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Baclofen and sleep

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    Baclofen and sleep

    Thanks libmit, the point could be that maybe 30mg they disturb but 15 they can help...
    Thanks Bleep, it seems that everybody has this similar effect but you didn't write at what time you take last pill and how much is...

    Xadrian;1631139 wrote: In my experience and in a lot of others' too, how you divide the doses during the day is not that important for the main goal. The noticeable effects of in- or decrease on the main goal will take a day or 4, so it appears to be "stored" somewhere.
    Important is that
    you get your daily dose.ok Xadrian,
    this is surely a controversial point, probably for effectiveness while indifferent it can be like that but i'm not so sure about the period while titrating up and...

    Xadrian;1631139 wrote:
    On the other hand, the way how you divide your doses can have a big difference for the SE's. If for example you cannot get to sleep, you could lower your evening dose and up your day dose.
    ...agree about SE but is not so sure about sleep.
    I admit that this is what i've learned too until today but with really poor practical results.
    Eh Xad! this thread is made exactly to investigate this point! ;-)

    I report that i already start to make some "test" on my dosage and tonight just split my evening dose of 10mg in 2 (5mg at 8PM and 5mg at 11PM 45min before turning off light) and.. WOW made 6 hours in a row as i was not doing from really long time.
    No other factors seems to be involved but anyway one day does not count and is to confirm next days.
    If is confirmed then i will even try to add 5mg more...

    I'm quite sure that finally we will find something!
    I've already setup a simple web form/survey, i have to finish it and will post link really soon...
    Baclofen started: January 2013
    Switch (sort of): April 2013 / ~165mg
    November 2014: stable at 45mg: 10AM-15mg, 1PM-15mg, 5PM-15mg
    -> Here my progress thread on MWO <-


      Baclofen and sleep

      libmit;1631165 wrote:

      PS: My condolences on your grandmother passing Ne. Hard times.
      Thanks, Libmit.

      bleep;1631454 wrote:
      Xadrian hit the nail on the head IMO. Unless you are new to baclofen, when you take what dose is irrelevant. If you are titrating up, it can make a huge difference to SE's though.

      Something for me changed and the lack of sleep started to really affect my life. Or rather, the lack of good sleep. Maybe I should do the damn sleep study. pffft.


        Baclofen and sleep

        emc;1631464 wrote:
        Thanks Bleep, it seems that everybody has this similar effect but you didn't write at what time you take last pill and how much is...
        I didn't, but that's because I believe it makes no difference. If you are compiling the results and want the data though, I take all 240 in one dose just before bed (I wouldn't recommend trying this straight away, work up to it gradually if you must do it this way).

        Ne, sorry to hear about your gran. Great that you had your last few years with her all mostly sorted though. And how can you not have time for a sleep study? Surely it is just sleeping in a different bed!?


          Baclofen and sleep

          For the last 2 days I have been taken my doses in 20-20-50 (increase of 10 in the "before sleep" dose and decrease of the same in the morning dose)
          I have taken the 50 just before going to sleep (10.30 PM)

          Both nights I slept within 5 minutes and did not wake up till 6 AM.
          Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


            Baclofen and sleep

            bleep;1631847 wrote: Ne, sorry to hear about your gran. Great that you had your last few years with her all mostly sorted though. And how can you not have time for a sleep study? Surely it is just sleeping in a different bed!?
            Thanks, bleepster. Yes, mostly sorted except the whole dying thing. That throws a wrench into it. Sorry to make light, but it's certainly better than making heart-wrenching.

            The idea of sleeping in an institutional bed with stuff attached to me while strangers watch me on camera? I met a couple of guys who are the techs who monitor sleep studies at a party a couple of years ago. They were both seriously creepy. It's just inconvenience, though. And the fact that I don't like doctors or institutions or medicine and all that jazz.

            bleep;1631847 wrote:
            I didn't, but that's because I believe it makes no difference. If you are compiling the results and want the data though, I take all 240 in one dose just before bed.
            Please for the love of good things, don't try this at home. Okay, not until you're well into your baclofen journey, and brave and fearless and bored. Just a friendly PSA, that I hope bleep won't mind, but know he fully expects.


              Baclofen and sleep

              bleep;1631454 wrote: Xadrian hit the nail on the head IMO. Unless you are new to baclofen, when you take what dose is irrelevant. If you are titrating up, it can make a huge difference to SE's though.

              I sleep ok, I guess. I have just got over the stage (again) of needing 4 to 5 hours sleep a night, and miss it. So now I go to sleep at 11ish, and wake up at 6ish, normally with an hour awake somewhere in the middle, which I use to read, or work, or just do whatever. Baclofen definitely screws with your sleep. I found the easiest way to cope with it is to accept it, and try and do something productive with the extra time you are given. Moaning about it won't help, and will just make you resent being awake, which seems unavoidable at various times while on baclofen.

              EDIT: Hi emc - I realise that is not a very helpful answer - sorry! I haven't tried taking anything for it, so don't know if you can get around it that way, From what I've read over the past few years here, very little seems to work though, which is why I just ignored that route.
              Bleep, you made a post similar to this early on regarding my sleep patterns. I think your post basically said accept the hours of sleep you do get (4 to 5) and then take advantage of the awake hours. I held to this strategy then and still do to this day. I still only sleep 4 to 5 hours, but once up and moving, I feel great. (Maybe a late afternoon nap now and then). But, you were right and I have tried to pass this on to others.


                Baclofen and sleep

                Thanks for your contribution Reggie.
                Quetiapine/Seroquel is far to be a candy... ;-) and i would like to stay away from this kind of drugs...
                Good anyway to know that works!

                The key point of this thread is more to try to find how to dose Baclofen to have a good sleep... or any other tip/tips that is not adding another drug...
                Baclofen started: January 2013
                Switch (sort of): April 2013 / ~165mg
                November 2014: stable at 45mg: 10AM-15mg, 1PM-15mg, 5PM-15mg
                -> Here my progress thread on MWO <-


                  Baclofen and sleep


                  Here finally the survey i was talking about... it takes just 2 minutes.
                  Collect and analyze data can help us to understand better the relation between Baclofen and sleep...
                  I will take out some statistics and share it here.

                  Here the link: Baclofen and sleep survey

                  Let me know in case of any problem or or mistakes in English language
                  Suggestions to make it better are obviously welcome.
                  The survey is even in French 'cause i post the link even in French forum.
                  Baclofen started: January 2013
                  Switch (sort of): April 2013 / ~165mg
                  November 2014: stable at 45mg: 10AM-15mg, 1PM-15mg, 5PM-15mg
                  -> Here my progress thread on MWO <-


                    Baclofen and sleep

                    emc;1634147 wrote: Here finally the survey i was talking about... it takes just 2 minutes.
                    Collect and analyze data can help us to understand better the relation between Baclofen and sleep...
                    I will take out some statistics and share it here.

                    Here the link: Baclofen and sleep survey

                    Let me know in case of any problem or or mistakes in English language
                    Suggestions to make it better are obviously welcome.
                    The survey is even in French 'cause i post the link even in French forum.
                    I'm not able to answer question 14, because I can't remeber how my sleep was before baclofen, without alcohol, so I aborted the survey.
                    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                      Baclofen and sleep

                      is true Xadrian... thanks for report
                      I did not think about this problem ;-)
                      Now is ok. I unmark it as "required" field...
                      Link again in case the post move to the other page...
                      Baclofen and sleep survey
                      Baclofen started: January 2013
                      Switch (sort of): April 2013 / ~165mg
                      November 2014: stable at 45mg: 10AM-15mg, 1PM-15mg, 5PM-15mg
                      -> Here my progress thread on MWO <-

