been ok with nal, often only taking 25mg.
              As for painkillers, I take a right old cocktail. naproxen(anti-inflame), co-codamol and amitryptline at night for the nerve pain. I don't take them at the same time as nal (I am only taking nal once or twice a week) but I guess there will still be some medication in me. Having said that I haven't noticed any difference with nal side effects if I have recently taken my meds or not.
              I know this isn't the info you asked for, others have answered that, this is just what I have observed from my experiences. I hope the nerve block works, im back on the pain management waiting list for the next 'experiment' on me.
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows


                Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

                My bad experience happened last February. I had run out of Nal and had been taking Codeine and Dihydrocodeine for about 10 days. I was off both for about 3 days when my Nal arrived. I'll never forget it. It was a Friday night and I'd just taken the Nal and proceeded to have a beer. I'd just about finished the first when I started getting the most God awful hot and cold flushes. Its hard to explain but I started to panic real bad as I didn't know what I was experiencing. This and a lot of other symptoms including the worst RLS I've ever experienced dragged on in the the small hours. I was fine the next day after finally getting to sleep about at around 6am.

                I wish I have known this info before hand but I've since done a bit of searching and it is indeed a big no no to take Nal when you've opiates in your system. Its sort of sending you into opiate withdrawal.


                  Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

                  thomas m;1622658 wrote: My bad experience happened last February. I had run out of Nal and had been taking Codeine and Dihydrocodeine for about 10 days. I was off both for about 3 days when my Nal arrived. I'll never forget it. It was a Friday night and I'd just taken the Nal and proceeded to have a beer. I'd just about finished the first when I started getting the most God awful hot and cold flushes. Its hard to explain but I started to panic real bad as I didn't know what I was experiencing. This and a lot of other symptoms including the worst RLS I've ever experienced dragged on in the the small hours. I was fine the next day after finally getting to sleep about at around 6am.

                  I wish I have known this info before hand but I've since done a bit of searching and it is indeed a big no no to take Nal when you've opiates in your system. Its sort of sending you into opiate withdrawal.
                  It's a side effect of nal - Nal is an opiod blocker so it kicks the codeine off your receptors so it won't work. Endorphins are opiods, and so are things like codeine, morphine etc. I know I've sometimes mentioned this in some of my posts/threads/explanations of TSM so sorry you didn't know sooner.

                  Most brands of Nal come with a set of cards in the box explaining to medics how to treat you in case of emergency, I used to pop one of these in my purse, bag, coat pocket and also had a medical alert bracelet made.

                  Obviously I don't need these now I am AF.
                  I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                  Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                  AF date 22/07/13


                    Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

                    I ended up searching on-line and it was on an opiate addiction forum I found out it was a no no. I'd only some Codeine in my system. I can't imagine how it would feel if you were a hardcore Heroin user.


                      Stopping Naltrexone to take a tramadol for pain

                      All these post were very useful.

                      Same with me when I took my first nal with tramadol in my system, I too though I was dying and was afraid to take the nal the next day.

                      However, I am on nal every day, very depressed and in pain. Waiting for the steriod nerve root block from pain management.

                      It is a dilemma but at the moment I'm battling on..drinking with nal. But some days I still get drunk, not very often, but I now know that the brain can over ride the nal!!:upset:

                      Co codamol is a no-no too.

