It is only my opinion but I stand by it and it is this; baclofen is a very difficult medication to take -especially In high doses. With no alcohol involved at all, it can offer extreme challenges. It is plain and simply a very difficult drug to take for the elimination of alcohol. But it can and does work -but is only one tool in the "toolbox". Perseverance and pain from alcohol abuse are prerequisites for most people (real alcoholics) to quit drinking.
Finally, again, this is only an opinion, but to keep drinking while taking baclofen while trying to quit alcohol is absurd. Sure, there have been a few folks on here that have some type of success doing do, but for the majority, it just does not work. You are taking a medication that reverses the brain damage caused by abusive drinking. How can Baclofen do it's job if you continue to drink? When you have any other type of injury, can it really heal until you stop the behavior that was causing it in the first place?
This post is for the newcomer. Only expect the baclofen miracle if you stop drinking. Sure, there may/will come a day when you can actually choose to drink one or two and then quit. If you are an alcoholic, it will probably suck just drinking a few because you are not drinking for taste, you are drinking to change the way you think or feel -and you want it to last.
If we are to do justice to Baclofen and Dr. Ameisen on this site, then I would suggest we promote total abstinence for a long period of time.
Just a Thought