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Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

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    Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

    This all sounds like some kind of conspiracy, your friend he is in prison right? What for i wonder....and this drug, you make it sound like it re-wires the brain and it could take a long time to feel normal, i wouldnt e surprised, i did 20mg, today head pounding, may, take another 10mg, sounds like dirty nazi work, keeping people in the prisons off their own minds, hope there is no conincedence to all of this for all of our sakes.


      Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

      PatrickCardiff06;1633482 wrote: your post sounds a bit strange, just like the Pharmaceutical Industry, after what i have read and been through this week i am getting off everything, even my mirtazipine, ssri, i dont trust these people and their 'medicines' anymore. Sobriety, Mindfulness, Exercise and Meditation will do me just fine from now on.
      its not an all or nothing. you took the advice of a "pharmacist" in thailand, ko samui a tourist area, their main objective is to sell you benzos and viagra to make your holiday fun, they chase the Baht, nothing more, so you get some bad advice, no surprise there. now you want to shun all medicine no matter who prescribes or what knowledge they have or how much evidence is behind it. talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water.

      why dont you just do what your doctor tells you, if in doubt get a second or third opinion. clearly you should not be making these decisions on your own.

      if you had cancer do you think you could meditate it away after a brisk jog?
      01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

      Baclofen prescribing guide

      Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


        Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

        Patrick, I assure you that there is no conspiracy here. He is no longer my friend, and I can't say what his circumstances are right now due to legal reasons. This case is still ongoing and active. I won't give you advice on baclofen either. I think to take baclofen to help with alcoholism, that you need to have other ducks in a row. I'm not sure you're in the place for that at the moment. I say this with kindness. I'll let the others give you advice and determine this from here on out.
        This Princess Saved Herself


          Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

          PatrickCardiff06;1633512 wrote: This all sounds like some kind of conspiracy, your friend he is in prison right? What for i wonder....and this drug, you make it sound like it re-wires the brain and it could take a long time to feel normal, i wouldnt e surprised, i did 20mg, today head pounding, may, take another 10mg, sounds like dirty nazi work, keeping people in the prisons off their own minds, hope there is no conincedence to all of this for all of our sakes.
          LOL, o dear...
          01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

          Baclofen prescribing guide

          Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


            Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

            But i dont have cancer and if i did i would use hemp oil not chemotherapy, these are just baclofen withdrawals, down to 40 from 120 in 4 days...down to 20mg tmrw


              Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

              PatrickCardiff06;1633521 wrote: But i dont have cancer and if i did i would use hemp oil not chemotherapy, these are just baclofen withdrawals, down to 40 from 120 in 4 days...down to 20mg tmrw
              I've read that snake oil is 20% more effective than hemp oil as a cancer cure, might want to look into that.
              01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

              Baclofen prescribing guide

              Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                PatrickCardiff06;1633512 wrote: What for i wonder....and this drug, you make it sound like it re-wires the brain and it could take a long time to feel normal, i wouldnt e surprised
                Baclofen doesn't rewire the brain. In short, it simply mimics GABA in the brain, of which alcoholics for whatever reason lack.
                Therefore the brain is tricked like there is sufficient GABA and you just feel like a non-alcoholic. The moment that happens is called "the switch".

                If baclofen is stopped, overtime there will be a lack of GABA again and the whole circus starts again. Possibly the brain can make enough GABA again on its own, but it will take a long, long time. Likely many years.
                So for now, the only option is to find the maintenance dose after the switch and stay at that dose.
                Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                  Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                  Good news. I have completed my first day sober of alcohol for the first time in 6 weeks. Down to 20mgs baclofen and due to be completely free on Wednesday. Then sobriety is for me. May well engage in AA this time around.


                    Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                    That is good news, Patrick. Thanks for sharing. :goodjob:


                      Suffering from scary Baclofen withdrawals

                      PatrickCardiff06;1633821 wrote: Good news. I have completed my first day sober of alcohol for the first time in 6 weeks. Down to 20mgs baclofen and due to be completely free on Wednesday. Then sobriety is for me. May well engage in AA this time around.
                      I personally dislike the AA concept, but some people claim to benefit from AA.

                      Congrats on your AF day
                      Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

