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My year on Baclofen

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    My year on Baclofen

    Hello All,

    I found this forum about a year or so ago and have recently completed about a year on Baclofen so thought I'd throw my story onto the board in case it helps anyone else.

    I started on Baclofen under prescription from a Shrink who thought it would help me deal with my alcoholism. I was functioning and not drinking to excess too often, but that was thanks to a long suffering wife who kept me reasonably in check (there was a fair bit of drinking she didn't know about of course...but again I had to keep it in check to avoid repercussions at home).

    Initially the Dr started me on 10mg and we went up to 30mg and that was that. I still had a desire to drink and asked him to allow me titrate upwards and he declined to do so as he had no experience of high dosage usage. I offered to be that first case but he declined.

    So I started to purchase baclofen from In House Pharmacy and went up slowly to 150 MG a day. I was purposely AF during this period and I believe I hit the switch around 150 then came down to 120 which I am still on.

    My AF period was for four months exactly (June through to October). I felt really good, lost a lot of weight and my work performance really noticeably increased.

    However it wasn't all sunshine and lollipops, I was comfortable being AF during this period partly because I was substituting Baclofen for Alcohol. I was getting quite a buzz from the Baclofen back then and would happily 'zone out' for an evening as opposed to going out boozing. I even survived a couple of family visits from my siblings, and by god do they love a drink. These 'highs' started to dissipate and now I just get a slightly mellow feeling from my meds although that might be more of a placebo effect. As I am also a recovering drug addict this was something I had started to worry about but now that I have become accustomed to the meds I am not concerned.

    The more worrying thing was that I had difficulty reaching orgasm for about the first 3-4 months on Baclofen. This worried me quite a bit, my wife was more appreciative, so that was a mixed blessing. This faded about the 4th or 5th month and is now not an issue. Also my wife has complained that I have bad breath at times after using the tablets although that may be due to a high protein, low carb diet at times. Oddly of all the issues I've dealt with lately this is the one that worries me the most.

    I am now back drinking socially but frankly might go AF again for the Summer and increase my baclofen dosage as I am now looking forward to a couple of beers with the guys again for the beer not for the company.

    Even though the effects of the alcohol arent what they used to be I am now feeling a slight feeling of that 'Booze Euphoria' and think I need to up my dosage and go AF for a while. Plus I could use the weight loss. My need for 'the next one' has completely gone. I usually now leave a drink unfinished once I have decided that enough is enough...that was unheard of for me. It is the loss of the 'need for the next one' that is the biggest thrill for me and the reason I shall keep on using Baclofen for the foreseeable future.

    My relationship with my wife is mostly better for my Baclofen use although there have been times when she has demanded I come off the tablets as my willingness to put up with marital strife was greater when I was half-cut all the time. She thinks the tablets have made me over sensitive/argumentative...I keep telling her no this is the real me and she had to learn to live with it, which she has I think (Plus I have worked on being more accepting of her idiosyncrasies when sober). She has had to change as have I.

    All of this time I have been buying Baclofen online which can be problematic. I've had two shipments stopped by customs, one which rather oddly they handed over to us when we went to ask about it and the most recent one which they stopped this week.

    I am now going to go back to the hospital here and ask the doctor(s) for a prescription, if they say no then I shall need to fly to Spain (a 2 1/2 hour flight) and stock up as I am told it is an over the counter drug there. I am hoping that as I have been using the drug for a year and have the means and the will to purchase it directly in Spain anyway that they will relent and hear me out...who knows.

    So there you have it, for me Baclofen has been a mixed bag of results, my experiences have been mostly positive but there are drawbacks as you might expect. I am going to stay on Baclofen for the foreseeable future as I never want to feel that 'Need' for a drink again and for the time being Baclofen is my chosen method to achieve that.

    I hope this helps someone.

    My year on Baclofen

    Hey Adam,

    Still struggling, but going in the good direction, I hear.

    I'm glad the baclofen stopped you from drinking against your will and that overall experience is positive.

    Thanks for the story and keep posting now and then.
    Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


      My year on Baclofen

      Thanks for your post. You touch on so many issues with baclofen and your life. If I were starting on bac now your post would give me hope.

      I like your comment that you are you now. I'm not the me I was when I was drinking excessively either. Thank goodness.


        My year on Baclofen

        Thanks for your post, Adam. It sounds like you've found a good amount of success on baclofen and are still in the process of adjusting dosage etc. to find an indifference that is right for you.

        I also relate to a lot of your comments, particularly the change in our attitudes and moods while on baclofen- for a good 3 or 4 months I've regularly been more on-edge, irritable-- my girlfriend and I thought it was side effects of baclofen for a long time, but now I really believe that it was just my body withdrawing and adjusting, learning how to live sober, and life is just oftentimes hard without a coping mechanism/stress reliever like alcohol. It was OK though overall-- we learned to accept that I could just be a moody bitch sometimes and that was OK, tomorrow would be better. It also forced me to find other way to relieve stress, which I've done pretty well- exercise, nutrition, supplements, and sleep. Nowadays my mood is a lot better and I'm happy most of the time.

        Glad your other SE's also faded and you seem to tolerate bac well for the most part. I, too, am coming up on a year of being on baclofen, as well as 6 months of being AF with the additional assistance of antabuse to keep me on the straight and narrow path for a while. I've got more on my progress thread if you're interested to read about it. Anyway, good luck going forward and thanks for your posting.

