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Out of baclofen for 3 days, terrible cold turkey, from which dose should I restart?

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    Out of baclofen for 3 days, terrible cold turkey, from which dose should I restart?

    Hello, I have recently started baclofen with the standard dosage of 5mg x 3day, titrating 5mg each 3 days until 20mg x 3day.

    I don't have alcohol addiction, but I have very severe depression, which is caused by a feeling of intense pressure in my ears ,which occured after loud noise. The nature of this pressure is uncertain, but not from built up of air, probably from spams of middle ear muscles(no one can tell for sure), that's why I got to try baclofen. The pressure is so strong that it feels like someone grabbed you inside your ear with a fist. It's unrelenting and never passes - very distracting feeling.

    On a 20 mg I felt very considerable improvement in my mood, my mind has cleared up, my body was very relaxed and I was able to think properly for a first time in years. One of the ears there the pressure is weaker felt like almost resolved, the other one was still strong, but the pressure simply stopped to bother my mind anymore.

    I continued to take 20mg x3 and being euphorical I got very reckless into manging the amount of tablets I had left. When I finally threw a look at the end of the tablet container, there were just few 0,5 tablets. And it was SATURDAY so i could get no replacement till monday.

    On Saturday and Sunday I took the last remaining tablets. And mid throu the Monday's night, the hell gates unleashed. I had such tremendous headache, I thought I got stoke and gonna die. My eyes started to squint uncontrollably. The anxiety got throu the roof and apetite dissapeared. The pressure in the ears is worse then ever. This night I have slept 4 hours and over two days I have consumed just 2 little cupcakes.

    For various reasons I was unable to get the refill those 2 days and should get it only tommorow, though I will have to argue about that with another doctor as mine went for a vaction, so there is no 100% assurance.

    So shall I get baclofen tommorow, should I be better to start from 20 mg or the lower dose, say 10 mg? And how I should taper off from it in case of need? I have a reserve pack of clonazepam (benzos), can I use them if I won't be able to sleep this night again?

    Sorry my english if there are a lot of mistakes, I'm not a native speaker and trying my best.

    P.S. I should add up that by now the headache and squinting seem to have passed completly, but anxiety is unbearable. I'm taking a lot of valerian roots tablets and they help just a bit.

    Out of baclofen for 3 days, terrible cold turkey, from which dose should I restart?

    Sorry I can't help - I've just started myself! I have no idea. But I can tell you that I started from 20 mg: I felt drowsy and sort of 'high' for a couple of hours, but then I was fine. However, everybody is different and how I responded to it might not be how it would be for you. So if you're scared I would start from 10...

    Do you take any Xanax or Clonazepam for anxiety? They work wonders - the latter is a bit on the strong side though... Funny that, with my addictive personality and given that these are very addictive meds I have been using for months, I never even got tempted by the idea of getting hooked - not even close. I take them only if I cannot avoid it, which is an average of twice a week ( and I was prescribed two pills a day
    !) Thank goodness!

    Good luck : )

