After a lengthy period of indifference, here's what I've observed:
For beer, it takes about 3-4 and a very sincere desire to get sloshed to be capable of going past that. However, in the past few months I've found it difficult to even have more than one. It just doesn't taste that good, and I've given myself few opportunities to want to get sloshed.
For liquor, it's a whole different story. I don't do mixed drinks because I observed long ago that I got totally out of control from them. I don't do shots because they make me violently sick, and violently violent before I get sick. I do drink margaritas because the slushiness keeps me from drinking them too fast and the sugar masks the abrasive tequila taste. They also flip my switch to the off position rather easily. I suspect it's a combination of the alcohol density and the sugar. The sugar sweetens the deal and keeps me drinking it while the tequila bandits sneak in and turn off the alarm system. There's definitely some effect- as I never leave it at just one.
So, I want to open this thread up as to what types of drinks, consumption patterns or situations undo your switch.