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baclofen + antabus

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    baclofen + antabus

    I've been using antabus to moderate with baclofen as a one two punch quite successfully i.e. use baclofen (300mg daily) and antabus 150mg (M/W/F). balcofen eliminates the cravings and antabus stops the "chatter" to have a drink when the opportunity arises. A shoutout to Skull for that, as that was the inspiration.

    It looks like however that goldpharama doesn't stop antabus anymore, can anyone recommend a pharmacy that does?

    so this thread is me asking to find a new source and discuss any pros/cons to this protocol. which i think has many excellent merits

    - during early recovery long periods of abstinence make healing much faster
    - there is some claiming that your switch can be lost if you push through indifference by continuing to drink every day (scary though) antabus ensures you won't do that
    - cravings are part of beating addiction, thast where baclofen is key, however there are still habits and rituals e.g. drinking at a party. antabus helps there

    - possible liver damage with antabus alone, probably not suitable for someone who has liver damage
    - playing games with antabus and alcohol can lead to higher levels of Acetaldehyde which is toxic to the body.

    any other points to add?
    01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

    Baclofen prescribing guide

    Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links

    baclofen + antabus

    Neo- you say you've been using AB with bac to moderate- does this mean youv'e been partially drinking while on MWF antabuse? If so, definitely not a good idea. Playing games with moderate drinking/partial not-drinking with AB is not a good idea-- it's only a good protocol if 100% AF is your goal for a longer period of time. (ie, months, not days or weeks).

    Have you taken liver tests at all recently? My understanding is that as long as your liver is testing normally that AB is fine, providing of course that you dont' drink.

    Depending on the outcome of your liver tests would help determine if it's a good protocol to keep going on, and provide you with some direction.


      baclofen + antabus

      Skull, moderate was not the correct word, i have been abstinent. bad choice of words
      01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

      Baclofen prescribing guide

      Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


        baclofen + antabus

        I've lost my switch about twice, and each time it took less time to reverse the damage as I became attuned to the warning signs.

        The first time I was still drinking 3-5 beers daily, thinking I could just stop any time I wanted. Then I realized I couldn't and some actual effort would have to be involved.

        The second time I was still drinking daily, but at about 1-2 drinks and I lowered my dose to 60 mg. Alcohol cravings came back pretty suddenly, but wise to past mistakes, I bumped up fast and snapped out of it.

        Oddly, my re-switch dose went down over time. With the first loss it came back at the original switch dose of 150, and the second time at 100.

        There will not be a third time.


          baclofen + antabus

          Fred, i always remembered your warning when i did drink i.e. losing the switch if you drink everyday. when you lose your switch, what do you do to steady yourself back on course?
          01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

          Baclofen prescribing guide

          Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


            baclofen + antabus

            The main thing to watch out for is drinking consistently.

            The first time I steadied myself, I cut back on drinking every day but didn't stop until the SE's got unbearable.

            The second time, I quit entirely and upped my dosage. I was back to normal in 3 days. That was about the point where I stopped keeping a steady supply of alcohol around and drastically cut back on eating out.

            Was 300 your switch dose? I couldn't imagine losing that and then fighting back up to that level or above. 150 nearly fucking killed me for what short time I was on it.


              baclofen + antabus

              thanks Fred, 300 unfortuantely for me was my switch dose. perhaps it would have been lower but i kept pushing through the SE as i was getting frustrated. i tried going AF at 170 but i was still very much addicted.

              id like to go down to say 200 eventually.
              01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

              Baclofen prescribing guide

              Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                baclofen + antabus

                Right on Neo. How about liver tests, have you taken blood tests since being on AB? If so everything check out ok?


                  baclofen + antabus

                  hey Skull, no i have not yet, i have the paper work to go do it, but i have been lazy, i need to get on that
                  01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                  Baclofen prescribing guide

                  Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links

