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Newbie, starting with baclofen

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    Newbie, starting with baclofen

    First post for me..

    I have been a lurker for a bit and learned so much from these forums already, which led me to the promise of baclofen. I had a particularly bad releapse which led me to check into the outpatient rehab available under my HMO, and after a disappointing conversation about bac and naltrexone with one by the Book therapist sought out the chief psychologist, who I was pleasantly surprised had no qualms about writing me a script for baclofen, though having just read the Amesien book (what a breath of hope!) I realized he has little idea of using the drug in the way recommended there.

    Does anyone have similar experiences? I'm hoping I can keep plugging away and get the dose upped if I respond well to what he prescribed me (10mg twice a day, which I will probably divide differently) but am worried that I won't be able to follow the gradual upping to find that tipping point without running out.. I believe more physicians are becoming aware of using it as a craving reduction tool that's relatively benign at what they see as a conventional dose like other meds, but the promise of the "cure" described by Dr. Amesien and others requires using it in quite a different way...

    Any similar experiences with physicians coming around to trying this approach with them, which seems so out of the norm for "conventional" addiction specialists?

    Newbie, starting with baclofen

    Thanks for the Consolidated Baclofen Thread link, Palladium, I hadn't found that! The UK trial involves people who already had severe medical consequences from their alcoholism, so it might not persuade a doctor to prescribe it for someone in the early stages - it will depend on your history, & Eber hasn't told us about this (yet!).


      Newbie, starting with baclofen

      Yes, thanks for the consolidated link, I hadn't seen that either. I plan to start with what he gave me using that general guide and order more online as needed if I can't find a doctor on board with the high dose route.

      I'm actually in the Bay Area, California and there does to seem one physician with a program based around high dose baclofen. However, it don't come cheap-- I believe his assistant said they require a $3000 retainer for the first month of treatment (which does appear to be a comprehensive outpatient, holistic rehab that allows you to continue working, etc..)

      Is anyone familiar with Paul Abramson or his practice?


        Newbie, starting with baclofen

        Hi Eber,

        I called their office too. I'm in San Jose. I didn't know it was that much! I thought it was more like 1K. He is catering to a higher class of addict, I guess...

        That's why many of us go it alone using online pharmacies. My GP will rx 30mg but that's it. I'm at 40mg but that's low for most. My high was 80mg.




          Newbie, starting with baclofen

          After a couple days to get used to taking bac at all, I'd just go ahead and pop the 20mg in the morning and be done with it for the day. I'd also order online and deal with the doc when you deal with him/her. The PDR lists maximum safe dose as 80mg/day (above that IS safe), so maybe try to talk the doc up to that?


            Newbie, starting with baclofen

            Hi, Eber. Welcome to the forum.

            I know that there are at least 3 psychiatrists who prescribe baclofen in the bay area. I'm pretty sure that all three prescribe high dose baclofen! I know this because I know of 3 people who have used HDB and found docs in and around SF. I can't tell you who or where they are, unfortunately.

            I can't imagine paying $3k. ugh. Highway robbery. I hope he's ashamed. But a one time fee of $1000 for the first month? Well worth it, in my humble opinion. I still cannot believe how much more money we have now that we don't drink. (Admittedly, that's looking back on what seemed insurmountable and impossible at the time. It's an easy decision from this vantage point, but I wouldn't have been able to say the same thing back then!)

            Anyway, best of luck to you. Baclofen has worked wonders for me and for my husband. Hope it does the same for you.


              Newbie, starting with baclofen

              Yes, it's funny, I called their office in the morning yesterday and by the afternoon had somehow re-imagined it to being more like 1k (that'd seem more reasonable, right?) But no. She did say that the actual cost for a month might be less than that in the end, but that's what they take up front.

              As his program is something more akin to an outpatient rehab, however, I'm thinking of doing it in part because it could get me out of the Kaiser program (which is going to be preventing me from working for an extended time) and the other components, one-on-one therapy, etc. I'm sure would all be very beneficial too, as I'm def not under the illusion that the chemical thing is all I need to fix in my life.

              Might be able to round up the cash.. Anyone looking to buy a 1963 Fender Stratocaster?


                Newbie, starting with baclofen

                Oops, crossed posts! I agree, 1k not so crazy. Do you know the info for the others in the Bay and if so maybe PM me? thanks!!


                  Newbie, starting with baclofen

                  Oh, and just read your post more carefully. Well, I'd certainly love to know... Seems like it's a hard thing to find.


                    Newbie, starting with baclofen

                    Hi Eber - Welcome to the forum. I see that you are finding the same frustrations that many of us do in trying to find doctors that will prescribe HDB for alcoholism. It is absolutely redicoulos in my opinion that the medical community does not accept baclofen as a primary medication for alcoholism. Have you asked any of the doctors about Gabapentin ? (Of course you may have no interest in trying it)

                    You might want to take a look at the following threads if interested:




                      Newbie, starting with baclofen

                      Hi, Eben. In all three cases, the people just started calling doctors. You'll want to look for psychiatrists, of course.

                      If you can swing the money, it may be a really good start. I don't believe that we get what we pay for, exactly...(No reason for it to be so damn expensive, dammit.) But I do think that it's helpful to focus any and all energy at the disease. Sometimes that takes money. (I spent a good deal of money after I stopped drinking against my will. I started seeing a therapist regularly, got a personal trainer, and lots of other stuff. It certainly wasn't several grand a month, but it was expensive and well worth it.)

                      If you like this particular guy's program, and you're comfortable doing it, then why not? If he prescribes baclofen, the chances are pretty good that he's keeping abreast of what actually works in addiction medicine. So there's that!

                      Sorry I can't offer the names. People are shy about sharing that info on the world wide web, so they don't tell. But I really don't think it would be too terribly hard to find. It's just really hard to do when it feels like there's no hope or recourse. But there is! So hang in there.



                        Newbie, starting with baclofen

                        Eber;1670839 wrote: Oh, and just read your post more carefully. Well, I'd certainly love to know... Seems like it's a hard thing to find.
                        I'm not much help there either, unfortunately. But you can google search within mywayout pretty easily. Much better than using MWO's search feature.


                          Newbie, starting with baclofen

                          Thanks, all! I've set up an initial phone consult and am going to try Dr. Abramson's program. It does seem to be a practice that includes integrating TCM, nutrition, life coaching and therapy, all things that I'm very interested in trying, and really in many ways need to sort out some of the broader issues that got me here. I think I'll feel comfortable getting some pretty intensive treatment that does include some of these things that the establishment still deems to be "fringe."

                          Fortunately I am resourceful enough that I'm going to be able to round up the dough, and in many ways that's already been a good exercise, though not easy by any means.

                          But faced with going through a long HMO outpatient program that in many ways I know already won't fit my needs (or would have to try to bend to them) this seems like a pretty good option. I'm hopeful, and I'll report on how it goes. A doc who's friendly to these options and also takes a holistic approach sounds like a pretty good thing to find in what, up until now, has seemed like a pretty bleak world of conventional treatment..

