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Baclofen and sleeping meds do not mix

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    Baclofen and sleeping meds do not mix

    I am slowly bumping up my dose. My early evening dose is now 15mg. It makes me very "chatty" (as though I've taken a vidodin or similar). And... two nights in a row after I've taken my sleeping med, over the counter doxylamine, I've done something that I 100% cannot remember doing. I usually take the sleep med at least an hour before bed because it doesn't work very quickly.

    Last night I woke up on the couch with a bag of chips and, strangly, a stick of butter on a plate. As though I'd been dipping the chips in butter???? Crazy weird. :nutso: The night before an equally strange incident (TMI for here)

    I think I'll just stick to the Bac. :H

    Baclofen and sleeping meds do not mix

    Hi Becky,

    I take sleep meds and they seem to lose their effectiveness with baclofen. Maybe they work on different receptors and contradict one another. Bac helped sleep in the first few days then went south when I ramped up. It sucks. Let me know if you get any ideas. People have posted loads of posts on what works for them but I don't want to try all the other drugs.



      Baclofen and sleeping meds do not mix

      Hi Sam

      I have taken sleep meds for years, all of varying types. (Had to break a 3 year Ambien dependence at one point) The one I currently use has been extremely effective for me, and for nearly 2 years, I think. But yeah, the Bac definitely makes me sleepy at night so until if and when that doesn't work, I'll have to lay off the sleep pills. I'll keep you posted if I start to have insomnia again and have any luck with a sleep aid.


        Baclofen and sleeping meds do not mix

        I pm'd you

