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Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

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    Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

    Hang in there, Patrick. Each day is a new one and it'll get better one day at a time. It's trite, but also tried and true.


      Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

      Hi Patrick -- I am glad you are seeing a doctor. Please be honest with her about all your issues and Good Luck!

      As for seem to have it in for me. I don't think I have posted once in the last year that you haven't disagreed (sometimes...often... petulantly) with me. Its one of the things that makes this board not just a little hard to take...for me and for not a few others. Sorry, that's just how it is.

      You say, "In fact, what does a doctor have to do with this at all? "

      You must be kidding..or just getting off on disagreeing with me...again.

      In the world I envision (and I am free to envision a better world without being told by you that you are in school or you are an expert and you know better)...Patrick would realize that he is in trouble and not have to come to a GD chat board for f's sake. He would simply go to the A&E or see his doctor and obtain treatment. Addicted or not, he would simply go to the A&E or see his doctor and obtain treatment.

      That's what I meant. Where are the doctors?

      However, please don't reply because I relish another argument with you like I relish...well, nothing.

      With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


        Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals


        Patrick, you are not telling the truth. Bac tapering isn't like that. I know, I have done it from over 100 mg. you just reduce your dosage and you are off it, unlike diazapam, which I have also tapered off. Diazapam is 100 times worse. Bac is a dream to taper off. It takes a day or two and is painless.

        Oh, are an idiot if you think people don't see through this.

        Olivier Ameisen

        In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


          Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

          Otter;1633093 wrote: Time!

          Patrick, you are not telling the truth. Bac tapering isn't like that. I know, I have done it from over 100 mg. you just reduce your dosage and you are off it, unlike diazapam, which I have also tapered off. Diazapam is 100 times worse. Bac is a dream to taper off. It takes a day or two and is painless.

          Oh, are an idiot if you think people don't see through this.
          Pat -Please get the medical help that you deserve.

          And to my friends -Ne and Cass

          I have a total distain for controversy, especially when it is amongst those I consider friends. I admire and respect you both so much -as I KNOW others on the forum do as well. What a real HONOR it is to have the likes of you two posting on this site -in what always appears to be helping others. This forum needs input exactly like the input you both offer.

          But what the hell Ne, Cass put out a very-very professional and thoughtful response to this cat Pat. I did not even know you were gigging Cass until I went back and re-read. I had a few words to say about "where are the doctors" but decided just to stay with this.

          I usually end up taking the beating when I get involved in these types of controversies. The arguing parties come out holding hands and I come out with bruises and blood gushing. Well, that it is ok in this case because I am only speaking from my hear felt convictions and I believe in the message that this forum sends. But just damn; this forum NEEDs the continued input from Cass/Ne/Otter/TK/ and a hand full of a few others.

          Seems to me like the top contributing LEADERS on this forum need to go have a group hug or a fight but come back and help keep this forum on track. None of you were ever formally voted into leadership on this forum but you are -you are leaders. I am grateful for the contributions you both have made -especially the ones that have helped change my life.


            Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals


            You have hit the nail on the head. I don't understand it myself. Forums are tricky things. It is as if you are getting right into someone's head and maybe sometimes that is a painful thing. There is isn't a "filter". People can't see your face, judge your mood. Things said are taken too seriously and maybe things are said which wouldn't be said to your face.

            There's probably a name for it.



            Olivier Ameisen

            In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


              Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

              Nope. Sorry. It was me.

              (Edit: He went to the doctor and got a prescription for baclofen to taper. I think your world exists, Cass. Still, I'm really very sorry I have been attacking you.)


                Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                Just wanted to say one thing to the ones that suspect Patrick might be a troll:

                Look at his first post in this thread. Would a troll correct his spelling mistakes and mention it as a reason for editing?

                Don't think so.
                Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                  Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                  Xadrian;1633132 wrote: Just wanted to say one thing to the ones that suspect Patrick might be a troll:

                  Look at his first post in this thread. Would a troll correct his spelling mistakes and mention it as a reason for editing?

                  Don't think so.
                  If you knew this troll, then yes.


                    Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                    Pat, if you have only been on it a month, you should be able to just stop. Dependency only builds after a couple of months. I suspect what you are getting are side effects caused by changing your dose. That said, it sounds like you have enough baclofen to taper anyway.

                    What would be really helpful is if you told us exactly how much you have left. Post some more info so that people don't suspect you are trolling. It happens a lot on this board, so people are wary.

                    I stopped reading the thread when it turned into a troll discussion, so if this has been said already, ignore it, but you have a couple of other options available as well:

                    Send a pm to, shit, what's his username now, someone will have to help - Murphyx. Ifullovelife, or something like that. He is nearby and might well have some. Or phone around and visit doctors. One will help. A&E simply cannot allow you to go into withdrawal if it comes to that, so just go camp there and don't take no for an answer.

                    So I wouldn't panic. You'll be fine.

                    Once this crap is over, I would look into securing a regular supply of baclofen and getting on with it. Stuff can work miracles.

                    EDIT: I am not a doctor. I could very easily be wrong.


                      Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                      bleep;1633254 wrote:
                      Once this crap is over, I would look into securing a regular supply of baclofen and getting on with it. Stuff can work miracles.
                      It really seems like a miracle Patrick. I know it has cured me but I still find it hard to believe and that's after nearly two years without once being drunk.


                        Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                        If you guys think this is trolling your delooded. I am slowly coming out the other side. 60mg yesterday, today I am on 10mg so far. So mayne try 20mg but things are calming down. Most notably my head. I feel like this is coming to and end.I have 9 tablets left, ahead of schedule. Ive been reading various posts and admire people who are honest. Im not sure I could take baclofen, now I have experienced it first hand. But I admire the people it has worked for. For me im not disciplined enough at this stage of my life to take tablets. For me now it has to be total sobriety. And learn from experiences and use the inner tools. Definately consumed lotsof alcohol through this, but I just follwed my body, so we will see about the next few days. Will go to my doctor tmrw and tell her the progress and see what she suggests from here.

                        Ps, I edited my first post because at the time I was struggling very badly and scared and didnt want to come across as a junkie addict. I am a decent person in life who has gone through exactly the same experience as you, so have som e compassion if you are in a good place or have you not learnt anything?


                          Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                          bleep;1633254 wrote:

                          Send a pm to, shit, what's his username now, someone will have to help - Murphyx. Ifullovelife, or something like that. He is nearby and might well have some. Or phone around and visit doctors. One will help. A&E simply cannot allow you to go into withdrawal if it comes to that, so just go camp there and don't take no for an answer.

                          I'm sorry to say, Bleep, but he's not close to Patrick at this time-at all. He's in the States. He'll likely be here a while longer (but what will happen and the time frame hasn't been determined yet) and he's not anywhere that he can email back right now. If you have more questions, it's probably best to PM me. Or refer to my thread, but I might have had to delete the exact reason why. When it's over, I might be able to be more vocal about it. Or maybe I'll need to disappear from here entirely, because eventually he'll get out. I won't want to interact with him on here, or have him read anything about me. Not to be vague or anything. It's all very unfortunate. I might end up deleting this in a bit too, after I know you've had a chance to read it.

                          Anyway, good luck to you Patrick. You seem like a nice, but confused man. I wish you the best of luck with everything. I agree that you should be able to come off baclofen without major safety concerns.
                          This Princess Saved Herself


                            Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                            your post sounds a bit strange, just like the Pharmaceutical Industry, after what i have read and been through this week i am getting off everything, even my mirtazipine, ssri, i dont trust these people and their 'medicines' anymore. Sobriety, Mindfulness, Exercise and Meditation will do me just fine from now on.


                              Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                              PatrickCardiff06;1633482 wrote: your post sounds a bit strange, just like the Pharmaceutical Industry, after what i have read and been through this week i am getting off everything, even my mirtazipine, ssri, i dont trust these people and their 'medicines' anymore. Sobriety, Mindfulness, Exercise and Meditation will do me just fine from now on.
                              Hey, Patrick.

                              I hear what you're saying. There's some offline story that are involved in Redhead's post. We all know each other pretty well, believe it or not. I'm sorry that our (particularly my!) drama got enmeshed in your thread.

                              My name is Karen. I live in Virginia, on the East Coast of the U.S. I found MyWayOut a little over 3 years ago after I read Dr. Ameisen's book about baclofen. I lurked for a long time, found support and then made some friends here and finally got sober.

                              I couldn't have done it without medications. But a supportive community was just as important as those medications.

                              For my first year, or maybe more, I was so disillusioned by what I read about medications (other than baclofen) and the medical community, I refused to take anything. Even ibuprofen! In retrospect, I suffered a lot of headaches unnecessarily.

                              I hope you'll just keep taking what you've been prescribed. First of all, it's dangerous to stop them suddenly. Second of all, now is not the time to decide. Decide later! Like 6 months from now.

                              Short version: Don't let this all distract you from the goal: Get sober. Get healthy. Get whole. Get help to achieve that!


                                Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                                I'm not surprised that my post seemed strange, and I apologize for what we call derailing your thread. I felt that Bleep needed to know what was going on with Murphy. That's all. I have nothing to do with the pharmaceutical industry, and I would never want you to stop taking your prescribed meds. I think that would be very unwise at this point. Again, good luck to you Patrick. I only wish you the best in your quest to get sober.
                                This Princess Saved Herself

