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How long did post drinking depression last?

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    How long did post drinking depression last?

    For those of you who have experienced depression after stopping alcohol, I was wondering how long it lasted. I have always suffered from anxiety, but the depression was new to me. It seemed to come on after about two weeks since stopping drinking. I know this is common from what I have read here on these threads, but I was wondering what your personal experience was in terms of how long it lasted. I reached indifference on bac at 140mgs. I had a lot of side effects so I wanted to taper down as soon as I could. I dropped to 130mgs and felt better in terms of SE's. I am now down to 100 mgs. which I have tapered very slowly. As a side note I have recently seen a psychiatrist and he put me on Effexor. It's only been one week so it is too early to tell how it will work for me.

    The depressed feelings make it difficult during the evenings which is when I used to drink. It isn't hard to not drink, but I don't like having the thoughts that I am having. It makes me wonder if I am losing indifference, but I really think it is due to the depressed feelings and getting used to a new way of spending my time in the evenings.

    Any experiences or thoughts would be appreciated.

    How long did post drinking depression last?

    Hi Cali. I was pretty depressed when i stopped drinking (always suffered from depression) but the last few months i have been fine. I did go on ad's (zoloft) and it took 2 weeks for me to feel ok, not great but ok. I think our emotions are all over the place to begin with and the "why", "what for" etcs come to the fore. I no longer am on ad's. Hang in there is all i can offer unless there are suicidal thoughts then get straight to the drs. Let your body heal, its been through hell and back and getting the back back is a long road also. We dont get to feel great when we first stop drinking, well we do at the start but then we have to experience the real life sober and damn that is hard work but as we know well worth it.

    My anxiety was getting really bad when i was drinking. I was taking a xanax everyday but i never ever blamed al, it was always stress at work or home or anything, any excuse. Now i take a xanax when i feel like i need it, i am not good with crowds and bright lights in shopping centres.

    Al takes all we have and sucks every feeling and emotion off us. Only when we give up do we start to live in the real world and its hard at first. Taking a drink again will take you back to day 1. The depression should lift and keep close to your dr.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      How long did post drinking depression last?

      I'd love to hear from others too.



        How long did post drinking depression last?



          How long did post drinking depression last?

          "getting used to a new way of spending my time in the evenings"

          I can so identify with this. Someone else (possibly on here?) said they would be fine if they could go to bed at 6pm & that's exactly how I feel. For me it's not depression, just a feeling of emptiness, being at a loose end. So many evening activities begin, or end, with a drink. It takes a long time I think to get used to being a non drinker even when the craving has gone.


            How long did post drinking depression last?

            it does take months, id say 2-3 for me, and i kind of just got used to a new way of living. i suffered from anxiety and negative obsessive thoughts. they cleared up some what. I then added mirtazapine to my zoloft and that really alleviated what was left of my anxiety.

            finding out what to do with your time is tough, everyone has to battle this one themselves. i found that i ended up doing doing the same activities at night before i started drinking. that wasnt easy because at first it wasnt interesting, but i ended up getting used to it and it stuck as a new habit. now the thought of finishing 700mls of vodka on a weeknight makes me want to vomit in disgust
            01-01-2014 - Indifference reached, success with high dose Baclofen 295mg.

            Baclofen prescribing guide

            Baclofen for alcoholism - Consolidated Information - Studies, prescribing guides, links


              How long did post drinking depression last?

              For me, it took over a month to loose the majority of the depression. The cry out from the alcohol was so heavy that I had to force myself to do what I then thought was such mundane tasks.

              From what I have read, it takes 30+ days to change a habit. Also, I think what is actually happening is that we are reprogramming our brains by choosing to do something totally different. But then, you also are also trying to remove a physically and chemically dependent substance from your system. The result of all this sudden chaotic change to the brain is to go into depression (or shock). The brain will fight hard to regain what it felt was normal -otherwise it will seek its own mechanisms to cope.

              I think with all habits, especially with alcohol, this is where something within each of us has to over rule (with a steadfast conviction) the brain. The brain will remained pissed until it gets use to its new routines.

              I also think that this is where many of the medications fail us. Although for me, Baclofen helped tremendously with the depression, the depression was still there and ready to over rule Baclofen at any given time. Perhaps this is where the many other tools of sobriety are needed.

              Just a thought and an opinion.


                How long did post drinking depression last?

                Very well put, spiritwolf. I couldn't agree more.....the "other tools of sobriety" are not necessarily chemical, so I don't think the medications have failed us. Maybe this is where other types of support are needed? Meaning getting together with others going through the same process. The AA principles have a lot to teach us about supporting each other.


                  How long did post drinking depression last?

                  Just to update my original post. The antidepressant I was put on along with mirtazapine has made a huge difference in how I feel. Two people suggested adding mirtazapine and I am glad my psychiatrist went along with it. I really started noticing it on Sunday. I just felt calmer and more like myself. It's like a cloud has lifted off of me. This will definitely make a difference while I am relearning how to spend my evenings. I am still titrating down to find my maintenance dose, but I am going down 5 mgs at a time right now. I am at 95 and will go down to 90 probably tomorrow. I lower it about a week at a time. Thank you to everyone for your input, it was very helpful.


                    How long did post drinking depression last?

                    I'm so happy for you!


