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chelsea98's marijuana thread

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    chelsea98's marijuana thread

    StuckinLA;1636360 wrote: Sounds like you've made your decision - which is great. I did go and get a MMJ card and couldn't even smoke the very little I bought the first time. I think it was like an 1/8th of a gram and then got a free joint for making my first purchase. Smoking shot my anxiety through the roof - even with a fairly "mild" sativa. And the indica in the joint put me through panic I've not experienced in a long, long time.

    And I pleasantly got high almost every night toward the end of high school. Just enough to kind of shut down the day and get some sleep. Worked like a charm. Now, not so much.
    Totally relate- the few times I've tried smoking in recent years, my anxiety also shot through the roof, I was almost too petrified to move. I just figured that I got the wrong strain or something... maybe weed's just not for me. At any rate I'm not motivated at the moment to test the waters again.


      chelsea98's marijuana thread

      chelsea98;1632430 wrote: so now i'm just about 4 weeks free of mary jane. it seems I have a kind of double impatience. the first was when i stopped alcohol with baclofen and was making up for lost time and that's now got the impatience I've gained from stopping weed thrown in on top. I'm being even more productive that i was when i stopped the booze and that's obviously a very good thing but the main difference is the dreams. HOLY SHIT!!!! THE DREAMS!! absolutely nuts. they're not settling down but im getting used to them. some are so vivid i can recall finite details days later, others are boring so i file them in the forget-em-fast folder but damn is it a big difference.

      I'm still titrating down since hitting the switch from the booze and am currently at 100mg per day. I had thought that i may need to head on up again to try and get over the weed but i think baclofen has probably already done it's work for me when i got way up to 240mg for the booze. I didnt realise it at the time but now think that i could have stopped weed and booze together. I think it was probably wise though to use weed as a parachute, because i could. the next step is cigarettes. that may take some building up to but I'm not sure. if baclofen has been so good for weed and booze then why shouldnt it be so for tobacco? I don't think it's so much the stopping that's the issue, but it's maybe more to do with what i'll do with my hands and all the other sub-routines Ive had for this 2.5 decade long relationship.

      all in all, it's going very well. I have absolutely ZERO cravings for weed/hash, none whatsoever. I'm not even thinking about it at all which is slightly different from the booze when on occasions i think "i might have a beer" then like a burst bubble, the thought is gone. the one thing i do miss a little bit about the weed is the rizla rolling papers and the only reason i miss them is that on a couple of occasions, i've broken one of my cigarettes and have nothing to repair them with!!
      Chelsea- I'm on day 51 cig-free using nicotine lozenges, which I'm slowly tapering down. There's a good Tobacco/cigarette free thread in General Discussion that I post in daily to keep on track, there's some good discussion there about quitting cigs. Feel free to join us there if you want!


        chelsea98's marijuana thread

        stuckinLA, i was just wondering, but is MMJ only weed out there? (probably a silly question) i had a serious paranoid episode in amsterdam on some almighty strong weed, first ever in 25 years. that then continued to a degree on the lesser strength thai weed i smoked normally. what i did was move down on to hash which gives a high as opposed to getting stoned so im wondering if hash is available to you as well? the THC content is considerably lower but might be better for you. i'd rather be mellow and have the munchies than stoned and freaking out any day of the week.


          chelsea98's marijuana thread

          thanks skull, im thinking of trying it with baclofen first. a friend was telling me about champix the other day as well, but i'll try with bac first and see how it goes. all in good time though, still puffing away at them....


            chelsea98's marijuana thread

            chelsea98;1636714 wrote: stuckinLA, i was just wondering, but is MMJ only weed out there? (probably a silly question)
            Not silly at all. I honestly don't know what all's available out here. The menu's like a million sativa, indica, and hybrid strains with some arcane code of names that's utterly meaningless to me. And then there're edibles, and this like oil-extract that you're supposed to dab on your wrists I think?

            I'm certain there's hash here, too. But all this stuff seems incredibly high in THC content, and not at all like the ditch-weed I was pleasantly toking in high school. Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with these kids today.


              chelsea98's marijuana thread

              yeah the weed nowadays, even home grown stuff is vastly more powerful than even 10-15 years ago and can send you nuts. thats why i always preferred the hash (though there are stories of it having diesel mixed in to some types, eurgh) . also, it seems that a lot of americans smoke it neat, which is a whole lot of weed to consume in one go. in the UK we tend to mix it with tobacco, in part because it's about $50 for 3.5 grams so it's too expensive to smoke neat.

              low THC content would be better and give a much milder effect which may be what you're looking for.


                chelsea98's marijuana thread

                Lots of talk about the low THC but high CBD MJ for medicinal purposes. Have to live in CO to get this particular strain.

                Dr. Sanjay Gupta's 'WEED2: Cannabis Madness" -


                  chelsea98's marijuana thread

                  its a real shame that the focus on medical marijuana is not focused on cbd strains, isn't that where the majority of the medical benefits come from?

                  just a tangent here, but a very common story amongst alcoholics is that they progressed from daily marijuana to alcohol because the thc made them paranoid, booze initially would give respite and still fill the hole of getting a relaxing substance at teh end of a day of work. a few years down the road and those addicted to alcohol now have even worse anxiety when sober.

                  if we had high cbd strains, it may give an anti anxiety outlet that would prevent many alcoholics from begining in the first place
                  01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                  Baclofen prescribing guide

                  Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                    chelsea98's marijuana thread

                    I went from alcohol to pot, but I too have experienced anxiety from it, both while stoned and during the next day when it has worn off. I tend to agree with this being a THC versus CBD thing. A few times, the anxiety and weird obsessive thinking I sometimes get from marijuana has actually led me to drink again to get free of it, although I only tend to drink for 5-7 nights now before quitting again. I really wish there was a third intoxicant that was fairly easy to get and not burdened by rapid tolerance!!


                      chelsea98's marijuana thread

                      Cannabis May Be A Substitute For Alcohol, Study Says


                        chelsea98's marijuana thread

                        for me personally, i didn't progress to alcohol because of weed. drugs ran throughout the rave culture i grew up in in the UK in the late 80's early 90's and smoking was a big part of it. I remember my closest friend at the time had a major paranoid episode on it when we were about 19 (20 years ago) and he's never touched it since. I never understood what he meant until last october when i had my major episode. for me, smoking and drinking always went hand in hand, i'd be smoking before I started my evening drinking and never knew any different. there was one occasion where i'd not had a smoke, was about 4 pints in and then lit one up. it blew me absolutely sideways. interesting article you linked to spiritwolf, though weed never slowed me down with my drinking. not too sure of the 7 criteria they mention that cannabis satisfies 6 of, in my case they both went together.

