I'm very proud to say that my journey to indifference is creeping towards nine months. I started baclofen late last summer, found Evan in October, and became indifferent in January of this year. :h
My SEs started with sleepiness and forgetfulness. The forgetfulness abated, but my tiredness is getting worse. It is so bad I can nod off at 5pm and struggle to get up for dinner. I got my son up for school at 6am and went back to bed from 7:15-9:30am. It's 4:16 PM and I could sleep again no problem. I'm on 60mg liquid and I don't know what to do. Should I go down in dose? I have no cravings, but am anxious in the mornings for no good reason.
I thought SEs got better,and I'm worried I'm a freak of nature :upset:
Thanks in advance!