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baclofan as a cure for panic attacks?

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    baclofan as a cure for panic attacks?

    anyone out there use bac and had a reduction or cessation of their panic attacks? i'm aware of the bac and anxiety thread but wondering specifically about attacks. i have periodic attacks usually lasting about three days that are horrible. been sober 6.5 years so its not alcohol. not on bac but considering it just for panic. thanks all

    baclofan as a cure for panic attacks?

    I also suffer from panic attacks. Whenever I feel one coming on (under previous circumstances I would have taken a slug of vodka), as per the French prescribing guide, I take 10-20mg of bac and it keeps the "joneses" at bay.

    I used to be of the opinion that benzos and antidepressants were better for managing anxiety, but the klonopin just made me even more agitated. I've not been on a SSRI, but anecdotal information found on this forum makes me question their efficacy. The only antidepressant I've been on is trazodone because of my sleep difficulties, but it's not something I could take with any regularity due to its hypnotic effects.
    In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased


      baclofan as a cure for panic attacks?

      As for SSRIs, about 9 years ago i suffered from panic attacks, they would happen 2-3 times a week and awlays when i tried to sleep. I was prescribe zoloft 50mg which almost immediately stopped the panic attacks. It was a life saver. I still take the same dose, but since im on baclofen, i might see how it goes without zoloft

      just a word of caution, reading online, it's hit or miss.
      01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

      Baclofen prescribing guide

      Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


        baclofan as a cure for panic attacks?

        I used to get panic attacks pretty bad when drinking heavily- and they exactly mirrored abilify withdrawal even though I was taking it.

        My theory is that heavy alcohol use took first priority in my liver, leaving no way to metabolize my meds. There were probably 5 times in 1 year I had to leave work early because the panic was so intense, not to mention severe bouts of akathesia that were probably aggravated by caffeine.

        The attacks ceased when my drinking went down to a trickle.

        If you're getting them while sober, I don't think a low dose of bac would hurt. Do you get them in the context of cravings?


          baclofan as a cure for panic attacks?

          thanks for the responses.
          i realize now that i'm sober for a number of years that i always had an underlying anxiety that paralyzed me and kept me from making decisions about life events. an undercurrent of anxiety punctuated by extreme episodes everytime the big life events happened. career choice,graduation,etc. alcohol was a real savior for me for a long while. until it didn't work anymore. when i got sober i turnrd to exercise and meditation which after a number of years seems to have cured the undercurrent but not the episodic anxiety. or maybe it's the 100mg of zoloft that i've been taking for a year or so.
          anyway, i thinking i might try bac for the episodic and see how it works out. i think the flight or fight mechanism in my brain (amygdala) is broken and maybe bac can help. my theory is that the switch that you guys talk about may be certain genes turning back on. or off. however it works. maybe long turn alcoholism switches the gene off and bac flips the "switch" back. anyway, thanks you guys. grat.


            baclofan as a cure for panic attacks?

            I think it could be the zoloft- do you fidget and pace a lot?


              baclofan as a cure for panic attacks?

              gratitude;1624129 wrote: fred,neo,alky,
              thanks for the responses.
              i realize now that i'm sober for a number of years that i always had an underlying anxiety that paralyzed me and kept me from making decisions about life events. an undercurrent of anxiety punctuated by extreme episodes everytime the big life events happened. career choice,graduation,etc. alcohol was a real savior for me for a long while. until it didn't work anymore. when i got sober i turnrd to exercise and meditation which after a number of years seems to have cured the undercurrent but not the episodic anxiety. or maybe it's the 100mg of zoloft that i've been taking for a year or so.
              anyway, i thinking i might try bac for the episodic and see how it works out. i think the flight or fight mechanism in my brain (amygdala) is broken and maybe bac can help. my theory is that the switch that you guys talk about may be certain genes turning back on. or off. however it works. maybe long turn alcoholism switches the gene off and bac flips the "switch"
              back. anyway, thanks you guys. grat.
              I believe you are on to something Gratitude (Bac may actually reset -restart). I do believe however that something existed in my brain -pre alcoholism, that mandated I be anxious while under many situations. I must say that baclofen has made a huge difference in my REACTION to perceived threats -but has not necessarily derailed my initial anxious thoughts.


                baclofan as a cure for panic attacks?


                Baclofen helps with anxiety, but it doesn't prevent the post alcoholic dread of what you did previously. I went through the glory days when I switched but am now reliving the bad choices I made pre-sobriety. I think therapy is a good option for us all. Good luck no matter what.


