In any case, I’m glad to hear the antidepressants are at least taking the edge off, even if they’re not the cure. Although I’m sorry you’re still struggling so much. Hopefully the rest will come with time, as you accumulate those moments of lightness that pop up here and there now that the darkest depression has lifted a little. It also helps if you can exercise. Is there anything you can do that won’t aggravate your foot, like swimming? As for the drinking, I don’t know if that was just a holiday excess kind of thing, but if it’s still ongoing, it might be helpful to go up on baclofen while at the same time making an effort to cut back on the drinking. It’s worth a try. Anyway, hang in there. Things will get better. And thanks for checking in. In the future I will be more responsive, when I stop acting like a high school burnout.
Stuck!!! It’s so nice to see you

In the near future I will post an update myself, when I have something more positive to say, other than I’ve been going to work, smoking and falling asleep while watching tv.