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    I was reading this page on the internet and it reminded me of our experience a few years ago. I was very upset and depressed about what we were going through and the doctor who was helping us at the time mentioned logotherapy so I got the book by Viktor Frankl. It is worth thinking about if you are feeling down about your situation:

    Viktor Frankl - Holocaust Survivor and Famous Author/Psychoanalyst

    I thought about it again today and looking back I think that the advice he gives is very helpful and I would recommend it to everyone.

    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"



    Thanks for posting. I've been in a dark place for the past few weeks and downloaded this last night. I read it in one sitting early this morning and feel the charge upon me to do what I've been meaning to do.

    I'll update later, as Spirit was wondering where I've been.



      Man's Search for Meaning by VF is probably my favorite book of all time. I don't know if the whole thing is in the link. I think both his description of life in the camps and his explanation of logotherapy are excellent. This resonates with me so much more than Freud's psychotherapy. Glad to see others are interested!



        Inspirational. Also, check out Victor's YouTube video:[/video]]Gary Lee Price on the Statue of Responsibility (Viktor Frankl) - YouTube

        "Freedom will not exist will out Freedom of Responsibility"




          I kicked abilify for real this time- and it's been a mixed bag.

          On the good side- I've lost almost 20 lbs since I've kicked the potent SSRI/Atypical Antipsychotic cocktail. My thinking abilities are slowly but surely returning, as are my emotions.

          Now the bad- the return of emotion has, at times, been overwhelming. In the middle of last month I suffered a dating rejection, which has been nothing out of the ordinary. What was different was that this time I could feel it in a grander scheme of failures over the past 5 years, and it really hurt. I could soldier through the workday, but fell behind on my music lesson and had to push it to next week. My gym appointment would have been canceled if not for the fact that I just had to show up without much preparation. Weekends have been spent in bed for solid 15 hour stretches.

          These are classic signs of depression, but I'm not going back on meds. Being fat is completely unacceptable to me, and by all indications I've burned out the year window of effectiveness a med will buy you before it starts to peter out. Another more troubling thing is that I'm just now experiencing emotions which have been medicated by pills and alcohol these past 5 years, and I want to deal with them proactively. It's very telling that my online dating profile lists accomplishments and tastes which date to 2009 and stagnated- that's when the drinking and pills took hold.

          Yesterday was particularly tough- I struggled with the decision to go to the bar for lunch and throw the rest of the day away. I knew with certainty that drinking would ruin any chance of doing anything productive and would worsen my mood. I just barely got by without doing it, but wallowed in misery without leaving my bedroom for almost 24 hours. The realization set in that I could not survive another year of this.

          Last night I came across this thread and downloaded the book from the iBook store. I started reading at 3 and was finished by sunrise.

          The book crystallized a moment of clarity I had recently that I was simply not like other people. Other people can drink- if I do I suffer life threatening depression. Other people can date and have casual relationships- I cannot because I will not survive another betrayal and would never put another person through the agony of being used. I then read how Victor Frankl had lost the manuscript to his book when entering Auschwitz and weeping over its loss. Later he realized that he was not that medical text- he was a survivor with much more important things to offer the world. He had to let go of the innocent person he used to be and embrace the stronger person he actually was.

          That really resonated with me. I will never be in a position to drunkenly flirt with random girls in bars again- but by that same token I never loved the cats I volunteer with as deeply until I understood what suffering was. I don't get angry nearly as easily as I used to- trivial things aren't worth the time in the grand scheme of things. Finally, I know I'm lonely, but the experience has deepened my respect and appreciation for others.



            Fred_The_Cat;1633443 wrote: Back.

            Yesterday was particularly tough- I struggled with the decision to go to the bar for lunch and throw the rest of the day away. I knew with certainty that drinking would ruin any chance of doing anything productive and would worsen my mood. I just barely got by without doing it, but wallowed in misery without leaving my bedroom for almost 24 hours. The realization set in that I could not survive another year of this.

            Last night I came across this thread and downloaded the book from the iBook store. I started reading at 3 and was finished by sunrise.

            The book crystallized a moment of clarity I had recently that I was simply not like other people. Other people can drink- if I do I suffer life threatening depression
            . Other people can date and have casual relationships- I cannot because I will not survive another betrayal and would never put another person through the agony of being used. I then read how Victor Frankl had lost the manuscript to his book when entering Auschwitz and weeping over its loss. Later he realized that he was not that medical text- he was a survivor with much more important things to offer the world
            . He had to let go of the innocent person he used to be and embrace the stronger person he actually was.
            Great post Cat... And the alcohol side effect of depression is hell. No words to describe.

