That's such good news, Ne! Intimidating, I'm sure, since you weren't quite prepared to start tomorrow, but awesome nonetheless. And I'm sure you'll do great. Hell, you're the type of person who can procrastinate and still get A's! I had to study every chance I got to pull that off. You're one of the gifted ones. I hope you have a great first day back

I drank again today despite no cravings, but I'm not going to get upset. The fact that my cravings have been gone for three days in a row is a victory in itself. Now I just have to plan my after work time better so I don't make the same mistake again tomorrow, and can rebuild better habits. I'm gonna take a look at the bus schedule and see if I can get dropped off in a different place, further out from downtown, and still make my second bus home. That will solve two problems - keep me away from the liquor stores and force me to take my walk. Because today, I really didn't want to drink. I wasn't just not craving, I didn't want to drink - as in, I would have much preferred to keep a clearer head than what I have now. But with at least one liquor store within spitting distance of the bus stop, it suddenly seems like a thing to do, whether I want to or not. I only had two 200 ml bottles - one each of vodka and bourbon, but I still feel yucky, and proofreading every goddamn thing I type is getting to be tiresome.
I think things are slowly starting to settle down, in general. There was only one time today that I actually wanted to smoke, and that was when I first got off my bus downtown. Two men were walking towards me, one of them smoking. I thought "god I could go for one of those," until I actually passed them and caught a whiff. He was smoking a joint - on a crowded street - in still daylight - in a section of town where there's at least one cop car a minute passing by. What an idiot! Anyway, things are getting better. I hope you all have a great night :hug: