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So much to read, so little time to do it...

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    So much to read, so little time to do it...

    RedThread12;1635331 wrote: Thanks MissI. for clarifying the point that I have less than no interest in reading/responding to a minute,
    totally insignificant mention in my post telling me how wrong I ( and multiple professionals) are about my car. My post was not about my car. Had I even suspected someone would copy that and respond to it as if they had firsthand experience - instead of understanding the intent of my post, like Mandiekinz, I would have saved my energy for more efficient ways to help dying alcoholics. Which explains why I don't "hit the board" all that often. But I am no final arbiter of significance. Everyone's got to find their own way through.

    P..S. to Xaxier. I THINK you were trying to be helpful?? But my brakes worked perfectly, and no way had I re-filled the fluid hid multiple times when I had a simple oil change at Jiffyube. If you would like copies from the Honda service techs and their statement that contaminated brake fluid corrupted seals on the master cylinder, PM me.

    I'm very sorry for trying to be helpful. Thank's a lot for the appreciation. If I would have known that you would take it up as an accusation to you and your car dealer, I would never have posted it.
    If the Honda dealer says so, it has
    to be the truth by definition, right? No one can argue with that.
    I therefore will delete the post you objected too and I will try to refrain myself from trying be helpful to you again.

    P.S. Thank you for taking the effort to spell my nickname correct.
    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


      So much to read, so little time to do it...

      Hi Mandie,

      I don't post much, as I'm sure you'lI discover. I just wanted you to know how much I value what you write and your contributions. I very much relate to how you feel. I read and read, and mean to tell you all the time. Thank you so much for being present here. I think you're
      a beautiful soul.

      This Princess Saved Herself


        So much to read, so little time to do it...

        Whoa, it a full moon and I just walked into an Alzheimer's unit or what???


        RedThread, my love...I think Xadrian was just trying to be helpful from a man's point of view (they generally understand cars more than most of us women) can't blame him for not knowing and understanding the whole story that happened with your car. I think things were taken out of context in your lack of time to be able to catch up in here. BUSY WOMAN GO GET A MASSAGE FOR LIKE A WEEK! You deserve it and need it after all your hustling around to fix what's going on in your world.

        Redhead, THANK YOU!!!! You, as a Senior Member SHOULD post more...maybe you can start guiding the way for the rest of us that look up to many of the senior members. I do understand you've been through a lot though. Evan spoke very often and very fondly of you. I hold high respect for you.

        Xadrian, I appreciate your help and support and wise words you bring to the boards. You are a great guider in here. With a realistic and down to earth point of view.

        MissI, I've got some catching up to do with our emails, sorry for slacking. Thank you for the support, and get back to letting the boards how you are doing.

        I understand what's going on in RedThread's life that most don't. She's carrying the world in one hand while fighting off multiple armies with another. So, it's been difficult for her to communicate with complete clarity as she just doesn't have enough time in a day to concur all tasks and allow you to understand what's up. Patience with her and understanding that it's NOT YOU, it's just the circumstances will be support that she needs right now.

        Remember, we don't always know someone's situation or circumstances. Hence when I mentioned on the board before about handling an angry customer. We don't know that person, we don't understand that person. They might lash, kick and scream...but to not take it personal. We all have our moments.

        Like yesterday, after the past two weeks of working 70 hour weeks, getting 4 hours of sleep a night...The chick tried to speed up and cut me off in between a semi. (I said good bye to my road rage years ago)...That rage reared it's ugly head, decided my hemi would kick that bitch's ass, and I beat her to it and decided to ride along the semi for a minute to fuck her world up.

        I got home, fuuuumed about it, contemplating hopping back on the highway to go hunt her ass down. After some MUCH needed sleep last night. I woke up thinking...WHAT THE HELL, MANDIE?! She could have had an emergency, she might have needed to get home immediately to get to her sick kids...I don't know. It's not my business to know. Why was I punishing her, a stranger, b/c I was cranky?

        But now I'm remembering that she was smiling as I was speeding up. DON'T FUCK WITH A GIRL IN A TRUCK. hehe...Okay, so that's my story of what exhaustion and stress can do to people.
        ?If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.? - Eckhart Tolle

        To contact me, please msg me here:
        Baclofen for Alcoholism


          So much to read, so little time to do it...

          I'm not entirely sure why, Mandie, but your post put me in mind of David Foster Wallace's masterful commencement address at Kenyon College a few years back. In it, the late, great DFW wondered about the meaning of life...including the different points of view of people interacting...and the "other side of the story". The side of the story we don't know.

          It is very much worth reading...its about life...

          David Foster Wallace on Life and Work -

          Best wishes, Mandie,

          With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


            So much to read, so little time to do it...

            Oh Mandie...I hope you're getting some much needed rest. Stress and exhaustion can make us crazy. :l I think we have to be especially careful to get enough rest. Thank you for your kind words to me. The respect is mutual between us. I hope your Sunday is somewhat lazy, or you can find at least one thing to do that brings you joy.
            This Princess Saved Herself


              So much to read, so little time to do it...

              Mandiekinz;1635634 wrote: WE CAN'T STOP HERE, THIS IS BAT COUNTRY!!
              Damned right.

              So WTF is going on here, there's gotta be some deleted posts or something. Regardless, Red's absolutely amazing and she posts when she can, or when something strikes her as a thing she should reply to. She doesn't owe us anything.

              And "senior" member is just a function of the number of posts you have. 999 is a "member," 1000 is a "senior member."

              Honestly in my opinion, most of what the senior members have to say they've already said. On their threads. That's a lot of reading but it's worth it. Except for Ne - her thread is like 2,000 posts


                So much to read, so little time to do it...

                Much appreciated, Stuck!! If I tried to explain anything, it would go more :nutso:, I'm sure. My deepest apologies regarding auto-correct's name-change, Xadrian. I did not proof-read my post. I wrote the bit about my car only as narrative, and should probably have left it out, since it had nothing at all to do with the point of my post.

                And Mandikinz, amazing one, sometimes direct speech is misunderstood as bitchiness. And sometimes it is just a wan being that . In this case, I plead the former . . . but would never deny being the latter, at times. No need to "cover"
                for me, about that!

                Language is so limited and limiting, to start with. To shine that written words could possibly convey full meaning, or be received with all their nuance and intent makes it somewhat of a miracle that the forum has continued, and in so doing, continued to save so many lives.

                My point was and is: since Evan's departure
                I have heard myself say - out loud and with no
                prevarication: "I know how to end alcoholism."

                Unfortunately, I screwed that up, too. Still no computer
                for me :-(.

                This entire thread reads - to me - like a microcosm of why you put it up. And it keeps not going down!! And I see Lo0p in his halo and wings ROFL. Namaste, friends .
                "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                  So much to read, so little time to do it...

                  Cassander;1635773 wrote: I'm not entirely sure why, Mandie, but your post put me in mind of David Foster Wallace's masterful commencement address at Kenyon College a few years back. In it, the late, great DFW wondered about the meaning of life...including the different points of view of people interacting...and the "other side of the story". The side of the story we don't know.

                  It is very much worth reading...its about life...

                  David Foster Wallace on Life and Work -

                  Best wishes, Mandie,

                  Oh and there's an audio recording of it here:[/video]]This Is Water - Full version-David Foster Wallace Commencement Speech - YouTube

                  Anytime DFW comes up around here, I really recommend trying to make your way through Infinite Jest. It's a freaking doorstop of a book, but there's a lot you can skip. The 1/3rd of it that takes place in an alcohol and drug recovery house is really worth reading.


                    So much to read, so little time to do it...

                    Brilliant - at least, according to the way I decided to think a long time ago, and which keeps opening whole new universes decades later. Not necessarily easy, but all the other options seem so . . . futile. Thanks Cass and Stuck. I will look into Infinite Jest. Which brings to mind another great, mind-bending read, "Finite and Infinite Games."
                    "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir

