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How do you decide what to try first?

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    How do you decide what to try first?

    First, I should say that I haven't read the MWO book yet. I'm probably going to buy the downloadable version of it today and start reading tonight, though.

    But, I spent a good portion of yesterday and today going through a lot of the info on this site. I am particularly interested in getting myself on one of these drugs that might help me w/my cravings/desire to drink.

    I think maybe naltrexone (or vivitrol - naltrexone in a once/month injection) may be the way to go for me. Supposedly, this will remove the high associated w/drinking. In my case, I think that would be key to reducing or even eliminating my alcohol intake. I definitely drink for that 'high' and often times don't eat before or while I am drinking to intensify the high. I think if the high was not there, I'd have no motivation to drink. In fact, if I am out drinking and then do eat a heavy dinner, often times I give up on drinking after dinner because I can't seem to get the high back. I also don't like weak drinks (like beer or singles) because I can't get the same high. I only drink wine or double gin & tonics (really just gin on the rocks w/a splash of tonic). ANYWAY, so I definitely think I'm all about chasing this high feeling and so maybe naltrexone (or vivitrol) would be the best med for me because it would get rid of exactly what is my motivation to drink.

    Campral sounds good, but seems more targeted towards reducing physical cravings. I'm not sure that my cravings are physical. I think they are psychological so I wonder if Campral would work for me.

    Topamax sounds effective, but I don't like that I'd have to change my birth control (supposedly messes w/any estrogen or mixed hormone based birth control). The last thing I need to help my drinking is to get PG again! I'm sure that would just cause more drinking!!! LOL The side effects also sound more difficult. And, I'm not sure my doctor would prescribe it 'off-label' and I'm not willing to do this without the supervision of my doctor (because I also take medication for high blood pressure and don't want to mix meds without my doctor knowing about it).

    Anyway, how did you decide what to try first? Seems like so many people just go straight to Topamax (based on the posts here), but why would you choose that when Campral and Naltrexone are more established and covered by insurance for this purpose? Just curious. Maybe Topamax is a lot more effective?

    Oh, and I'm also curious if anyone has experienced issues of 'addiction transference' when taking a med that reduces/eliminates your ability to enjoy alcohol? I worry that if I don't have alcohol as my escape, then maybe I would turn to something else, but what, I don't know...

    How do you decide what to try first?

    Hi adagirl, I am sorry I can't help you with any of the meds, I just wanted to say Hi and welcome. I am doing it without anything but the book, cd's and drinking alcohol free beer now and then. I am 7 day AF and am doing ok so far. I will try topamax if I need some help in the future. From what I have read it would work best for me....(I think),I hope you get some better info from others soon.....I think alot of people are gone for the long weekend here in the US....I will look forward to getting to know you. Buffy


      How do you decide what to try first?

      Hi & Welcome-

      Which one to try first? It depends on the individual. There are many people here like buffy who don't take any meds but just supps, and others who do the meds. Each person's decision was based on their own predictiment like yourself. Some can not tolerate Topa and others get Topa via the internet due to the fact they do not want their physician knowing or some are unwilling to write a script. Not everyone has insurance or has lousy insurance where it's not covered.

      For me, I started on Campral when it first came out yrs ago but failed on it as I drank while on it. Then tried Topa but wasn't ready to quit so again I failed. Finally I tried Topa again this past Dec. and am 150+ days AF. Difference-this time I quit. I didn't expect a miracle pill to do it for me-I expected to put the effort to be AF and the meds just helped me along.

      For me-try anything, if it doesn't work, try it again. Try anything once.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        How do you decide what to try first?

        Thanks for your replies!

        I read the whole book on Saturday night, zipped right through it. By the end, I thought maybe Topamax might be the better choice. But, upon further soul searching, I think I will start w/Naltrexone. The reason being that I hate the idea of giving up the buzz so if that's what Naltrexone does, that's what I think I need. I think if I tried Topa, I'd be hanging onto this idea of drinking moderately and getting a little buzz once in awhile. On the Naltrexone, there would be no buzz to chase. At least this is my hope. If it doesn't work, though, I'm at the point where I'm really ready to try them all if I have to and do anything I need to in order to get my drinking problem under control.

        DH just saw the MWO website up when he came in the room and it gave me a great opportunity to bring up the topic w/him. Its not totally new for me to admit my problem because I talked to him about my moderation management goals about a month ago. Now, I just admitted to him that I haven't been able to moderate as well as I wished and that I would try this program first and even see my doctor if necessary. He is very supportive and happy about it. I don't know why I was worried to bring it up w/him. Why wouldn't he be supportive? The poor guy is probably more worried than I am deep down inside because he has to witness this all from the outside and has probably been just waiting for me to figure out I have a problem. BTW, he doesn't really drink at all (maybe 1-2 beers at social events we go to maybe 6 times a year). So, every time I get drunk, he gets to see it from a completely sober perspective. Yikes!

        Anyway, so the last thing I am grappling w/is whether or not to call my doctor to get the Naltrexone. I know I said I wouldn't take anything without the supervision of my doctor, but now I am second-guessing that. I'm not sure if I want the label on my file (alcoholism!) if I go to my doc for the drug. What if it doesn't work or what if they won't prescribe it to me? I am thinking about buying 1-2 months worth online and then if it works going back to my doctor at that point. I've taken meds once before without a prescription and then admitted to my doctor later and he didn't get mad or anything. Just chuckled and wrote me a new prescription. Anyway, and Naltrexone seems very safe and no contraindications for me so I might just order from River Pharmacy instead since they have it and I've heard good things on this site.

        OK, well that's my update. I am feeling better just to have some of my plan figured out.


          How do you decide what to try first?

          Sounds like a plan! Good luck & keep us posted.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            How do you decide what to try first?


            I totally understand what you are going through and I think you are taking a very intelligent approach. You have investigated the drugs, understand what they do, and are looking for something that will fit in with your life. I did take the topamax the first time I tried to quit. I like Breez tried to moderate and was not successful. I also tried to abstain and I did pretty well until I quit taking the topa. Then I was a total drunk for months before I finally went to a Dr. and started on the Campral. I am 40 days AF today and doing pretty good. I do sometimes want a drink, but it is relatively easy to get past it. I wanted to take vivitrol but my Psy wanted to try Campral first so here I am. I am happy with the outcome of the Campral, I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I wanted the Vivitrol so I won't have to take so many pills every day. I am still working on my Dr. and maybe some day I will be taking the vivitrol.

            What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
            ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


              How do you decide what to try first?

              Another update... I did some research into what my health plan covers, reviewed drug formulary, etc., talked to DH some more, and decided I will call my doc to make an appointment. I am not looking forward to even calling and making the appointment, let alone going in and admitting my problem. But, its probably for the best that I come clean w/this and just admit I have a problem. Naltrexone is the preferred drug w/my insurance so it will only be $10/month this way. And, if I need to go to an addiction specialist, that is covered for 20 visits as well. So, I guess I may as well use the insurance. I am afraid that my doctor will ask that I go to AA too, though. I really don't want to. My DH and I just started going to church, though, and our church has a similar program called 'Celebrate Recovery'. Maybe if I tell my doc that I will look into that, then that will mitigate any request that I go to AA. I don't know why I am so against AA. I probably shouldn't be, but I just feel like I won't fit in... or maybe I'm afraid that I will. LOL

              Wish me luck that I will be able to get up the nerve to make the doctor's appointment today.


                How do you decide what to try first?

                Hey Bear, I also wanted to add that I would really prefer Vivitrol too. Not that I can't remember to take a pill every day. I already take two for high BP. But, even w/the Naltrexone, I'm afraid I'd be tempted to skip it for a few days if I have a party coming up. I know that's insane to even think about, but I'm just not totally trusting myself these days since I've lied to myself so many times before. Please don't get me wrong, I am not planning on doing that, but I like that Vivitrol just takes that option away alltogether. Anyway, so I'm gonna ask my doc about Vivitrol too, but I suspect that it won't be covered because I did not see it on the drug formulary (and they had other injectables in there). And, I think someone else on here said that it is $900/month if you pay out of pocket for it. I have decent insurance, but I doubt it is THAT good.


                  How do you decide what to try first?

                  OK, I realize I am talking to myself at this point LOL, but I'm so proud of myself... got up my courage and called my doctor's office. I have an appointment for this Friday at 2:15. I knew they were gonna ask the reason and it was SO hard to say those words 'I think I have a drinking problem'. I know it is just the first of many hard steps, but I am so relieved. I got the ball rolling on this. Yay me!!!


                    How do you decide what to try first?

                    Good luck, Adagirl. Keep us updated.


