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Want better habits? Buy them.

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    Want better habits? Buy them.

    So, three months into my New Years resolution to live a more active, organized life, I can say it's mostly been a success. I've done 3 things:

    1. Bought 6 months of personal training sessions at a gym. (I'm getting close to losing 20 lbs from my peak weight last August)

    2. Take weekly voice/guitar lessons.

    3. Volunteer at the animal shelter once a week.

    Ok, so I only paid for the first two- but by committing another person's time (or a cat's), I've made tons of progress where I've stagnated for years in the past. I just now realized an unintended payoff when I posted in another thread about decreased alcohol tolerance. Now that I have much less idle time to drink and have to work it into my schedule, what used to be an average night at the bar kicks my ass now.

    When people switch, there is a honeymoon period of controlled drinking, then a crushing void where they realize how all consuming alcohol had been and how a complete re-orientation to life is necessary. It was the re-orientation I struggled with- good as my intentions were, I could not commit to making positive habits without putting some skin in the game first.

    Want better habits? Buy them.

    Good on you Fred. I find that i try and organise to do three things daily, nothing too major as i dont want to overload myself. I figure three things is much more than i would have achieved drinking as that was my one main focus in life. I have finally found an interest in knitting, which may sound totally boring to someone else but keeps my hands and mind busy.

    Congrats on your 20lbs that is a massive achievement. My goal is to stop eating sugar but damn i have one piece of something and thats me. Mind you i did need to gain some weight as i never used to eat.

    Life is so much better and sunnier not pouring al down our throats, everyday is a good day from the time i wake up till the time i go to sleep. I never will let al into my life again.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Want better habits? Buy them.

      That's so great, Fred. Congratulations!

      I did something similar, then life got in the way and I stopped for a while. It really would have benefited me to keep focused on the things that made me healthy and happy. Ironically, it was too stressful to try to keep it ALL going and I've given myself permission not to regret my choices. What's really cool is that now I know how to get to there again! This living sober thing is a whole new world, for a lifetime. It's great to have lots of tools.


        Want better habits? Buy them.

        If I did not know better, the title to this thread sounds like a "trolling" title. Just kidding Fred. It does seem as though I remember hearing this comment somewhere else -recently. Congrats on your progress.

        An alcoholics worst nightmare: MAKING COMMITMENTS. LOL -but true.
        Sounds like you are/have broken through -I need to do more of the same.


          Want better habits? Buy them.

          I relate to this, Fred. I could never get myself to really habituate exercise until I commited to buying a month's worth of personal training from a weightlifting coach, and when I did, I stayed on track since his time was bought, paid for, and with the expectation that his time is important and we'd use it to train. That was motivation enough for me to train with him for one month, one became 4 or 5 months, and by that time I was on my way. I train alone now but I do it consistently.

          I've been considering doing the same with art teachers/classes soon to keep my motivation on track. It's a good point that commiting one's time via signing up with a trainer, paying actual money, is much more likely that one will keep their commitments.

          Very cool that you're doing this for yourself- I think it's good to look at it not as money spent, but rather money invested in oneself.


            Want better habits? Buy them.

            An update here. Today's been a really good, and I mean a really really good day. That's for one specific. Reason- I passed drinking on Thursday night.

            By crowding my drinking down to two nights and really only doing it in earnest on one of them I was getting some pretty good results in overall productivity. My only night of sincere drinking was Thursday, for margaritas after the cat shelter. It left me feeling like crap on Fridays, with me not getting much done on Saturdays and Sundays. This week, I passed on margaritas and flew through getting things done yesterday and today. It's made me realize that getting drunk on Thursday casts a shadow over the whole weekend which is not worth it at all.

            Another thing, and I just might start another thread on this because I think it merits one- is that my willingness to drink depends on how well I let alcohol get its foot in the door to flip my switch off.


              Want better habits? Buy them.

              Fred_The_Cat;1645420 wrote: An update here. Today's been a really good, and I mean a really really good day. That's for one specific. Reason- I passed drinking on Thursday night.

              By crowding my drinking down to two nights and really only doing it in earnest on one of them I was getting some pretty good results in overall productivity. My only night of sincere drinking was Thursday, for margaritas after the cat shelter. It left me feeling like crap on Fridays, with me not getting much done on Saturdays and Sundays. This week, I passed on margaritas and flew through getting things done yesterday and today. It's made me realize that getting drunk on Thursday casts a shadow over the whole weekend which is not worth it at all.
              If I am reading you correctly Fred (CatMan), it sounds as if you do not regret having not consumed alcohol the day/night before? At least for me, I have never woken on any given morning and regretted not having drank the day/night before.


                Want better habits? Buy them.

                Great to hear you passed on a drinking night and had the resulting awesome days.

                FWIW, I too just signed up for 3 months of fitness training with a new trainer... further "buying good habits" indeed. Yep, it's a pretty significant expense but it's worth it, especially considering what I would have spent on beers, smokes, and junk food in my pre-recovery life.


                  Want better habits? Buy them.

                  skullbabyland;1646916 wrote: Great to hear you passed on a drinking night and had the resulting awesome days.

                  FWIW, I too just signed up for 3 months of fitness training with a new trainer... further "buying good habits" indeed. Yep, it's a pretty significant expense but it's worth it, especially considering what I would have spent on beers, smokes, and junk food in my pre-recovery life.
                  Good move. That's the single thing I credit for not being as depressed anymore. I remember my second or third session I was in the throes of abilify withdrawal and a good workout helped me snap out of it. Also, a trainer isn't going to let you waste time by doing easy workouts- they are results oriented because that's what you're paying them for. It's actually been 3 months for me and I'm just now getting to the point where I feel energized by it.

                  I did my Tuesday beer/pizza night (2 beers) and even that felt like too much today. The tap is slowly closing. Tomorrow night is just not gonna happen with margaritas.

