Interesting- I too have been looking into magnesium deficiency for a few SE's that have popped up as of late (namely, itchy skin or feeling of crawling ants) especially around my arms and hands. I'm doing blood tests soon and will post what I find.
Sam, thanks for the tip about Magnesium Chloride, I'll look into that for baths.
I can't speak to the muscle soreness thing except to say that my muscles get really sore if I DON'T excercise- my stiting/desk job lifestyle makes it very painful if I don't exercise. Of course, my muscles feel sore after lifting weights but it's the good kind of sore.
Freedom- how did the 4 beers go? Where you able to stop after 4 without too much difficulty, or? How did they taste, how bad is the hangover etc? Just curious to hear your thoughts on this. Hope you are well