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My catalyst a new baclofen journey

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    My catalyst a new baclofen journey

    I am a long time lurker, and a very rare poster. My social anxiety usually prevents me from participating much in forums for fear of ridicule.

    I have just experienced an epithany, a catalyst that makes me want to share, so please bear with my ramblings.

    My story, i am a 41 year old with terrible anxiety who turns to drink to mask my problems. I have tried baclofen in the past, approx 2 years ago, ordered online as my GP at the time would not prescribe it here in the UK, reached my switch, managed several days AF, but succumbed back into the alcohol trap when the side effects got too much. I have a high stress job, which i do enjoy, but the stress takes its toll. I drink every evening (only a couple of days AF in past year).

    2 years have past, a lot has happened, i have got out of an unhappy marriage, found the girl of my dreams, bought a house, all through this alcohol has remained a constant.

    My catalyst came last weeknd where i almost lost the girl of my dreams due to my anxiety and alcohol. I was an absolute arse, accusing her of having an affair for no reason, telling her to move out, she did, i was heartbroken. Understandably she is hesitant to return, but has done so albeit as a lodger at this time in support.

    I have contacted Jonathan Chick and have a consultation with him on Wednesday. I have a stash of baclofen from before, and have started titrating up. I have to make changes in my life before it is too late.

    I am at present taking approx 100mg-125mg of bac and my cravings are reduced, and the anxiety feels better, but still there. i have a way to go yet, but i am positive i can make a change. I have too, its heartbraking to consider the alternatives. So i am here, bearing my soul to the community.:new:

    My catalyst a new baclofen journey

    Welcome Friend. I'm new here too, and just about ready to order my first order of baclofen. Alcohol has wrecked everything in my life, and I guess it's time. Best wishes.


      My catalyst a new baclofen journey

      Thanks to both of you for posting. You'll get lots of good support here. My life has changed in many ways after more than a year on baclofen. You'll be amazed if you stick with it. Welcome.


        My catalyst a new baclofen journey

        lumox - i look forward to seeing your progress. keep posting here on how you progress.

        Im curious around the subject of having lost your switch and then attempting to get it back. there is some in the past that the switch required the subsequent times is higher and that drinking when you have switched causes you to lose your switch.

        So, how did you lose your switch? and what was the amount of baclofen you were taking when you hit your switch?
        01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

        Baclofen prescribing guide

        Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


          My catalyst a new baclofen journey

          Kickapoogirl;1622421 wrote: Welcome Friend. I'm new here too, and just about ready to order my first order of baclofen. Alcohol has wrecked everything in my life, and I guess it's time. Best wishes.
          Welcome kickapoo (great name by the way). I wish you all the best....i understand what alcohol can do and its painful to see. I will help any way i can.....lets do this


            My catalyst a new baclofen journey

            kronkcarr;1622428 wrote: Thanks to both of you for posting. You'll get lots of good support here. My life has changed in many ways after more than a year on baclofen. You'll be amazed if you stick with it. Welcome.
            Thanks kronk, tell me more, whats your story? Do you have a thread?


              My catalyst a new baclofen journey

              Welcome Large and Girl! :welcome:

              You will get lots of support and varying degrees of experience. I've been on Baclofen since last fall, but only seriously stopped drinking and "switched" last month. I've had 3 glasses of wine since I switched and did not get the great feeling I thought I used to have when drinking before. It works if you plow through and let it do it's magic.

              Not to say it's all good and's not. Posting here helps tons.



                My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                Hi LargeL -I think that I lost my original post -I try to remember to copy post before posting -this is only for your future reference if needed.

                Alcoholism is pure hell -no other way to put it; then again, you already know this. Firewater eventually robs of everything we truly love and then it takes away our life. It is a deadly disease -at best.

                I sure hope you find your way out using baclofen (or anything). Baclofen saved my life and even gave me the ability to have the basics to begin a new life.

                Best to you.


                  My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                  neophyte;1622438 wrote: ...
                  there is some in the past that the switch required the subsequent times is higher and that drinking when you have switched causes you to lose your switch.
                  It's been my experience that the switch always happens at the same dose. YMMV.

                  Just wanted to add: if your baclofen is over 2 years old, it may have lost potency. If it was kept in the dark, in a sealed container, you should be okay though. On the off chance that you left it lying loose, on the window sill, however...


                    My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                    Thank you all for you messages, I don't feel as alone in my own head trying to fight with your support.

                    good point bleep , but my bac has been sealed and kept hidden away. I am starting to feel mild SE, some insomnia, mild electric shocks in fingers, and tinnitus. All for the greater good.

                    I am feeling quite positive I can beat this disease and agree spirit, firewater is evil, tho sometimes it's very hard to see from behind the fog

                    Gonna titrate up to 150mg today and stay there fun till SE stabilise. Yesterday didn't drink anywhere near as much, probably 50% of my usual amount, and feel much better this morning.


                      My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                      hi largelumox and welcome. i'm sure you've done it correctly in the past but I would advise a slow titration. increase by 10mg every 4-5 days only, otherwise, the side effects will be that much more potent.

                      i hope the fear of ridicule has already vanished, being on a web forum affords us the anonimity that sometimes we desperately need to explain our situation, so don't be afraid to lay it all on the line, we've all gone through a world of shit and you'll find that people here are only here to help.

                      welcome, good luck and best wishes!!


                        My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                        Large and Girl, just wanted to say welcome to you both- it does get better without alcohol! One word of warning- be careful about dosing too high too quickly. Have you read up on the recommended dosing schedules? Many people experience SE's that can be troublesome. It's usually recommended to go up pretty slow for this reason. How fast are you increasing dosage?

                        EDIT- I'd also agree with Chelsea above, though I'd add that I personally go up even slower because of SE's- I go up only 5mg every week, and SE's are very bearable. I do this because I'm very succeptible to depression/anxiety that can occur with going up in bac dosage too quickly.

                        Also- there are a couple great threads on natural remedies for anxiety-- I've taken some of the recommended supplements and they make a WORLD of difference. See here for a good thread-

                        Also- please never fear ridicule on this board- we're very welcoming and here to help, and non-judgemental, many of us have developed good friendships, to boot


                          My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                          Thanks all, i am currently at 150mg and feel really good. Anxiety greatly reduced, enjoying listening to music, laughing at tv shows. My partner (or lodger as she prefer to be calls at the moment, as she is not sure on our future). commented that i seem manic, i feel a bit like grinning all the time, and rather mischevious. All in all a good feeling. Its 20.50 at night and i havent had a drink today. I still have cravings, quite strong so i may have a drink, i'll see. Very excited to meet Jonathan Chick tomorrow evening, for once i can sort off see a future.


                            My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                            Hi Large,
                            Just wanted to say hi! I started following you thread. I started 140mg today. Like the others, I increase slowly. I'm on day 45 of Bac and day 35 with no alcohol. Keep up the posting and let us know how your appt w dr chick went!


                              My catalyst a new baclofen journey


                              You sound great. Good luck tomorrow. I had a lot of the same good feelings early on with bac.

                              I don't have a thread here. I have a few things posted on my initial post. I'm months behind in my thread on I got through my third month there. I am almost 14 months on bac and it's the second best thing I've done--having my son is the first. My life, what I do and how I am has changed for the better. I encourage you to keep on.

                              I'll check back to see what Dr Chick says.

