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My catalyst a new baclofen journey

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    My catalyst a new baclofen journey

    Well today has been interesting. My partner has decided to move out, as she cannot deal with the pressure of a weird situation and the way i seemed so manic on baclofen last night. This was a sad start to the day, but i think its for the best. I love her very much, and hate to see her in pain, and my journey i am sure will not be pain free. Its very sad as i have just bought a house for us to raise our family which consists of a 3month old staffie puppy. I am keeping the puppy as she is my new best friend, and i can really use the unconditional love at the moment.

    Anyway not all is bad, i am sitting on the train heading to London for my appointment, and i feel strangely calm...way less stressed and anxious than usual. I dont feel completely like its the end of the world, just a mild apocalypse.

    100mg into today so far, minimal SE. I think tonight may be harder, as when i get home she will be gone. That will hurt. Damn firewater has taken its toll.:upset:


      My catalyst a new baclofen journey

      LL, sorry to hear that she moved out-- that is tough. Perhaps the relationship can be mended, perhaps not-- either way you're doing yourself a good service by going to the appointment. I'm happy for you for that reason alone. Getting the firewater under control will be the best thing you can do and everything else can be worked on. Congratulations on taking these steps, LL, and good luck with everything. Even if the next few days are painful please remember to be good to yourself.


        My catalyst a new baclofen journey


        Hey skull

        Yes it hasnt been the best of days. But i sent a message via facebook that i needed friends to talk too. A bunch of people came through for me and i have been talking about my problems with them all day. Its been really good.
        I then travelled to London to meet prof Chick. Tubes were on strike so all taxis pretty busy. I decided to walk the 3 miles from the train station to his hotel where we met. A lovely walk, taking in the sights and sounds of the city.

        I met prof Chick and i have to say he is a lovely man. Bwell spoken and very measured in his response to questions. Definately worth the money for the reassurance that what i am doing is not is not absurdly mental.

        Long and short of it is prof chick thinks it will be relatively easy for me to fix myself, and has prescribed 80mg bac, and will also contact my GP to advice him that this is his recommeded treatment.

        So a positive day i think, but mixed emotions for me


          My catalyst a new baclofen journey


          I love Staffies! We call them Pit Bulls in the US...bad name and they have such a bad rap. English Staffordshire Bull Terrier? They are the smaller ones, yes?

          I'm sorry your SO moved. Maybe it wasn't meant to be, but maybe she will come back, at least you have a doggie to keep you warm at night. I have a cavalier King Charles and she will be 14 this November....old for a ckcs.



            My catalyst a new baclofen journey

            Hey Sam,

            Love your profile pic. My little staffie is asleep on my lap as i type this.

            I am pleased to report it is midnight here, and i am AF today! Just about to go to bed, and to be honest it was fairly easy tonight to resist what little urges i had.

            A long way to go still, but i am feeling good


              My catalyst a new baclofen journey

              Hi Large -glad u r feeling good. And Large -how often can you keep us updated on your tremendous progress? (lol-of course)

              Till next post


                My catalyst a new baclofen journey



                  My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                  Hey all,

                  Feeling very up and down today. Occasionally very happy, other times on the brink of tears. Feeling very lonely. Didnt help that i couldnt sleep well last night, guess thats the lack of alcohol in my system which i have got used too.

                  Come to the realisation today that perhaps my partner wasnt right for me, which makes me sad.

                  Havent had a drink today yet, but its early in the evening so watch this space.


                    My catalyst a new baclofen journey


                    You're doing a great job. Keep posting.


                      My catalyst a new baclofen journey


                      Yes, the early days of sobriety can be very difficult and lonely, but they are worth getting through without alcohol and things do feel better soon. I wish you the best of luck my friend... keep reading and posting here and don't drink if at all possible.


                        My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                        Hi all, its been a few days but making good progress.

                        Decided to have adrink at the weekend, and enjoyed it, but didnt get as drunk as usual, the bac is certainly helping with suppression of craving.

                        This week so far i have had 2 AF nights and am writing this AF at almost midnight!! I have spent evenings making new friends on online dating,, as thats what i crave, friendship, and people to talk too. Have also spent time hanging out with my boys, both grown up at (18 and 20), its been great to have company and its helping me deal with this change.

                        Hardly exchanged any words with my ex-girlfriend, and the messages have been tense, have decided to avoid her, as i dont need the negativity at this time.

                        Maybe there is light at the end of my tunnel


                          My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                          Nice work.
                          Are you going up from 150mg or staying there? How quickly did you titrate to that level?

                          I like what you did here.. you've basically documented your progress. I'm inspired to start my own thread now too to do the same. It's also my 2nd run at bac, although I abandoned the first earlier than you. At what level was your "switch"?


                            My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                            Hi Largelumox, hope you are having a 'large' day - I mean that you are living large!!

                            Yes, please keep posting - the more experiences we can read the better for us all.

                            Good for you that you are reaching out to your boys, and the on-line dating thing can be good too. Social phobia has been a problem for me too, especially when everyone is drinking - not only would I rather stay at home and isolate, but people don't realize how boring they get when they drink too much. I certainly must have been a terrible bore when I was in my cups!!

                            Learning new ways of 'being' is harder than being a boring drunk though in my book. Keep up the good work!!
                            My first "indifference experience" Saturday January 11, 2014. Thank God for Baclofen!


                              My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                              Hi all,

                              I have had a good weekend, have had a few drinks over the weekend, but have made real progress with anxiety. Have had a night out with my boys, and had two coffee dates, both of which were successful as far as i am concerned.

                              I dont think i have reached my switch, am currently on 125-150 mg per day, desire for alcohol is reduced, but, it can at times be hard to break the habit of drinking.

                              My plan moving forward is to continue to cut down during the week and attempt to have more AF days than drinking days.


                                My catalyst a new baclofen journey

                                Sounds like good progress Large- keep us updated on your progress. So it sounds like for now you're shooting for 4 days AF a week?

