I’m really not sure what my longer term goals are. Realistically, I think I will probably choose to moderate rather than abstain over the long haul, at least in part for the reason that Ne mentioned above. It's pretty much been proven, both in humans and animal models, that the deprivation effect of abstinence leads to even heavier drinking if, and when, the person does start drinking again. But for now, I want to get some good, long AF (or mostly AF) time in to help reset my thinking, habits and lifestyle. Even though I’m drinking far less than I used to, it’s still almost daily, it’s still enough to harm my health, and it’s still enough to make me lazy when I get home and start doing it. Of course we’re allowed time to just sit around and be lazy at the end of a hard day’s work, but I take it to an extreme. I want to change all that first.
Anyway, I’m glad your holidays went well. And happy weekend to you, too

I guess that makes sense, Ne. It’s so cheap to join that there are probably loads of people who sign up, then never make it through the door again. I will definitely start with some strength training soon. I did find some of Lo0p’s posts (and realized I had already read them in the past, but had completely forgotten about them). There’s a lot of good stuff there. I’ll go back and reread more of them now. And I will read up more on strength training, in general, as well as enlist the help of the trainers at the gym. I’m really excited to get stronger and FEEL strong.
That’s so awesome to hear about all of the exciting things coming up for you this year, as well as all of the stressful things that are NOT happening. Sounds like 2015 is your year. And I wouldn’t worry about your resume at this point. You’ve been going through school steadily, and will be jumping straight from one program into another one. This shows dedication and hard work on your part. Regardless of your employment past before school, this will reflect favorably on you when you start going on job interviews. So keep that positivity up! Good stuff does happen, and it’ll be happening to you

Stuck, dun - how are you guys doing? I hope you're having a good weekend.
Anyway, I meant to post all this last night, but I got tired halfway through typing and went to lie down on the couch - which of course led to me falling asleep until my husband woke me to come to bed. I’m doing alright. I took a day off from the gym yesterday because my leg muscles basically demanded that I do so. Today they’re still tired, but less sore, so I think I’m ready to hit it hard again. And hit it hard I will. There’s been no change in my drinking the last couple days, surprise, surprise, but I’m not gonna let it bother me. As I said above, either I’ll stick to the quit date, or I’ll hit my switch and the quit date will become a moot point. I hope you all have a great day out there!