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Worried about drug test...

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    Worried about drug test...

    I'm a long time lurker, but decided to finally post now.
    Im 43 and I have been an alcoholic for 20+ years. I have 2 children, ages 4 and 6. I want to quit drinking for them and also myself. I started on Baclofen on Feb. 28, 2014. I do not have a prescription and am ordering my suppy online. Today is day 47 and I am up to 110 mg. I still drink daily and am hoping to reach the switch sometime soon. Even though I'm still drinking, it is a bit less so I am hopeful that this might work.
    Here is my concern. I am a flight attendant and am subject to random drug tests at work. It is the same test that is administered to pilots, so I'm pretty sure it is quite thorough. Will the baclofen cause me to fail a drug test? I have been worried sick about this lately. I would hate to fail a drug test and lose a job I've held for 18 years all because I'm trying to get better.
    Can anyone help me decide what to do? I'm considering stopping the baclofen gradually if I am putting my career in jeopardy. Thanks.

    Worried about drug test...

    That is a good question, and I honestly don't know the answer. I'm almost certain bac will show up in urine, but the real question is if anybody's looking for it. It's not a drug of abuse, nor is it a controlled substance.

    I'll try to be back tomorrow - maybe will be able to find something by then or somebody else will know something?


      Worried about drug test...

      I have no answers to your question, but if it comes positive for baclofen, perhaps you could say it was for muscle issues or occasional insomnia.

      Go well.
      Enlightened by MWO


        Worried about drug test...

        I work in a highly regulated industry like aviation where federal law actually specifies what drug test to use. I passed a 10 panel urine test which actually had to be overnighted to Chicago for processing- so I wouldn't worry.


          Worried about drug test...

          It's not a scheduled drug, so I don't know why it would be part of a drug screening. Add to it that there is very low abuse potential and it really isn't on most people's radar at all...(Pun intended. )


            Worried about drug test...


            Thanks for the replies. Fred the cat it eases my mind a little knowing you passed your drug test with no problems. I guess I'll stick with the bac, keep going up and see what happens.

            I'll post my progress soon.

            Red Parrot


              Worried about drug test...

              My initial Google searches weren't very promising in terms of a reliable answer, but indicate that baclofen will not show up on 10 panel tests. If you're worried about using Google (tracking your searches), use - results from Google, no tracking of your IP address.

              I did find this issue of the Federal Air Surgeon's Medical Bulletin, an you could maybe use that as a starting point to see if you can dig up anything related.

              Also, there's this in the bulletin: "Guide for Aviation Medicine Examiners and the Federal Air Surgeon’s Medical Bulletin. As you have observed, AOPA publishes a list of medications to assist its members.
              We do not vouch for the accuracy of the AOPA list." Not sure what the AOPA is, but you can surely look for it.


                Worried about drug test...

                Red, I'm with the others. You're probably being screened for drugs that are usually abused...and bac does not fall into that category. :h


                  Worried about drug test...


                  Fred the Cat has the answer! Go into any large pharmacy or supermarket-with-a-pharmacy and buy a 10-panel drug test! They cost about 20 bucks or so, and are just "out there", not behind the counter so you don't have to ask anyone. (If you do have to ask someone where they are, I always go with the "darn kids" line, LOL). Take it with your first pee of the morning, and voila! It will tell you what you need to know!
                  "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

                  —William A. Ward


                    Worried about drug test...

                    Red, please let us know how things turned out. We care for you. :l


                      Worried about drug test...

                      I wouldn't worry about Bac too much as long as you given n it a week or 2. Also have you a script? Don't take me up on thins but BAc doesn't show on a 5 panal test. I now for a fact GHB doesn't.

                      I have some experience with drug tests. Most are 5 panal test with cover you for opiate , benzos amphetmaines and cocaine and canabis. Most are out of you sytem after arond a week if no longer all depending on how serious a habit you have. The kicker is benzos and cannnabis which can stay i you system fot up to 2 months (I shit you not) A 5 panal test can be had off ebay for $5s Worth their weight in gold. I wish you all the best.

                      If you even have nay idea that you might have a drug test in the near future DO NOt smoke cannabis or take Diazepam. Diazepam and the metobolites can stay in you systen fot up to 200 hours same with cannabis.

                      If you have to tak benzos stick with Xanax.


                        Worried about drug test...

                        Great video

                        good photo
                        Thanks you


                          Worried about drug test...

                          Great video

                          good photo


                            Worried about drug test...



