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Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

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    Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

    spiritwolf333;1632691 wrote:
    And Pat, please let us in on the recreational values of baclofen so we can try. You are awesome for letting us know.
    spirit, are you being sarcastic or did you miss a word there? baclofen has no recreational value and nor should we try and seek it.
    01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

    Baclofen prescribing guide

    Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


      Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

      neophyte;1632715 wrote: spirit, are you being sarcastic or did you miss a word there? baclofen has no recreational value and nor should we try and seek it.
      Hi Neo -yes, I was being sarcastic. Those posts are so frustrating.


        Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

        PatrickCardiff06;1632639 wrote: Thanks Stuck. The Alcohol has massively helped, without any other assistance except utulizing what i have. Its nearly 10pm and on 50mg, think i may need another 20 to settle down and try at 70 today. Its been a shitty 24 hours, still my head feels like its going to explode but i havent been buzzing today, if anything it was only after the vodka did i feel i could manage this taper for today.

        It is important to add that i took baclofen originally to help get of the alcohol but then i found recreational values and thats when i ended up on 120mg in thailand and only for 1 month, so physically im ok, just the slowed down breathing, chest pains and sore head and early morning dramas, hopefully tonight will be ok, but thats my only worry on an otherwise successful 2nd day tapering
        patrick, there is a guy on the forum who keeps trolling, creates multiple accounts and makes up baclofen horror stories, especially in regards to withdrawal. so some may suspect you of being this guy. im not saying you are this troll however, i will warn you that some people may accuse you and that is why.

        that said, you using baclofen to stop drinking was not "stupid" as you suggested in your original topic. but you did use baclofen incorrectly. so the only thing stupid here was to take a dangerous medication without having done the proper research on what you are doing. if you want to try and quit drinking again you are probably best left to the care of a medical professional.

        i hope you get better, take solace that it normally takes more than 4 weeks to gain a dependence on baclofen so hopefully you will get better soon. if you can get more baclofen to do a taper do that. you might want to do some research on whether phenibut might alleviate your symptoms, its a gaba-b agonist, it might work, though i dont really know, thats for you to find out.
        01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

        Baclofen prescribing guide

        Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


          Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

          ah sorry Spirit, im having one of those days, kinda obvious when i reread your post :P
          01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

          Baclofen prescribing guide

          Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


            Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals



            you can tell who the troll is because he has always typed "I" with a small letter "i" just as PatrickCardiff and Neophyte have.

            Aye, aye, matey!



            Olivier Ameisen

            In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


              Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

              PatrickCardff05;1632340 wrote: I'm in a spot of bother. I recently stupidly bought Baclofen to self medicate off alcohol. But my addiction issues meant i went right up to 120mg per day for 1 month. I am running out of Baclofen so am attempting an emergency taper. From 120, to 100 yesterday, 80 today, 60 for the next 3 days, then 30 for the next 3 days.

              Last night there were some disturbing symptoms. The first few hours of sleep i kept waking up every 30 minutes but felt like i had been alseep for hours. Then this morning i had 2 seperate episodes of waking up and everything spinning, heart racing and it felt like i was going to faint/blackout at any moment. After about a minute of coming around my heart would slow but i would notice i was hardly breathing.

              That must be dropping in and out of conciousness in my sleep through lack of breathing. Ive been practising lots of deep breathing this morning and feel a bit better but i am worried about the next few days as the taper may be well to fast.

              Because of past problems, A&E is not very sympathetic and the doctor wont prescribe anything else to help, but i am determined to get of the baclofen on this taper, no matter what it takes.

              Can anyone help with these questions please.

              Because ive only been on it a month, with the withdrawals be less severe than anyone on for longer?

              Last night i had codeine and L Theanine to help me sleep, is this dangerous to do? I dont want to kick off any delirum through lack of sleep

              Im going to battle through the day as long as i can without it and take most of the doses later so i can get to sleep.

              Baclofen is a scary drug to come off.

              Hi Patrick,

              Why don't you go to the other forum. There are some very experienced users of baclofen there. I am sure they can help you.



              Olivier Ameisen

              In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                thanks for the replies. I went into a pharmacy in Thailand and they reccomended Baclofen for alcohol withdrawal. Then id be having it all day and it gave me confidence. Thats why i just kept taking it.

                Anyway i got to sleep eventually at 4am, i did 80mg yesterday. Today im going for 60mg. The problem is im going to Finland next Thursday and i dont want to be feeling like this.

                Anyway, i will post a message next week when im hopefully done. Yesterday was a bit of a battle, but im hoping it will be easier from 80 downwards.

                Speak to you all soon.


                  Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                  Don't know if this will help but I titrated from around 180mg to 20mg in I think one week. First few days I dropped the dose dramatically, on day 4 I had a bit of a funny moment, so popped I think an extra 10mg. After that I was just fine.
                  I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

                  Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

                  AF date 22/07/13


                    Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                    thats the kind of encouragement i need at the moment UKBlonde, thankyou. I have 12 left till i get to the doctor on Monday, if i can get down to 20mg by then i'll be really happy.


                      Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                      This thread is a good example of why there should always be medical involvement in a course of baclofen therapy. (And, believe me, I understand that there are still many parts of the world where that is simply impossible).

                      But lets look back at Patrick's thread.

                      The first thing that stands out to me is that there is no medical history. Not that anyone on this board is qualified to take one or that Patrick is qualified to give one to us.

                      We don't know Patrick's age, health, familial or employment background. We don't know his daily alcohol intake either before baclofen or during his baclofen titration up or during his withdrawal. Or today, while he is posting. We don't know what his mental health/psychiatric status is. We don't know what other drugs he is on, either legitimate or illegitimate. He gives some casual information regarding using codeine and vodka to mitigate withdrawal symptoms but no information regarding timing or amount. Some of his "history" is suspicious and requires validation. He says he started baclofen for "alcohol withdrawal" in Thailand but discovered its "recreational value". He says he has "addiction" issues. None of what this really means is explained. He says "the doctor won't prescribe anything", which is hard to imagine in a truly life threatening situation, but then he says he is going to the doctor on Monday. I won't go further -- you get the point.

                      I have said before that one of the wonderful things about mwo is that we care. And we care that guys like Patrick who have been fooling around with an unprescribed prescription med during and after a trip to Thailand get help when they get in trouble. But helping Patrick in an emergency simply isn't the kind of thing we can do very well (or should be doing at all) on this forum.

                      But I don't blame us. Or really Patrick, either (troll or not). Patrick, I hope you find "your way out". In the meantime, get some medical help.

                      I do blame the medical profession. Where are the doctors?

                      With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                        Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                        Cassander;1633033 wrote:
                        I do blame the medical profession. Where are the doctors?

                        Well, you're definitely not going to find 'em at a pharmacy in Bangkok.

                        Why is it a doctor's fault that Patrick is in this situation? In fact, what does a doctor have to do with this at all?

                        Patrick, it's already been said here, but I would suggest you take yourself to the A&E. Then you're probably going to have to lie to get any medications. If you want some real, actual help with your addiction then there are plenty of people here who can walk you through taking meds (or not) to combat that. If you don't, and you're just looking for info about what will make baclofen withdrawals easier, then check out Bluelight. They specialize in that kind of thing. (I am not being snarky, either. There might be answers there if that's the goal.)

                        The good news is that you're not going to die. Unless you have some major malfunction going on that you haven't posted about. I don't have to tell you the bad news, you're already there.

                        It ain't candy, and this ain't candyland. Try Bluelight.


                          Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                          Cassander, thanks for your input. I understand your points, to be honest it has been difficult at times to express myself how i would normally, again right now my head is under so much pressure from this quick taper.

                          When i said the doctor couldnt help me, i meant with benzos etc as i have a history with addiction. She is however going to help me with the last few Baclofen i need to finish this taper. It was the doctor who told me the course to taper so i could go to Finland next week free. She said 120/100/80/60/60/60/30/30/30 - She consulted the MS team on this and as i dont have MS and have been on for a month she seems to think it is possible to do it like that, but im trying to push myself to do it faster. In any case thats the story with the doctor.

                          Me im 30, fit, healthy, addictions problems with Alcohol and GHB, GBL. Have had 6 months in Rehab due to these issues. Before going to Thailand i did 14 days sober. Then as soon as i arrived i was drinking quite heavily. Since starting this titration i am on half a bottle of vodka a day, Omega 3 oil, lots of vitamin D, Vitamin B12, B1, B2, B3, Magnesium. And im taking 1 30/500 codeine a day to try and give my brain a break. Ive so far gone from 120/100/80/60 (today) in 4 days.

                          Im very lucky that i have a room i can be on my own to do this, there is no way i could handle this in public, although going for a walk has helped.

                          My mental state is not the greatest, in situations like this i tend to spend a lot of time on the computer researching on geo-engineering, and population control which isnt great considering 'big' pharma' got me into this 'prison'

                          But i am determined to do this, my information may have been a bit sketchy at times but this hasnt been easy to get my head around at times, considering the circumstances.



                            Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                            oh thats very nice neva eva, i did indeed get them from a pharmacy on Koh Samui, i didnt intend this to happen, but thanks for making my mental state all that little negative


                              Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                              PatrickCardiff06;1633075 wrote: oh thats very nice neva eva, i did indeed get them from a pharmacy on Koh Samui, i didnt intend this to happen, but thanks for making my mental state all that little negative
                              Look, Patrick, you're right and I'm sorry. I was more poking at Cassander and I didn't really think about how it would affect you.

                              I'm glad you saw the doctor and I'm really glad she's helping you with the rest of the taper. It really is a mind game, at this point. Meaning, the more you let your mind go to the dark places, the more dark the place becomes.

                              But you've obviously been down this road, and you know it's much brighter on the other side.

                              The thing is this:
                              It's a disease. You are not the disease. You are not bad. I know from experience how bad it feels to feel like...that. I've been there too many times to count. I am really sorry for contributing to it. Hang in there. It will be over soon and life is lovely on this side of the chasm.


                                Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                                Thankyou, im sorry if i am putting this all online, the fact is i have no-one else to talk to and its helping me get through this, night time is the worst, im just thankful when i wake up in the morning. I feel i am going to do this, i never imagined it would be difficult. Thanks for your positive words. Will speak tomorrow.

