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took too much baclofen - what to do

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    took too much baclofen - what to do

    I accidedently took too much baclofen this morning. feling very sedated right now. i normally take 300mg a day. i decided to take my morning dose all at onnce this morning. will i be ok? i had a long sleep. some weird dreams. it was about 3 hours ago. i think the worst is overits hard to type. i xdont want to go to the hospial if its not requyired . i potentially took 150mg too much because i may have dosed twice last night i dont remember
    01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

    Baclofen prescribing guide

    Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links

    took too much baclofen - what to do

    Neo i dont know anything about Bac but i would ring up ED anyways and see what they say just to be on the safe side or go and see your GP. Please ring someone to check and then let us know.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      took too much baclofen - what to do

      Oh Neo!

      I have no advise other than to call a doctor? Hopefully someone will have an answer. How are you now??



        took too much baclofen - what to do

        Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or a medical professional.

        At the very least you need to find someone immediately who can watch over and "mind" you.

        And, because I'm not a doctor, and I'm reaching out from the internet, I'm going to recommend that you see a medical professional asap, because while baclofen is a very safe drug, it acts as a central nervous system depressant, and an overdose is serious business - in extreme circumstances it can cause coma and respiratory impairment that requires mechanical ventilation.

        I have been on high-dose baclofen (over 200mg/day) for four years. I experienced a rare accidental overdose last October (2013) when I took double my daily dose in a 24 hour period (400mg instead of 200mg). The side-effects were not nearly as severe as the time I jumped from 150 to 235 in a day in 2010, but they were pretty harrowing.

        I experienced sedation, nausea, anxiety, forgetfulness, confusion, and paranoia. I couldn't leave the house and I had to keep writing notes to remind myself of what I thought had happened, how much medication I had taken, how much I had left to take, etc. because I didn't have the mental faculties to figure it out in real time. I actually wasn't sure if I had under or over dosed because my judgement was so impaired. Things resolved 24-48 hours later when I skipped a few doses to make up for the ones I had decided I must have doubled up on.

        Hope you are doing okay.
        TerryK celebrates 6 years of sobriety and indifference to alcohol thanks to baclofen


          took too much baclofen - what to do

          That sounds scary! Maybe give your GP a quick call and see what h/she says


            took too much baclofen - what to do

            terryk;1654787 wrote:
            I experienced sedation, nausea, anxiety, forgetfulness, confusion, and paranoia. I couldn't leave the house and I had to keep writing notes to remind myself of what I thought had happened, how much medication I had taken, how much I had left to take, etc. because I didn't have the mental faculties to figure it out in real time. I actually wasn't sure if I had under or over dosed because my judgement was so impaired. Things resolved 24-48 hours later when I skipped a few doses to make up for the ones I had decided I must have doubled up on.

            Hope you are doing okay.
            Terry that was exactly my experience today. I'm feeling much better now. Thanks everyone for the well wishes and support. I called my partner and she came home to watch me, i didnt seek any additional treatment but was ready to go to the hospital if it got worse. I'm still woozy but I'm much more coherent than when i wrote the initial post.

            Often when taking baclofen I forget that I've taken a dose. I think that happened last night, so i took a dose. I then decided to take all my baclofen at the beginning of the day today so i wouldn't forget so easily. So in the end i think i ended up taking 450mg yesterday and then 300mg this morning which pushed me over the edge. Next time I'll skip the dose if I suspect I've forgotten it.

            So lesson learned, baclofen overdoses are pretty scary, I'll be more careful in future. When i wrote the post initially i could barely focus on the screen. I had surreal dreams where i didn't know where i was, i was anxious and paranoid. I'm slowly regaining my faculties, almost there

            thanks again everyone
            01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

            Baclofen prescribing guide

            Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


              took too much baclofen - what to do

              when i was trying to sleep it off i kept seeing red and blue dots and flashes. sections of my vision seemed to disappear like it was there but i cognitively couldn't discern it. i saw this black patch running up my wall and my brain turned it into a giant spider, i knew it wasnt real, but it was a pretty scary looking hallucination non the less.
              01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

              Baclofen prescribing guide

              Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                took too much baclofen - what to do


                Just some ideas to keep track of the doses:

                They sell special pill boxes in which you can put the right amount of pills for each day, so you can easily check you had your dose or not.

                Or you can put the pills in small ziplocks and write the day/date on it.

                Glad you are better now.
                Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                  took too much baclofen - what to do

                  Good idea.

                  One name for them here in Australia Neo is 'Dosette box'.

                  Take care of yourself mate.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    took too much baclofen - what to do

                    Man-o-man. Sorry you went through that. I think a lot of us have done it a time or two, or in my case 6 or 8.

                    I still split my doses up, and I still use a pill-box, even after all this time. It's inconvenient and annoying, but I know myself well enough (after many hard-learned lessons) that I know I'll miss a dose if I don't. I still mess it up, but what're you going to do? Progress not perfection?

                    Anyway, glad you're well and hope it doesn't happen again!

                    EDIT: This post implies that I have overdosed several times. That's not what I meant to communicate. I have taken too much baclofen before, but I'm more likely to miss doses. I know (now) that when I was titrating up I often took WAY too much baclofen, way too quickly, and it made titration unnecessarily difficult and painful. But since then those early and hard-learned lessons, I've always skipped a dose rather than chance taking double.


                      took too much baclofen - what to do

                      pill box wont cut it for me as im taking liquid bac, i usually mark how much i take per day to see how long ive been on it, ill probably add an extra column to the spread sheet and just tick them off.

                      my partner suggested a calendar, i could cross it off, doing physical might help.

                      its been about 24 hours since i dosed, feeling pretty fantastic now. i felt like death yesterday, one scary moment was when i passed out 2 hours after taking the dose, i woke up forgetting that i had tkaen a dose and i didnt know where
                      01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

                      Baclofen prescribing guide

                      Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


                        took too much baclofen - what to do



                          took too much baclofen - what to do

                          I edited my original post to clarify. I am very wary of taking too much baclofen, as we all should be!

                          Ne/Neva Eva;1655038 wrote: Man-o-man. Sorry you went through that. I think a lot of us have done it a time or two, or in my case 6 or 8.

                          I still split my doses up, and I still use a pill-box, even after all this time. It's inconvenient and annoying, but I know myself well enough (after many hard-learned lessons) that I know I'll miss a dose if I don't. I still mess it up, but what're you going to do? Progress not perfection?

                          Anyway, glad you're well and hope it doesn't happen again!

                          EDIT: This post implies that I have overdosed several times. That's not what I meant to communicate. I have taken too much baclofen before, but I'm more likely to miss doses. I know (now) that when I was titrating up I often took WAY too much baclofen, way too quickly, and it made titration unnecessarily difficult and painful. But since then those early and hard-learned lessons, I've always skipped a dose rather than chance taking double.
                          Forgive the bold. I wanted to be clear-er. :H:H:H

